
Nioh Yokai Quelling Master Trophy Guide

NIOH Yokai Quelling Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Yokai Quelling Master
Defeated all types of yokai.

Here is the complete Nioh Yokai Quelling Master Trophy Guide. There are a total of 32 yokai you will need to defeat throughout the game which are broken down to 19 small yokai and 13 large yokai.You can see the small / large yokai you have defeated by checking your Gameplay Record (Touchpad, Titles, Gameplay Record, Small Yokai / Large Yokai). Any yokai that you haven’t discovered yet will just be symbolised by a “????” and will unlock as you defeat them. There have been several patches added to the game since its release, which has added several enemies to the list which you will be required to defeat. These enemies will be tracked in game and added to your totals as you install the patches.
Please Note: Yoki enemies are listed as Fiends in the Gameplay Record, Small Yokai screen. Also, if you are looking at any sort of online co-op, you need to ensure you are the one who gets the final blow on any of the small / large yokai otherwise the game will list the enemy as having been defeated, however, you won’t get the credit for it making these very difficult to keep track of. The Yokai are separated into 2 categories which are:


Below we’ve listed off every Yokai and where you can find them:

Small Yokai

  • Amrita Fiend:
    Amrita Fiends can be found in the, Demon of Mount Hiei, level 62 main mission in the Kinki Region. Amrita Fiends are much larger, more powerful versions of the Fiend (Yoki), they have large chunks of Amrita sticking out of their backs and have a revised move-set.
  • Biwa – boku Boku:
    Biwa Boku-boku can be found at the start of the Kanbei and the Overlord, level 18 sub mission in the Kyushu Region. A Biwa – boku Boku can be found down to the left off the ledge next to the hot spring. Biwa Boku-boku are the guitar playing enemies that summon Oni-bi enemies and auto-summon red grave players to attack you.
  • Dweller:
    Dwellers are found throughout the Deep in the Shadows, level 12 main mission in the Kyushu Region and wield pickaxes as weapons.
  • Fiend:
    Fiends (Yoki) are found throughout the game, there are several in the, Deep in the Shadows, level 12 main mission in the Kyushu Region.
  • Flying Bolt:
    Flying Bolt can be found in the, The Ogress, level 42 sub mission found in the Kinki Region. Flying Bolt will need to be defeated in order to complete the mission, her attacks can drastically reduce your movement speed so block these as much as you can.
  • Fox Spirit:
    Fox Spirits can be found throughout the Demon of Mount Hiei, level 62 main mission in the Kinki Region. They are white fox enemies that attack you with speed and lightning.
  • Harinobo:
    arinobo are found in the, Samurai from Sawayama, level 127 main mission in the Omi Region. Harinobo are powerful, red versions of Lesser Umi-bozu with swords sticking out of them, they can deal a good amount of damage and are very weak to fire.
  • Kappa:
    Kappa are the fast tortoise type enemies with the amrita shell on their backs. You will need to defeat one in order to complete the, Finders, Keepers, level 15 sub mission in the Kyushu Region.
  • Karakasa Umbrella:
    Karakasa Umbrella can be found in the, The Ogress, level 42 sub mission found in Kinki Region. Just before you go through to fight the, Flying Bolt enemy which will complete the mission, you will see a Karakasa Umbrella patrolling the outside of the building. These yokai can charge at you as well as fire paralysing arrows, locking you in place.
  • Karasu Tengu:
    Karasu Tengu can be found in the, The Defiled Holy Mountain, level 120 main mission in the Omi Region. Tengus’ are very tough, almost mini boss style enemies that have a very high attack power, they can close range on you very quickly and can fly up in the air putting them out of melee range before slamming back down on you. They don’t really have a weakness as such so dodge behind them, get a few hits in then retreat, wait for their combos to begin. Dodge accordingly then attack until they are defeated.
  • Lesser Umi – bozu:
    Lesser Umi-bozu are found throughout the, The Ocean Roars Again, level 38 main mission in the Chugoku Region. These yokai jump out of the water or fall from above usually and look like they’re made of black water.
  • Mudmen:
    Mudmen are found in the, The Defiled Castle, level 87 main mission in the Tokai Region. Mudmen are mud / dung versions of Lesser Umi-Bozu, they can be found in the sewer section of the level and are very weak to fire.
  • Nurikabe:
    Nurikabe are yokai that make up a section of wall and will only aggro once attacked. A Nurikabe can be found in the, Deep in the Shadows, level 12 main mission in the Kyushu Region. Once you are in the caves, pass the second shrine, deal with the dwellers then go down the ramp where a Yoki (Fiend) will spawn. Against the back wall, net to the ramp leading down will be a Nurikabe. Get close to it where you will see 2 eyes open up on the wall.
  • One – eyed Imp:
    One-eyed Imps are the smaller versions of the One-eyed Oni yokai and need to be taken down before they transform into a One-eyed Oni. There are 2 unmissbale One-eyed Imps as you make your way through the, Memories of Death-lilies, level 78 main mission in the Tokai Region as you’re making your way through to get the Seiryuji Temple Key.
  • One – eyed Oni:
    One-eyed Oni can be found in the, Deep in the Shadows, level 12 main mission in the Kyushu Region. These are the large cyclops looking enemies with amrita fists.
  • Oni-bi:
    Oni-bi can spawn in either fire, water, lightning, poison, paralysis or wind elements and can be found in the The Three Angry Gods, level 31 sub mission in the Chugoku Region. These enemies are the floating elemental heads.
  • Onyudo:
    Onyudo can be found in the, The Three Angry Gods, level 31 sub mission in the Chugoku Region. Onyudo are large Ogre-style enemies that attack you with their tongue as well as punching flurries. You will need to defeat 3 Onyudo in order to complete the mission.
  • Sentry:
    Sentries can be found throughout the second half (after defeating Nue) in the, The Spirit Stone Slumbers, level 19 main mission in the Kyushu Region. These yokai are statues that aggro when you are close to them and wield a large sword that can inflict heavy damage.
  • Skeleton Warrior:
    Skeleton Warriors can be found throughout the Isle of Demons, level 5 main mission in the Kyushu Region, these enemies look like undead soldiers usually wielding a sword or spear.
  • Spider:
    Spiders are found throughout the, Spider Nest Castle, level 47 main mission in the Kinki Region.
  • Wheelmonk:
    Found in the Wreathed in Flame, level 13 sub mission in the Kyushu Region. These enemies are the yokai made out of a flaming wheel that inflict heavy fire damage. You will need to defeat 3 Wheelmonks in order to complete the mission.

Large Yokai

Large yokai are essentially the bosses you will fight as you make your way the main story in Nioh. I’ll list them below in the order you can find them.

  • Onryoki:
    Onryoki is the main boss in the, Isle of Demons, level 5 main mission in the Kyushu Region. Onryoki has 2 large balls he will swing around and try to hit you with, when you get him down to around 60% health, his balls will drop and he’ll pick them and throw them at you. Dodging at the last second when he does this is vital as he has very good tracking. If you’re struggling, remember you can level yourself up at the shrine. Do this until you can take him down.
  • Hino – Enma:
    Hino-enma is the main boss in the, Deep in the Shadows, level 12 main mission in the Kyushu Region. Hino-enma is a very fast boss who utilises flying dash attacks as well as paralysis making her deadly if she locks you in place. She has a grab attack that needs to be avoided at all costs as it can easily one shot you if you’re any less than half health. Wait for her to dash towards you, dodge the attack then punish her before dashing backwards to avoid her combos.
  • Nue:
    Nue is the first boss you’ll face in the, The Spirit Stone Slumbers, level 19 main mission in the Kyushu Region and can be a challenge given it’ll be the first time you will face an elemental boss. Nue employs a series of lightning elemental attacks which if they connect can seriously slow your movement speed for a time. If you try and take it on from behind, the tail (which can be cut off) will fire poison at you, inflicting heavy damage over time. Trying to stay on Nues’ side will be an effective strategy as he has no defence and it should be easier to telegraph his attacks.
  • Great Centipede:
    Great Centipede is the main boss in the, The SIlver Mine Writhes, level 27 main mission in the Chugoku Region. This fight has one glaring problem, which is the fact the Great Centipede is unrelenting in its pursuit for you. The Centipede will constantly come after you meaning speed and knowledge of the arena are vital. From the start of the fight, head to the back of the arena then up the ramp to the top where you will find a vacuum you can activate to remove the poison from the level for a time. Use this platform as best as you can to bait the Centipede towards you. Your aim is to attack the body sections of the boss to make them run away giving it less mobility and offense. Try and get behind it as much as you can and inflict as much damage as you can before running away. Dropping down from above if you’re quick enough is a good strategy. As long as you keep mobile, you will have an easier time of it.
  • Umi – bozu:
    Umi-bozu is the main boss in the, The Ocean Roars Again, level 38 main mission in the Chugoku Region. This boss will become easier if you light all 3 Braziers found throughout the level (click the link to go to the Keeper of the Flame guide for information on this). Umi-bozu is very weak to fire so make as good of a use of this element as you can whilst ensuring you avoid its attacks, its most devastating attack is a large beam of pure energy that can easily destroy your health bar. Make good use of your living weapon, especially if it’s fire based. Once the Umi-bozu is on the platform, attack it with all you’ve got until it falls.
  • Joro – gumo:
    Joro-gumo is the main boss in the, Spider Nest Castle, level 47 main mission in the Kinki Region. If you have any fear of spiders, this is not a boss you’ll enjoy fighting. Joro-gumo is a powerful boss with one glaring weakness, her backside. She has possibly the largest critical spot in the entire game which she will try and protect at all costs. It is ill advised to fight Joro-gumo head to head as you will more than likely be slowed by web attacks then killed by a frontal assault so stay behind her much as you can aiming for her critical spot as much as you can.
  • Yuki – onna:
    Yuki-onna is the main boss in the, Falling Snow, level 55 main mission found in the Kinki Region. Yuki-Onna, being an ice boss is very weak to fire so make good use of that element as effectively as you can. Yuki-onna has a lot of powerful attacks that lead into even more powerful combos so avoiding the initial attacks is a must which leaves her open to punishment whilst she’s hitting nothing. As long as you don’t get greedy with your attacks, you should be able to down her soon enough with your living weapon.
  • White Tiger:
    White Tiger is the main boss in the, The Demon of Mount Hiei, level 62 main mission in the Kinki Region. White Tiger uses a lot of frontal swipes so stay on its back as much as you can. Make good use of offensive fire spells / weapons to inflict heavy damage.
  • Giant Frog:
    Giant Frog / Toad is the main boss in the, The Iga Escape, level 70 main mission in the Tokai Region. Giant Frog utilises a lot of jumping and sweeping attacks that can be hard to dodge. Once you have dodged them the Frog will be open for one maybe 2 hits before coming after you again. Take your time with this fight rather than going all out aggression.
  • Ogress:
    Ogress is the main boss in the, Memories of Death-lilies, level 78 main mission in the Tokai Region. You will be able to access the boss fight once you have collected the Seiryuji Temple Key from a corpse to the right side of the level. Once you have the Key, head through to the boss fight. Ogress is a bad time on any difficulty, she has a lot of range with her claws, can jump, attacking you from above and has a high defence stat.
    Stay behind her as much as possible, backing away when she starts her spin attack. The Ogress’ combos can be unrelenting, if you get caught up in the combo you will be back at the  shrine. Make good use of the lightning element / sloth talisman (Onmyo Magic) to slow the Ogress where you will then have an easier time of it.
  • Gasha – dokuro:
    Gasha-dokuro is the main boss in the, Source of Evil, level 111 main mission in the Sekigahara Region. Gasha-dokuro is a unique fight in Nioh which will first see you need to hack away at its ankles until it falls, you can then sprint up to the top of the arena, activate your living weapon and smash away at its  head. Rinse and repeat this process until it’s been defeated.
  • Yamata – no – Orochi:
    Yamata-no-Orochi is the final boss in the, The Demon King Revealed, level 135 main mission found in the Omi Region. Yamata-no-Orochi is a multi-headed serpent that utilises each and every element found throughout the game, making it very hard to prepare for. The heads will take turns slamming into the rooftop you are on which is very difficult to fall off thankfully. As a head slams into the roof, run to it and inflict some damage. The main problem with this fight is the heads surround the rooftop meaning they can attack you “off-camera” so you need to keep the camera nearly as agile as you keep your character in order to defend effectively.
  • Hundred Eyes:
    Hundred Eyes is the final boss in the game and can be found in the, The Queen’s Eyes, level 145 main mission in the Omi Region. Hundred Eyes utilises eyes that fire lasers at you as well as a good amount of spinning, stabbing and swiping attacks. Using Sloth (Onmyo magic) helps with this fight a great deal as does the Suzaku Guardian Spirit as Suzaku is a fire element which Hundred Eyes is weak to as well as being the only guardian spirit in the game that activates when your health hits 1 when it is fully charged making it invaluable if the eyes all fire their lasers at you at once.

Once you have defeated all Small Yokai and Large Yokai, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Nioh Yokai Quelling Master Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you defeat all types of Yokai.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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1 year ago

Weird I have Mujina on my list but no fox spirits which I have bearen