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God Of War Ragnarök Tributes To Freyr Artefact Set

Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Tributes To Freyr Artefact set guide where we will help you find and collect the 6 artefacts that make up the set which is part of The CuratorTo see which artefacts you have collected for the Tributes to Freyr artefact set, go: Touchpad> Goals> Artefacts> Tributes to Freyr which will become available once you have collected any artefact from the set. You will need to complete both the Secret of the Sands and Song of the Sands Favours in Alfheim before you can collect all 6 Artefacts which which will also unlock Full GufaYou will be able to start the Tributes to Freyr artefact set in Alfheim and the set consists of 6 artefacts which are:

  1. Dream Charm.
  2. Horn.
  3. Token.
  4. Harp.
  5. Pipe.
  6. Bracelet.

Collect all 6 Artefacts to complete the Tributes to Freyr artefact set.

Artefact 1: Dream Charm

Alfheim, The Strönd.
Follow the main path through the area to where you fight the Light Elf’s (twin sword enemies who like to block) then continue down the path to where you lift the large rock out of the way.

Take a right where you will find the Dream Charm artefact next to a Nornir Chest you won’t be able to open until later in the game.

Artefact 2: Horn

Alfheim, The Barrens.
Ensure you have cleared the sandstorm in The Barrens by completing the Secrets of the Sand Favour which will make getting around The Barrens a lot more manageable. Starting off from the open gate where The Canyons meets The Barrens, head straight across the map going North to a building housing a few Dark Elves who can be a challenge to take down so ensure you are appropriately geared and levelled before going there.

Take down the 3 Dark Elves then look over to the right of the building to find the Horn artefact on the floor.

Artefact 3: Token

Alfheim, The Forbidden Sands.
Firstly, ensure you have completed the Song of the Sands Favour which will clear the sand storm in The Forbidden Sands then head to the North of the area, mantle up to the rock and smash through the adjacent wall.

Take down the Light Elves in the arena then head through the small gap in the opposite wall following the path to the end to find the Token Artefact on the floor over to the left.

Artefact 4: Harp

Alfheim, The Barrens.
I strongly recommend you subdue the sand storm in The Barrens by completing the Secret of the Sands Favour which will make navigating around The Barrens a lot easier. Starting from the entrance to The Barrens from The Canyon, head right looking to the right down in the gulley to find a crack in the wall you can squeeze through. Once in the cave, look over to your right to see the Harp artefact on the floor.

Artefact 5: Pipe

Alfheim, The Burrows.
Ensure you have completed the Secret of the Sands Favour then open the Elven gate with the Chisel in the North of The Barrens, head through the Hjarta to the Forbidden Sands where you can begin the Song of the Sands Favour. If you completed the Song of the Sands Favour, climb back down in to The Burrows and take a left through the section of wall you previously smashed through after climbing the cavern and make your way back down.

If you are wanting this artefact as you progress through the Song of the Sands Favour you are looking for the room you come to after clearing the 3 sections of Hive Matter imprisoning the Hafgufa where you will face a Bergsra as well as some Grim. Either way, look over to the left opposite the section of wall you climb back down or the one you use to come out of the fight area to find the Pipe artefact on the floor.

Artefact 6: Bracelet

Alfheim, The Forbidden Sands, The Elven Sanctum.
Ensure you have completed the Song of the Sands Favour calming the sand storm in The Forbidden Sands then head over to the West side of the area, mantle up to the balcony and look to your right to find the Bracelet Artefact on the floor by the railings.

That’s the where to find all 6 artefacts that make up the God Of War Ragnarök Tributes To Freyr Artefact Set. Head back to the, The Curator trophy guide to help you find any other Artefacts or any outstanding Kvasir’s Poems you may need.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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