
Fortnite Guide

Welcome to the Fortnite guide which will help you get through arguably one of the best Battle Royale games that’s ever released, it’s certainly up there as one of, if not the most popular free to play game out there!

  • Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PC.
  • Trophies: 46: Platinum: 1, Gold: 3, Silver: 10, Bronze: 32.
  • Achievements: 45: 1,000 G.
  • Release Date: 21st July 2017.
  • Missable: None.
  • Glitched: None.
  • Online: Every trophy is online based.
  • Difficulty Rating: 5/10 With Co-Op. 7/10 No Co-Op.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 600-1,000 Hours (Skill dependant, also dependant on how much you combine things and follow the little time saves).

An updated guide is necessary as some things have changed over the years. Whether a feature got altered, or completely removed, this guide will provide more up to date information and tips for conquering this grindy platinum trophy. There are a lot of little things you can do to speed up the grind that I only learned from playing myself that other guides don’t compile in a list. Following these can SAVE OVER 100 HOURS of grind. The game has a lot more depth than is required for the trophies. This guide will be in relation to what you should know for the trophies and mostly from the perspective of a person playing by themselves in random lobbies that may or may not have other people in it.
Some notes about the game and general tips:

  • Trophies will NOT unlock until AFTER the mission ends and you get your reward. Do not panic if you are in the middle of the mission and searched your 300th chest without the trophy popping.
  • Most of the trophies will unlock naturally as you progress through the story. You really only need to care about the 5 grind trophies.
  • The difficulty really doesn’t hit until you get halfway through Canny Valley.
  • I mostly refused to do Twine Peaks by myself. I would play during times when I knew people would be playing, and if I didn’t find anyone after a few minutes, I would do something else.
  • I start every mission by circling the map, getting the zone exploration done and usually a few mist monsters.
  • You can carefully slot your survivors to match each other, or you can turn autofill on and the game will handle that for you. I prefer autofill, but the option is there.
  • Defenders are entirely optional, but shouldn’t be overlooked, especially if you play by yourself. Be aware that you have to supply them with weapons and ammo. Though I didn’t use them outside of the storm shield missions.
  • Some powerful guns to look out for are the plasmatic discharger, popshot, and the vacuum tube bow. There are plenty of other weapons to use, but these are the main ones I used throughout.
  • Keep a certain amount of building material at all times (I typically save 500 if I’m grinding and 1,000 if I’m doing the story). Some crafting items or weapons or ammo will require building materials as well as other resources.
  • Figure out what your playstyle is and learn what you’ll need as far as resources go so you can keep a lookout for things.
  • There is a text chat in the game, don’t be afraid to ask people for help or to trade. If no one answers, they probably didn’t see. There are a lot of times I didn’t notice someone messaged me until after the mission ended.
  • In the llama shop (which you do not need to spend actual money in) there is a section for “items” that always has the same items (along with others) in the weekly section. You should start buying the evolution material (drops of rain, storm shards, lightning in a bottle, eyes of storm) once a week when it resets as soon as you can.
  • You’ll need a lot of these resources for survivors, heroes, weapons, traps, and defenders. Best to start saving so you can have a good stockpile when you need them. You should keep enough gold in case there are other things you might want to buy, but I never ended a week with less gold than the previous week. So unless you frivolously spend, you should be fine.
  • If you go to a mission well below your Power Level, your health, shield, and pickaxe damage will reduce to match it. Your weapons stay the same (AVOID using weapons outside of missions that match their power level, you do not want to waste durability of a good weapon on a low level mission).
  • Weapons break over time, while it is good to have overpowered weapons, focus on schematics so you can actually craft them whenever you want.
  • Weapons have branching upgrade paths that require different resources. Do not put all your weapons into one path or you will likely run out of the necessary resources to craft them. Once you evolve a weapon from 3 stars to 4 stars it’ll start the branching paths.
  • If you like the battle Royale mode, then this is good to play as you will get a lot of battle pass XP, as well as some bundles of StW coming with a V-bucks quest line that. can give you enough to get the battle pass. Mostly from playing StW, I would typically reach level 350 in battle royale by the end of each season (100 being the end of the battle pass and 200 being the end of bonus rewards).
  • The resources for upgrading weapons into their branching paths (obsidian, shadowshard, sunbeam, and brightcore) can be found in Canny Valley or Twine Peaks. A good way to get these is to get the rewards from doing encampments and searching caves and finding crystals on the walls.
  • You’ll only get material from breaking it yourself, it will not drop material from kitchen appliances if you only destroy the kitchen floor. But items will automatically get destroyed if there is no floor. Break everything before breaking the floor. Same concept applies to anything hanging on walls.
  • There is an ability under the outlander class type that will allow you to punch a wall to destroy it and collect its materials. However, I found this class to not be good at all and unnecessary for the building trophy.

With that all said, let’s get into the guide below and if you need anything else for the game, drop a comment below and we’ll do what we can to help you out or jump into Discord where we have a lot of Fortnite players as well as the Author of this guide who is a very active member of our Discord community.

Fortnite Hero of the Storm trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

Hero of the Storm
Earn all other Fortnite trophies to collect this trophy

Earn the other 45 trophies throughout Fortnite to be able to unlock Hero of the Storm.

Fortnite Gunsmith trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Craft your first weapon

Tutorial quest:
One of the first things the game has you do after you exit the cave is craft a weapon to eliminate the husks.

Fortnite Take Out Those Husks trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Take Out Those Husks
Protect the survivors

Tutorial quest:
The tutorial objective is to protect the survivors.

Fortnite Some Sort of Rocket trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Some Sort of Rocket
Complete your first mission

Tutorial quest:
Unlocks after finishing the tutorial.

Fortnite Shelter from the Storm trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Shelter from the Storm
Complete “Homebase Storm Shield Defense 1”

Story quest:
After the tutorial you will have to activate your homebase for Stonewood. There are four sections of the game; Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny Valley, and Twine Peaks. Each section starts with a storm shield defence 1 and ends with a storm shield defence 6. You can get your storm shield to 10, but that is completely optional. These missions will have you defending points on a map for either an elapsed period of time or until a certain amount of enemies are eliminated.

Fortnite Constructor Leadership trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Constructor Leadership
Unlock access to the Constructor Hero

Story mission:
There are four types of heroes you can play as; constructor, ninja, soldier, and outlanders. Soldier will be the default when you start the game. For trophies, I recommend ninja as they have high mobility, though all have their pros and cons.

Fortnite Before and After Science trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Before and After Science
Complete “Before and After Science”

Story quest:
Found in Stonewood.

Fortnite Ride the Lightning trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Ride the Lightning
Complete “Ride the Lightning”

There are about a dozen missions you can choose from that you will be completing quests in. Most quests do not specify the mission, until Twine Peaks, so you can complete them in any mission. This mission will have you defending a van in two waves. Simply finish this mission and you will earn the trophy.

Fortnite Hired Gun trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Hired Gun
Unlock and Slot your first Storm Shield Defender

Your storm shield is your homebase where you mostly defend points. Place a defender trap and then activate a defender on it during any storm defence mission.

Fortnite Man on a Mission trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Man on a Mission
Unlock and Slot your first Mission Defender

This is the same as Hired Gun but in a mission instead of storm shield defense.

Fortnite Retrieve the Data trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Retrieve the Data
Complete “Retrieve the Data”

There are about a dozen missions you can choose from that you will be completing quests in. Most quests do not specify the mission, until Twine Peaks, so you can complete them in any mission. This mission will have you defending a computer for 8 minutes straight while the storm closes in.

Fortnite Rescue the Survivors trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Rescue the Survivors
Complete “Rescue the Survivors”

There are about a dozen missions you can choose from that you will be completing quests in. Most quests do not specify the mission, until Twine Peaks, so you can complete them in any mission. This mission will have you going around the map rescuing survivors in various means. Some will just be standing there, some will be attacked and you have to clear the enemies, some need you to find a medkit that will be marked on the map, and some will need to be revived with bluglo. The mission is successful after saving 6 survivors, however, it will not end until all 15 are saved, or 20 minutes has elapsed. Since you need to save 10,000 survivors anyway, this is a good mission to keep doing for Guardian Angel.

Fortnite Can You Feel that Shield Power trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Can You Feel that Shield Power?
Complete “Homebase Storm Shield Defense 6”

This will be one of the last quests in Stonewood. As you keep upgrading your storm shield you will have more points to defend and more waves of enemies. While you can upgrade to level 10 and unlock some extra missions, this is the last one needed for the area you’re in.

Fortnite Launch the Rocket trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Launch the Rocket
Complete all the Main Quests in Stonewood

Once you finish the last quest and unlock Plankerton, this trophy will unlock.

Fortnite Epic Troll Stash trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Epic Troll Stash
Complete “Epic Troll Stash”

This is a type of chest that randomly spawns in missions. Chests have a distinct noise, so you can hear them from a distance. Explore the map and eventually you’ll find one.

Fortnite Walk the Plank! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Walk the Plank!
Complete “Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 1”

This will be the first quest you do in the Plankerton area, after completing Stonewood. It is the exact same as the previous storm shield defence quests.

Fortnite Two Swirls trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Two Swirls
Complete “Two Swirls”

This is a side quest where you just have to complete a “Fight the Category 2 Storm” mission. Fight the Storm missions will have you defending a portal for 8 minutes straight. The number of portals depends on the category level. Category 2 will have 2 portals, 3 will have 3, and 4 will have 4. If you do not have this side quest unlocked, you will not receive the trophy.

Fortnite Ray.README trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Complete “Ray.README”

This is a specific main quest found in Plankerton for completing a “Build the Radar Grid” mission. These missions will have you building towers in a specific layout. 3 are required for the mission to be successful, with an additional 2 as a bonus objective. The mission only ends once 20 minutes have elapsed. While this mission is one of the easier ones, it is also on the longer side. The following trophies that are specific mission related are available at some point during your trek through Plankerton.

Fortnite Wow, I'm Inside! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Wow, I’m Inside!
Complete “Six Minutes”

There are about a dozen missions you can choose from that you will be completing quests in. Most quests do not specify the mission, until Twine Peaks, so you can complete them in any mission. This mission is “Repair the Shelter,” where you’ll have to find 8 modules around the map and then defend a shelter for 6 minutes once those are installed.

Fortnite Gotta Get Rifty trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Gotta Get Rifty
Complete “Rifty Business”

There are about a dozen missions you can choose from that you will be completing quests in. Most quests do not specify the mission, until Twine Peaks, so you can complete them in any mission. This mission will have you placing two buildings, moving a bomb between them, then defending the bomb. In order to move the bomb you need to connect tracks together by placing them on the ground. It can sometimes glitch and either a) there is no actual path as the maps are procedurally generated, or b) sometimes the bomb just doesn’t spawn and there is nothing you can do about either of these glitches. You just have to quit and start again. I typically avoid this mission if I can, and if I have to play it, I quickly figure out if the mission is glitched first, then do resourcing and scouting.

Fortnite Shelter Skelter trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Shelter Skelter
Complete “Shelter Skelter”

There are about a dozen missions you can choose from that you will be completing quests in. Most quests do not specify the mission, until Twine Peaks, so you can complete them in any mission. This mission starts counting down from 10 minutes as soon as you load in, and then, whether you’re ready or not, you will have to defend a shelter for 8 minutes.

Fortnite Liberation! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Complete “The Battle of Plank Harbor”

This is a side quest where you just have to complete a “Fight the Category 3 Storm” mission. Fight the Storm missions will have you defending a portal for 8 minutes straight. The number of portals depends on the category level. Category 2 will have 2 portals, 3 will have 3, and 4 will have 4. If you do not have this side quest unlocked, you will not receive the trophy.

Fortnite Crank Up the Gain trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Crank Up the Gain
Complete “Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 6”

This will be one of the last quests in Plankerton. As you keep upgrading your storm shield you will have more points to defend and more waves of enemies. While you can upgrade to level 10 and unlock some extra missions, this is the last one needed for the area you’re in.

Fortnite Many Planks trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

30 G

Many Planks
Complete all the Main Quests in Plankerton

Once you finish the last Plankerton quest, this will unlock.

Fortnite Future Days trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Future Days
Complete “Canny Valley Storm Shield Defense 1”

This is the first quest you will do once reaching Canny Valley after completing Plankerton.

Fortnite Quad Squad trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Quad Squad
Complete “Quad Squad”

This is a side quest where you just have to complete a “Fight the Category 4 Storm” mission. Fight the Storm missions will have you defending a portal for 8 minutes straight. The number of portals depends on the category level. Category 2 will have 2 portals, 3 will have 3, and 4 will have 4. If you do not have this side quest unlocked, you will not receive the trophy. This will become available in Canny Valley.

Fortnite Amped for Expansion trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

30 G

Amped for Expansion
Complete “Canny Valley Storm Shield Defense 6”

This will be one of the last quests in Canny Valley. As you keep upgrading your storm shield you will have more points to defend and more waves of enemies. While you can upgrade to level 10 and unlock some extra missions, this is the last one needed for the area you’re in.

Fortnite Uncanny! trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

40 G

Complete all the Main Quests in Canny Valley

Once you finish the last Canny Valley quest, this will unlock.

Fortnite Into the Night trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

40 G

Into the Night
Complete “Twine Peaks Storm Shield Defense 1”

This is the first quest you will do once reaching Twine Peaks after completing Canny Valley.

Fortnite All Tied Up trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

50 G

All Tied Up
Complete “Twine Peaks Storm Shield Defense 6”

This is the last main quest in the game. Just like the others, you will have to defend a few towers for multiple waves. By this point, the enemies will be Power Level 100, though you should be well above that by the time you get here. I reached Power Level 100 before I finished Twine Peaks Storm Shield Defence 3 (for comparison).

Fortnite Become a Superhero trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Become a Superhero
Complete “Hero Training – Stage 2”

You will get this once you evolve any hero to 2 stars.

Fortnite All Together Now trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

All Together Now
Complete “All Together Now” (Daily Quest)

Once a day you will receive a daily quest. You can have 3 active at a time, able to replace one a day if you do not want it. Once you receive it, there is no time limit. You can take as long as you want to complete it. They are generated completely at random. For this daily quest, all you need to do is rescue 50 survivors in successful missions. A Rescue the Survivor mission is recommended as you can get up to 15 per mission, but you will likely find 2-5 survivors throughout any other type of mission. Unless you care about clearing out daily quests, I wouldn’t even focus on this once you have it active. Just play, and eventually you’ll get it.

Fortnite Survivor Specialist trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Survivor Specialist
Complete “Survivor Training – Stage 2”

You will get this once you evolve any survivor to 2 stars.

Fortnite Proven Defender trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Proven Defender
Complete “Defender Training – Stage 2”

You will get this once you evolve any defender to 2 stars.

Fortnite Outlandish! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Unlock access to the Outlander Hero

You will get this after the first storm shield defence mission.

Fortnite Dragon Slash! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Dragon Slash!
Unlock access to the Ninja Hero

You will get this after the first storm shield defence mission.

Fortnite Darwin Rewards trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

Darwin Rewards
Complete “Weapon/Trap Evolution”

You will get this once you evolve any weapon or trap to 2 stars.

Fortnite Evil Things with Crazy Teeth trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

30 G

Evil Things with Crazy Teeth
Complete “Toxic Treasures – Stage 10”

This is part of a series of challenges that has you eliminating mimics. They will look like any other blue chest, but will move around and take longer to open than a normal chest.

Fortnite Talented Builder trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

40 G

Talented Builder
Build 500,000 Structures in successful missions

This is one of the longest trophies in the game. A structure is one wall/pyramid/floor/or stair, or a trap if it is not placed on a structure. Each structure costs 10 materials to build (less with constructors), so in total it will require 5,000,000 building materials. Check out the Talented Builder guide for everything you need to get this done efficiently.

Fortnite Go Gnome! trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

30 G

Go Gnome!
Destroy 100 Garden Gnomes in successful missions

Garden gnomes are found randomly throughout missions in a lot of different spots. They are randomly scattered around. Some are in the streets, some are on top of houses, some are in toy stores, in school buses, some in yards, etc. Just keep your eyes peeled, you will probably find thousands by the time you get through the rest of the trophies. Go up to it and destroy it with your pickaxe. You can check your progress at any time via the “challenges” drop down menu in your quest log. This is accessed at the menu and in game. You can also pin the challenge so you can see it on the side of your screen in mission and on the world map screen.

Fortnite Guardian Angel trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

50 G

Guardian Angel
Save 10,000 Survivors in successful missions

This is another one of the extremely grindy trophies that will take up a large chunk of your playtime. You can usually find a handful of survivors per mission, regardless of which mission you’re playing. You will also get progress if ANYONE saves them, you do not have to interact with them at all. They will shout for help from a distance and appear on the map as a blue icon that looks like a person. It seems like you can hear the survivors even if you are nowhere near them as long as someone is near them. 

Obviously, the best method for this is to exclusively play “Rescue the Survivor” missions as they can give up to 15 per mission, but I would recommend saving this grind until you’ve finished all the story quests. By the time I was done with the story, I already had around 65% of this trophy done. The survivors you gain from mission rewards, expeditions, item shop, and anything else that is outside the mission do NOT count. I also recommend pairing this with Plays Well with Others so you can do both at the same time.

Start a Play with Others mission, and if you don’t get “Rescue the Survivors,” quit and queue up again. I like to do this in Plankerton 19-23 Power Level as it is well populated, but extremely easy and quick. If you do these missions with a full group of 4 and just speed through it, you can realistically complete a mission in 5-7 minutes. In a “Rescue the Survivors” mission there are several ways you will be saving them. Defending a survivor stuck on a car, stuck on a van, in the open, returning a medkit to them, or reviving them with 2 bluglo. I will always start a mission by collecting bluglo so I don’t have to run around and look for them when I need them.

In a mission that isn’t survivor focused, they sometimes just need to be talked to and nothing else would be required. This game is also a little glitchy still and you will occasionally find survivors stuck outside the map or the medkit stuck outside the map. Luckily, it doesn’t happen often enough to be anything more than a little annoying, and it never jeopardizes the mission, unlike “Deliver the Bomb”.

As with Unspeakable Horrors, I recommend not worrying about this until after your 1,000 PWOs and finishing the story quests. You can check your progress at any time via the “challenges” drop down menu in your quest log. This is accessed at the menu and in game. You can also pin the challenge so you can see it on the side of your screen in mission and on the world map screen.

Fortnite Loot Legend trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

30 G

Loot Legend
Loot 300 Treasure Chests in successful missions

Treasure chests are plentiful and make a distinct noise when you are near them. Typically the noise can be heard from a few feet outside a small house (as a general reference point for the audio radius). This is a trophy you should get pretty early on if you just keep your ears perked up. You will likely find a handful each mission. If you are still having trouble, there are some radar grids you can build and add bluglo to that will point you towards chests. You can check your progress at any time via the “challenges” drop down menu in your quest log. This is accessed at the menu and in game. You can also pin the challenge so you can see it on the side of your screen in mission and on the world map screen.

Fortnite World Explorer trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

40 G

World Explorer
Fully explore 1,500 zones in successful missions

A “zone” is the mission map. Exploring it just means running around and filling it in. There are no secrets, no tips, no real way to speed up this process. Every time you start a mission, just run along the outside of the map and then do an “x” in the centre and that usually fully explores it. You’ll know you’ve done it properly when the platinum badge for exploration “Reveal the Map” message appears on the top of your screen. The map is filled out by all players, so I like to run the opposite direction of others. The map fills out in a larger radius than you think. You can have the map open while you move in the background.

Sometimes the map isn’t fully explored, even though there’s no more empty space, just keep running around and eventually you’ll get it, and sometimes you get the pop-up when you still have 20% of the map empty. You are not able to explore a zone in storm shield defence, but every other mission you can. You earn this as long as you were already in the mission before it pops up, you do not need to be there from the start. But, if you join a mission that already has it, you will not receive any credit. You can do this as you work towards Plays Well with Others. The only way to speed this up is to select a mission you can do quickly.

Though, you will likely have this trophy before some of the others, so you probably won’t get the chance to choose which mission you want to do. This, and Plays Well with Others were generally around 20% more progressed than Unspeakable Horrors and Guardian Angel for me. You can check your progress at any time via the “challenges” drop down menu in your quest log. This is accessed at the menu and in game. You can also pin the challenge so you can see it on the side of your screen in mission and on the world map screen.

Fortnite Unspeakable Horrors trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

40 G

Unspeakable Horrors
Kill 20,000 Mist Monsters in successful missions

Mist monsters are the purple/pink creatures that come in different types. The wiki lists some that do NOT count towards the trophy (trolls and shielders. Unsure if the Storm King counts, but you only see him in the final Canny Valley quest). These are all explained in Stonewood storm shield missions when you see them for the first time. Blasters will rapidly shoot about 10 lasers at you, Smashers will smash through your structures, Takers fly through the air and stun you, and Flingers will throw fodder husks behind your defences.

This trophy will be very slow on progress in the beginning as you typically don’t see a lot of mist monsters in the first two areas of the game. However, it really starts picking up once you reach Canny Valley and Twine Peaks (I think at some point I was averaging 50 kills a mission). So don’t worry about grinding this yet.

As with the survivors, I recommend not worrying too much about this until after you do the 1,000 PWOs and finish the story quests. In any defence style mission, the mist monster will die after the timer reaches 0. If you’ve done any damage to the monster it will count as a kill for you. You never need to get the final hit on the mist monster, just having done any damage will count as a kill.

The best way to get this if you are grinding is to do Canny Valley or Twine Peaks “Destroy the Encampment” missions. You can check your progress at any time via the “challenges” drop down menu in your quest log. This is accessed at the menu and in game. You can also pin the challenge so you can see it on the side of your screen in mission and on the world map screen.

Fortnite Plays Well with Others trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

50 G

Plays Well with Others
Complete 1,000 Play With Others missions

This is probably the most annoying trophy in the game. A PWO (Play with Others) mission is started by going to the map screen and clicking the yellow question mark. Doing this means you will get a random mission on three different criteria that you choose; “quest progression,” “quick play,” and “custom.” However, the quest progression does NOT actually count towards this trophy. The random mission also means that you do not get to choose a mission that fits rewards you may want to collect. You can do PWOs with other players if you want to group up and go through them quicker with a plan in place. You will not know what the mission you got is until you start loading into that match. If you want specific missions, just quit out and requeue, there is no penalty.

In order to not completely burn yourself, I recommend switching between PWOs and story quests. To begin, I would do about two weeks of nothing but PWOs and then do two weeks of just story progression. Then, when I reached Twine Peaks I would do 100 between storm shields, finishing the 1,000 between storm shield 5 and storm shield 6. This also allows me to replenish the resources I used during the story quests to make sure my story quests were easier. Here are some general tips for completing PWOs:

  1. If you are still doing the “Unspeakable Horrors” trophy I recommend finding “Destroy the Encampment” missions because they spawn a lot of mist monsters. You will get more mist monsters for higher level areas.
  2. If you are still doing the “Guardian Angel” trophy I recommend doing “Rescue the Survivors” missions because it is the most efficient way to get this trophy.
  3. Keep quitting missions if you do not get one you can complete quickly. Avoid “Build the Radar Grid,” “Refuel the Homebase,” and “Evacuate the Shelter” as these have fixed timers and they are long.
  4. “Eliminate and Collect” and “Resupply” have fixed timers, but they are set to 10 minutes, so they are generally as quick as the ones in bullet point #5.
  5. “Rescue the Survivors,” “Destroy the Encampments,” Ride the Lightning,” “Retrieve the Data,” and “Fight the Storm” can all be done in under 10 minutes if you rush through it. But it will likely take you around 10-12 minutes to finish any of these.
  6. I would generally stay in Plankerton Power Level 19-23 custom PWOs because I can get through levels without using any of my weapons, it seems to be where the most people are, and other players usually do the mission for you.
  7. These missions are a good time to do some resourcing or spam build structures.
  8. A lot of the quests are just “collect x amount of y in a z+ zone.” If you get any of these quest objectives that do not require a specific mission type or subzone (ghost town, suburbs, city, etc.), then do a custom PWO that fits the Power Level needed. This method stops working after Plankerton as Canny Valley has a lot of specifically ghost town objectives, and Twine Peaks is entirely for completing specific mission types.

You can check your progress at any time via the “challenges” drop down menu in your quest log. This is accessed at the menu and in game. You can also pin the challenge so you can see it on the side of your screen in mission and on the world map screen.

Fortnite ... Oops. trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

20 G

… Oops.
Complete “I’m Probably Dead”

This is a story quest that will become active somewhere around halfway through Plankerton.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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