Borderlands 3 DLC Pack 1 Moxxis Heist Of The Handsome Jackpot Firebug Trophy Guide

Sabotage all statues for Ember.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, FPS, RPG.
Borderlands 3 directory.
Here is the Borderlands 3 DLC Pack 1 Moxxis Heist Of The Handsome Jackpot Firebug trophy guide which will help you sabotage all statues for Ember. There are a total of 5 Embers Statues you need to sabotage as you make your way through The Handsome Jackpot DLC. To sabotage a Statue, you need to perform some tricky jumps and manoeuvres to get to their locations. What you’re looking for are Statues of Pretty Boy, go up to a statue and plant the bomb, which will then destroy each statue. None of these are missable and to see how many you have done / their locations (providing you’ve been fairly close to them) press on the Challenges portion of the Map. We have a full video walkthrough below, otherwise, here are the locations:
Ember Statue 1
The Spendopticon.
In the centre of the area, look for a container you can mantle up to, then make your way across the area on the hedge’s, finally jump over to the platform to find the Pretty Boy Statue and plant the bomb.
Ember Statue 2
The Spendopticon.
Make your way up and around the level until you’re in the top left portion of the map. Once there, make your way on top of the buildings and containers to the scaffolding, jump across the gap. Make your way to the top of the platform to find the Pretty Boy Statue then plant the bomb.
Ember Statue 3
Impound Deluxe.
Carry on through the level until you get to the large open area with the yellow lights above you, keep going as far right as you can, jump over the building to find the next Pretty Boy Statue on a small ledge where you can plant the bomb.
Ember Statue 4
Jack’s Secret.
Roughly halfway through the level, you’ll come to an open area with lava below you, this Pretty Boy Statue can get expensive as if you miss the jump, you’re dead instantly. You want to jump over to your right twisting the angle of your jump at the last second. Looking at the edge of the platform you’re trying to get to, with a bit of practice, you’ll hit the platform and get to the Pretty Boy Statue where you can plant the bomb.
Ember Statue 5
VIP Tower.
Right near the start of the level, go up the stairs, look left to see a small hedge, jump on top of this hedge then do a running jump onto the platform behind you. The Pretty Boy Statue will be on this platform allowing you to plant the bomb. As soon as you have destroyed the fifth and final statue, your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Borderlands 3 DLC Pack 1 Moxxis Heist Of The Handsome Jackpot Firebug Trophy Guide complete I hope it helped you find and sabotage all 5 statues for Ember.
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