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Dead Island 2 Scooped Side Quest Guide

Here is the Dead Island 2 Scooped side quest guide which will see you help rescue 2 trapped news reporters in LA 24 News in Ocean Avenue who are under siege by several apex zombies.

This is a tough side quest as you have Voltaic Screamers as well as several Butchers to take down as well as having to deal with environmental hazards as you progress through the building.

I recommend going through the Dead Island 2 side quests once you have completed the main story as certain side quests such as the Scooped side quest are locked behind story progression. You will also receive a lot of powerful weapons in the end game which make the tougher side quests such as Scooped a lot more manageable.

Quest giver: Work through the Search for the Truth story quest where you will then hear a cry for help on the way back to the Serling Hotel or head to Stoker Place in Ocean Avenue and climb the scaffold where you will acquire the Scooped side quest.
Rewards: 4,000 XP.

Once you have ensured you have your best gear equipped, repaired and matched to your level, leave the Serling Hotel, cross the street and climb the scaffold up to the right of Stoker Place on the left side of the LA 24 News building, smash the window and jump through in to the building itself.

Head through the door on the right and inspect the corpses slumped against the shutter door where you then need to find 3 items which will progress the side quest.

Firstly, collect the LA 24 News Crew’s Plan from the reception desk opposite the bodies. Go left to the coffee table and collect the Zompocalypse Assignments.

Finally, head up the stairs staying in the reception following the walkway round to the Security Guard’s corpse where you can collect the LA 24 News Security Pass granting you access throughout the building now.

Head back to the stairs and go through the door next to the top of the staircase, go left, right then right again where you can go through the single door in to the Studio dropping down to speak with Esta and Nora who will then task you with rebooting the servers.

Leave the door to the right of the ladies and go left the left again staying against the right wall passing the vending machine to the staircase you can use to get to the basement.

Interact with the small door on your right where a Walker will ambush you, defeat it then interact with the generator to deactivate it, removing the water hazard. Chuck a Grenade, Bomb or be quick at taking down the Shocking Walker through the glass doors before it electrifies the water in the hallway.

You now need to interact with 3 computer terminals in the server room. The first being on the left wall as you go through the glass double doors. The second terminal can be found against the right wall as you go through the server room.

The third and final server is at the end of the path as far round as you can go on the back wall. Activating all 3 servers will spawn a Shocking Walker as well as a powerful Voltaic Screamer so ensure you aren’t anywhere near water, especially when taking down the Screamer and I do recommend taking it down rather than running as you have a very tough fight coming up and you won’t want the chance of any additional zombies joining the foray.

You will be tasked with racing back to Esta and Nora so follow the path and markers around to the room with the table and the corpses where the ladies will come over the radio telling you the apex zombie is in the room with them so get to the Studio and get ready for a rough time.

You need to initially take down 1 Butcher which can be a challenge in itself, you then need to take down 2 more Butchers at the same time. AOE weapons, Curveballs or Fury will help a great deal here as space is limited as is your health and if you die you need to take down the first Butcher before the pair will respawn as I found out more than once in my playthrough.

Take down all 3 Butchers then speak to Esta and to conclude the side quest.

That’s the Dead Island 2 Scooped side quest guide complete, I hope it helped you navigate LA 24 News and save Esta and Nora from the triple Butcher attack.

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