Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Aberrations
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here we will take a look at all of the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Aberrations of which there are 7 and in order to take them all down you will need to be incredibly powerful as these Aberrations are tougher than anything you would have faced in the base game. An Aberration will, for the most part, be in the same place in a given area, however, given Remnant 2’s procedural generation mechanic, you may not always find a given location in your current run.
Usually, an Aberration will have special abilities attached to it which are detailed under the Aberrations health bar and depending on what the modifiers are for a given fight, they might not do a lot or they might exponentially increase the difficulty of an encounter with an Aberration. The Aberrations in The Awakened King DLC are tougher than the bosses on occasion with their modifiers having been tweaked and strengthened from the base game with the threat not necessarily being the Aberration itself but the mob of enemies which accompanies the mini boss. Here are all 7 Aberrations in The Awakened King DLC:
Befouled Altar 1
Location: The Awakened King DLC, The Forgotten Commune.
Rewards: Scythe Blade.
The Befouled Altar is a very tough Aberration who won’t attack you, however, what it will do is summon hordes of Fiends and specials to take you down. This is a very tough battle so bring your best maxed out gear and Relics along as you’ll need all the help you can get here. Check out the Befouled Altar 1 Aberration guide for everything you need to take this screaming Altar down.
Befouled Altar 2
Location: The Awakened King DLC, The Forgotten Commune.
Rewards: Scythe Hilt, Scrap x100.
The second Befouled Altar in the Forgotten Commune is a lot tougher than the first as the area is a lot tighter so run back out into the cavern if you’re getting overwhelmed. Check out the Befouled Altar 2 Aberration guide for how to find and defeat the second Befouled Altar in the depths of Losomn.
Cursed Wretch
Location: The Awakened King DLC, The Forgotten Commune.
Rewards: Guts Mutator, Scrap x250.
The Cursed Wretch is unlike most other Aberrations in Remnant 2 as she will be an NPC before the Aberration rips its way out. You will have a tough fight on your hands here, especially if you go in without clearing the enemies in the local area first. Check out the Cursed Wretch Aberration guide for how best to lure out the Cursed Wretch then take her down.
Dire Fiend
Location: The Awakened King DLC, Forlorn Coast.
Rewards: Corrupted Lumenite Crystals x5, Scrap x250.
The Dire Fiend will more than likely be one of, if not the first enemy you come to once you load up the DLC and is a tough fight, mainly due to the Army of Dran which accompany the beast. Check out the Dire Fiend Aberration guide for how to find and take down this powerful, gas filled menace in the port of the Forlorn Coast.
Gorecarver And Thunderpiercer
Location: The Awakened King DLC, Derelict Lighthouse.
Rewards: Lighthouse Key (Quest Item), Sleeper Mutator, Scrap x100.
This a nasty 2 on one battle against an up close, melee based opponent as well as a very hard hitting shotgun wielding ranged enemy which marry up very well together to take you down. Check out the Gorecarver and Thunderpiercer Aberration guide for how to split them up and take them down.
Mangled Atoner
Location: The Awakened King DLC, Forlorn Coast.
Rewards: Maelstrom Mutator, Scrap x250.
The Mangled Atoner can be a very tough battle mostly due to the entourage and abilities the Aberration can spawn with, for me, he spawned with Cloner which made a weaker version of my own character that run around trying to beat me down. Deal with the enemies then focus fire on the Aberration to conclude the fight. Check out the Mangled Atoner Aberration guide for where to find and how to bring down the guardian of the tower.
Location: The Awakened King DLC, Pathway of the Fallen.
Rewards: Memoriam Medallion Key, Prophecy Mutator, Scrap x300.
The Pathway of the Fallen is a new biome in The Awakened King DLC and is where you can find Wraithliege who is patrolling the end of the maze and can hit hard. Watch out for the cursed Knights who spawn in to assist the Aberration in taking you down as well as being careful of the energy wave that can stagger you. Check out the Wraithliege Aberration guide for how to find and take down Wraithliege where you can then obtain the Memoriam Medallion Key.
That’s all of the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Aberrations, which one did you find the most challenging or enjoyable to take down?.