Dead Island 2 Dez And The Mother Of Satan Side Quest Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
Dead Island 2 directory.
Here is the Dead Island 2 Dez And The Mother Of Satan side quest guide which will help you assist Dez in testing out her new equipment she has created for blasting zombies out of existence as she is searching for the Mother of Satan fluid. Before you can access the Dez And The Mother of Satan side quest which is in The Pier, you will firstly need to have completed the following 2 side quests, both of which count towards the VCLA Bobcat questline for Hana:
With both side quests completed, I recommend you go off and complete the main story to ensure this side quest will show up as, for me at least, I did all of the side quests once I finished the main story so if for whatever reason Dez and The Mother of Satan isn’t available for you, keep pushing through the game until it does appear. I suggest you don’t bring or rely on any electric element weapons or curveballs as you will need to take down an incredible powerful Voltaic Screamer who killed me in 2 hits at max level twice then the third time seemed to just stand there as I wailed on her so be prepared for a bit of a weird fight.
Quest giver: Dez.
Rewards: 4,500 XP, Superior Melee Electrocutor Mod, Mystery Goodie-Box Code (third floor of the Serling Hotel, take a left out of the safe zone).
Approach Dez who is in the CDC base on the side of the large dome and speak with her after clearing out the zombies waiting for you where she will task you with helping her test her new toys she’s created to send the zombies to their eternal slumber. Clear any zombies which get through her traps including the Slobber then speak with Dez again who will inform you she needs 3 records and the Mother Of Satan fluid from somewhere inside the CDC base.
Go North from Dez’s position and into the small dome where you can collect the Autophage: Taxonomy note from the table then continue through the passage to the next small room where the floor will be electrified preventing you going where you need to be.
Head outside and pull the battery out of the generator round to the right of the dome’s exit disabling the generator then head back inside the dome you just came out of and take a left past the blue corpse storage and collect the Quartermaster’s Records from the table.
Follow the path round to the white medical crates then look to your left to see another generator filling the floor inside the next dome with electricity, remove the battery to disable the effect then clear the zombies who ambush you and head inside.
Take the linear path using the key card readers to open the 2 sets of doors then use the key card again to open the gate to your left once you’re outside and head back in to the large dome where you will have a good amount of zombies to take down as well as an incredibly powerful Voltaic Screamer: Subject: Juliet who is the toughest Screamer of any variety I’ve faced off against in the game. I was level 30 and had completed 90% of the game and this girl messed me up, in 2 hits I was dead so take care around her. Get behind her and wreck her ensuring you interrupt the overpowered electric screams which not only call more zombies, it can rip through your health bar so be careful.
Once Subject: Juliet is down, clear the rest of the zombies and speak with Dez to conclude the Dez and the Mother of Satan side quest. Upon completing the Dez and the Mother of Satan side quest you will, as long as you have completed both side quests for Rav and Bozzy as well. You will receive a code to a Mystery Goodie-Box which can be found by taking a left out of the safe zone on the 3rd floor of the Serling Hotel then follow the path around to the balcony where you can find the box which contains one of the best electric weapons in the game, the Shark Tooth.
That’s the Dead Island 2 Dez and the Mother of Satan side quest guide complete, I hope it helped you find the information about the Mother of Satan and assist Dez get back to the VCLA Bobcats.
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