God Of War Ragnarök Svartalfheim Legendary Chest Locations
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG.
God Of War Ragnarök directory.
Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Svartalfheim Legendary Chest locations guide where we will help you find an open the 13 Legendary Chests found throughout the Dwarven homeland. Legendary Chests are well worth your while to seek out and loot as they can contain anything from upgraded handles for a weapon to incredibly powerful Runic attacks making your battles a lot more manageable as you delve in to the more difficult sections of God Of War Ragnarök.
You can either wait until you have finished the story and collect the Chests or follow along below where we will help you collect every Legendary Chest in Svartalfheim as you progress through the game some of which can only be acquired after Kratos and Brok visit The Forge later in the game where Kratos will receive Draupnir meaning you can then go off and collect the final 6 Chests in this guide. 2 of the Legendary Chests in Svartalfheim contain 2 Muspelheim Seeds which you will need in order to travel to the Muspelheim realm later in the game. The 13 Legendary Chests in Svartalfheim are as follows:
Legendary Chest 1
Svartalfheim, Aurvangar Wetlands.
Once you have lowered the gate after spinning the water wheel go through and look up to your left where you will see the Chest up on a platform. Stay left where you can go through a small tunnel in the cliff face then mantle up to the left once you dock the boat.
Go left then forward to the end of the rock over the water to be able to access the Legendary Chest which contains the Deadly Obsidian Handles for the Blades of Chaos.
Legendary Chest 2
Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, Althjof’s Rig.
Althjof’s Rig can be found on the West coast of Bounty Bay where you can dock at the small jetty then climb up the golden chain. You will have a fair amount to do in order to get around to the Legendary Chest so I have broken it down into several stages to make things as simple as possible for you.
Once you have climbed the chain go over to your right and pull the platform down using the Blades of Chaos (hold L2, press R2 then Down+L3. Next up, go to the wheel to the right of the platform and bring the grapple point down two clicks.
Jump across the platform you lowered then swing across the gap, look to your left and explode the red barrel on your left with a charge from your Blades of Chaos (hold L2 to aim then R2 to send a flame down the chains) to clear the wooden barrier. Go through and mantle up the back wall which brings you out above the starting area.
Head to the front edge and kick the shield down creating a mantling point you will need later and go round to the right, open the gate then drop down and destroy the 2nd red explosive barrel.
From here, go left and climb the wall up and around to the area above then look down and smash through the floor to the lowest level. Clear out the enemies then raise the platform back up to it’s original height.
Go back up and around to the starting area where you then need to raise the grapple point up one click with the wheel you used to lower it earlier and mantle up to your left where you previously kicked the shield down from the edge of the walkway. Jump on top of the platform and swing across to the ledge where you can then climb up the wall to the highest point.
Clear out the ambush and look to the bottom right corner where you can aim at the green glowing mark on the barrels and command Atreus to fire an arrow with Square. Go around, jump across the gap and kick the gold chain down off the ledge.
Slide down the chain where you can then raise the grapple point with the wheel to its highest position. Go back up the chain, jump across then press Circle to smash through the wall.
Once you have smashed through the wall, go right and follow the path around to the end where you can loot the Legendary Chest which contains a powerful attack for your Leviathan Axe.
Legendary Chest 3
Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, Modvitnir’s Rig.
Dock at the beach at Modvitnir’s Rig on the Western side of Bounty Bay then mantle up the 2 ledges to be inside the structure.
Throw the Axe at the golden disc on the right to open the gate, jump the gap then climb up and around the structure. At the top, deal with the small ambush where you can then open the Legendary Chest which contains a Muspelheim Seed Half which you will need for Trials by Fire. The other Muspelheim Seed half can be found in Legendary Chest 9.
Legendary Chest 4
Svartalfheim, Jarnsmida Pitmines.
Head through to the open area where you are ambushed then go back on yourself around to the right. Look up to your right to find a switch you can activate with Circle which will change the direction of the water flow causing a large block to swing around to your position.
Jump on the block, look right to the water channel then throw your Axe at the water causing it to freeze moving the block back to its original position with Kratos on top of it.
When the block stops, jump press Circle to hang off the edge then Circle again to jump the gap. Go to the end of the path and look right to find the Legendary Chest which contains the Pommels of the Undying Spark for the Blades of Chaos.
Legendary Chest 5
Svartalfheim, The Applecore.
Once you have acquired the Relic from the Dwarf who was crushed in the rocks take out the enemies then go through the crack in the wall. Take a left and loose an arrow towards the hanging basket to reveal a grapple point you can use to swing across the chasm.
Follow the walkway around taking the first left where you can swing across the gap using another grapple point then drop down to the left and look right to find a wooden door.
Once you open the door you will need to take down the inhabitants of a Draugr Hole who hit hard and will keep spawning until you take down the boss: The Hateful.
Once the boss is down you can mantle up the ledge to the back wall where you can open the Legendary Chest which contains the Fortified Frost Knob for the Leviathan Axe.
Legendary Chest 6
Svartalfheim, Myrkr Tunnels.
You will visit the Myrkr Tunnels as part of the story where Brok will guide you through one of the old realm paths in to the cellar in the tunnels. Make your way around dealing with the enemies as you go following the only path you can take to where you will need to pull the chain.
Just behind the chain are a series of red vines you can light by first sending a Runic Arrow to the vines then blasting them away with your Blades of Chaos.
Once the vines are clear you can then go to the back wall and loot the Legendary Chest which contains the Fog of Fimbulwinter Heavy Runic Attack for the Leviathan Axe.
Legendary Chest 7
Svartalfheim, The Forge.
Continue through the story until you can go through previously locked gates in the Forge with Brok as you are looking to craft Draupnir. Head around to where you need to solve the Geyser puzzle, unlocking the gate where on the main path you won’t be able to miss the Legendary Chest after you go through the gate. Here’s how to complete the geyser puzzle: Burn the vines around the elevator freeing it up then turn around and mantle up to the higher level where you can freeze the geyser in front of you by throwing the Axe.
Jump across the frozen geyser and follow the path down where you can jump up to another platform and freeze this geyser which will bring Brok up in the elevator.
Head back to the elevator then command Brok to close of the Geyser with the cap after you have recalled the Axe which will ascend you to the upper level.
Go right and mantle up to the higher level where you need Brok to then open the Geyser lowering the elevator back down and removing the left block out of the way allowing you to throw the Axe at the geyser down to your left.
Have Brok close the geyser with the cap for a final time which will open the gate, which, once Kratos is through ensure you loot the Legendary Chest which contains the Atlas Eruption Heavy Runic Attack for the Blades of Chaos.
Legendary Chest 8
Svartalfheim, Nidavellir.
Once you have the Draupnir Spear and have taken the train car down with Freya you are free to go off and explore Bounty Bay. Head back through the tunnel to the city or use the Mystic Gateway to get back to Nidavellir where you can follow the path up from the dock, go through the tavern to the market then take a left up to the back area of the city.
Over to the right will be a section on the wooden strut you can throw the spear in to allowing you to jump up to the higher level.
Look to the left where you can loot the Legendary Chest which contains the Luminous Recovery Handles Blades Attachment for the Blades of Chaos.
Legendary Chest 9
Svartalfheim, Alberich Hollow.
You will need the Draupnir Spear to be able to access Alberich Hollow which holds some very tough enemies so visit Sindri to upgrade / craft better gear then make your way to Dragon Beach in the East of Bounty Bay and climb the chain over to your left.
Throw the spear into the wooden strut then mantle up and grapple across to the bridge, take a left all the way down and take out the Bergsra.
You will see the Legendary Chest over to the right of where the Bergsra are which is covered by debris you can remove by grabbing the bomb found on the left at the end of the path.
Throw the bomb at the debris surrounding the chest where you can loot the Legendary Chest which contains the 2nd half of the Muspelheim Seed allowing you to access the Crucible. The first half of the Muspelheim Seed can be found in Legendary Chest 3, both are required for Trials by Fire.
Legendary Chest 10
Svartalfheim, Alberich Hollow.
From Legendary Chest 29, grab another bomb and throw it at the debris at the end of the path and clear out the Grim ambush.
Before going through to the next area which can be accessed by throwing another bomb at the debris blocking your path I strongly recommend waiting a couple of minutes to allow your Runic Abilities time to recharge if you used them against the Bergsra and or the Grim ambush as you have a very tough little dude to take down: Ormstunga.
Ormstunga is a tough Grim who hits hard and has a very high health pool compared to what you have faced in the game up until this point. He is weak to Ice and Wind so make good use of your Axe and Spear but don’t be afraid to get the Blades out for their Runic abilities if nothing else then switch back to deal some heavy damage with the other weapons. Once Ormstunga is down, grab a bomb, go to the stone block at the end and throw the bomb over the stone which will detonate more debris in the way down the path.
Go under the stone block and head to the end of the path looking left to find the Legendary Chest which contains a Fólkvangr Whetstone and 5 grand.
Legendary Chest 11
Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, Alberich Island.
Head to the Northern section of Bounty Bay to Alberich Island where you will need to clear the enemies allowing you to throw the Spear into the wall on the right, mantle up and follow the path around.
Have Freya loose an arrow to the pile of debris blocking the path then head through and down to the end where, if you look to the right you will see a rock you can throw the Spear in to then explode the rock with Triangle bringing the grapple point up allowing you to jump across to the wooden platform below.
Once on the lower platform, grapple across to the right and mantle up to the ledge, turn around and throw the spear into then explode the rock and go around to the end of the short path to find a chain you can pull down.
With the chain pulled down, aim over to the gate mechanism on the right and have a Runic Arrow fired at it and throw the Axe freezing the mechanism in place where you then need to sprint across back to the wooden platform, head to the far right and throw a spear into the rock and blow the rock out of the way.
Freeze the geyser in place to lower the lift down, grapple across then recall the Axe to raise the lift back up to its original height and take out the Wretches who ambush you.
Finally, jump across the 2 gaps up to the highest ledge in the area where you can find and loot the Legendary Chest which contains a Jewel of Yggdrasil Amulet Fragment.
Legendary Chest 12
Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, Lyngbakr Island.
Before you can access the Legendary Chest, you will first need to raise the Lyngbakr out of the water and complete the rest of the side quest to where you free the tail at least. Please click the link to go to the Making Amends trophy guide where we will walk you through exaclty what you need to do in order to free the Lynbakr. Once you have completed the Weight of Chains favour (Making Amends trophy) head back to the dock by the Lynbakr’s tail and climb the golden chain.
Go back through the blockade you previously smashed through and look over to the left at the edge of the area to find and loot the Legendary Chest which contains the Rönd of Aggravation Shield Attachment.
Legendary Chest 13
Svartalfheim, The Applecore.
Once you have the Draupnir Spear, return to the Aurvangar Wetlands either via the Mystic Gateway or by boat then head left from the Gateway and ride the Ferry across to Sverd Sands. Deal with the Bergsra then proceed forward to the end of the path to the Elevator you can take down in to the Applecore.
Follow the path around taking out the enemies to the bottom where you will need to take down 2 Revenants which is made a lot easier if you utilise arrows and elemental attacks for their respective shields (ice for the red shield and fire for the blue).
Follow the path around to the end, throw the Spear in to the Spear point in the wall, mantle up, head forward and throw another Spear in to the yellow glowing rock in front of you exploding it to clear the way.
Grapple across to the right and follow the path to the end where you kick the golden chain down ensuring you are at high health and your Runic abilities have recharged as you will have a large fire Troll boss to deal with: Miklimunnr who is weak to both Axe and Spear attacks.
Once Miklimunnr is down, go through the tunnel on your left, through the wooden doors then look right where you can shimmy across the wall.
Follow the path forward, grappling across then drop down to the right. If the path is blocked then drop down to the left and shoot the explosive barrel behind the debris to clear the way, if not, head straight through the gap in the wall, grapple across to the left and mantle up to the right.
Head through the double doors then go slightly right looking left to see a Spear point you need to throw the Spear in to then jump across the gap, go straight forward and open the gate just pass the Mystic Gateway.
Take down the enemies here and drop down to the left, dropping down again through the crawl space, grapple up to the ledge above, continue forward then right when you can where you will see a left turn you can take to find a plate you need activate with your chisel.
Hold then have Freya speak the word to open the cave wall revealing the Legendary Chest which contains the Banahogg Knob Axe Attachment for the Leviathan Axe.
That’s how to collect all 13 Legendary Chests in Svartalfheim.
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