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Nioh 2 Yokai Quelling Master Trophy Guide

NIOH 2 Yokai Quelling Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Yokai Quelling Master
Defeated all types of yokai.

Here is the complete Nioh 2 Yokai Quelling Master Trophy Guide. There are a total of 49 yokai you will need to defeat throughout the game which are broken down to 34 small yokai and 15 large yokai. Fortunately, none of these yokai are missable and chances are you will be facing them multiple times as you make your way through the main game in various different missions. In game the yokai are broken down into 2 categories: Small Yokai and Large Yokai, to see which yokai you have defeated press Touchpad then go to Titles, gameplay record then scroll right to find the small yokai tab and the  large yokai tab. You can find the Yokai in their categories below:


Below I’ll give you the complete list in the order they appear in the game, if you see a ???? that simply means you haven’t defeated that particular yokai yet so keep pushing through and they’ll find you soon enough.

Small Yokai

Abberant Soldiers

Dark Omens, Level 21 Sub Mission, Awakening Region.
Abberant Soldiers have an enhanced, amrita arm which they fire projectiles from and can be found at the top of the path around to the left before the boulder is sent down the hill towards you.

Biwa Boku-boku

An Error in Calculation, Level 41 Sub Mission, Soaring Region.
Biwa Boku-boku aren’t capable of attacking you themselves, instead, they summon various elemental versions of Oni-bi and also have the power to summon any NPC from a nearby revenant (red) grave making them highly dangerous and should be gotten rid of as a matter of priority. A Biwa Boku-boku can be found in the mission just before you go through to the final room to  complete the mission.


The Beast born of Smoke and Flames, Level 10 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
Either small or large yokai that usually wield a pickaxe. Head through to the Forge, on the top floor will be 2 Dwellers that will stand up when you’re close to them.


Village of Cursed Blossoms, Level 1 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
Large monkey-like yokai with a spear, can be found just pass the first building in the mission.


Village of Cursed Blossoms, Level 1 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
Large muscular brute usually with an Axe, a Fiend (also referred to as a Yoki) will spawn in between the buildings just before you take a left up to the dark realm.

Flying Bolt

Lingering Snow and Crimson Tracks, Level 68 Sub Mission, Shadow Region.
These yokai are floating white female looking characters whose attacks can dramatically slow your movement and attack speed down making the game a lot harder. Fortunately, they don’t have a great amount of health. You will need to take down a Flying Bolt to complete the sub mission.


Village of Cursed Blossoms, Level 1 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
Small enemies with a glowing yellow stomach, this will be the first enemy you come to in the game.


The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames, Level 10 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
Large yokai with one leg that will hop around doing spinning / slamming attacks onto you. An Ippon-Datara must be defeated before you drop down into the caves after going up the stairs to the Temple.


Kappa are rare enemies that can spawn in any mission in the game, they are reptilian to look at with an amrita shell on their back, they aren’t that rare so you’ll more than likely find one as you’re heading through the games missions. Kappa seem to favour caves over the outside world  and are usually tucked away in a corner somewhere scavenging around corpses / crates. They are also pretty fast making them somewhat harder to kill. Keep a sloth (Onmyo debuff) talisman equipped on a shortcut in case one runs from you.

Karakasa Umbrella

An End to Seclusion, Level 54 Sub Mission, Soaring Region.
Nasty little yokai as they can be very effective at paralysing then charging at you dealing hefty damage, get in and defeat them above any other enemy in the area. A Karakasa Umbrella will be the first yokai that spawns during the mission.

Karasu Tengu

Dark Omens, Level 21 Sub Mission, Awakening Region.
Very powerful, agile yokai that utilise wind shockwave attacks, spinning kicks, grabs and thrust attacks with its cane. Karasu Tengu can be very challenging to deal with given their power and health bar, learn their attacks and patterns which will make them more manageable, use lightning to slow them down and always be ready to dodge.


The Hollow Fortress, Level 50 Main Mission, Soaring Region.
Koroka are usually camouflaged as lanterns that will turn into their yokai forms when you get close, they attack with powerful fire based attacks as well as some strong grab attacks. You will face a Koroka as you make your way up towards the elevator in the mission.

Lesser Umi-bozu

A Favour for the Blacksmith, Level 30 Sub Mission, Awakening Region.
Blob style enemies that fire swords and water at you, these yokai are very weak to fire. You can find a Lesser Umi-bozu after going up both ladders at the start of the mission then go into the pool to your left.

Magatsu Warrior

The High-spirited Demon, Level 95 Main Mission, Twilight Region.
Incredibly powerful, heavy combo hitting yokai that can release energy blasts from 2 of their 4 swords as well as rip your health bar apart with lethal grab combos. As strong as they are from the front, they’re defenceless from behind so dodge behind one and punish it before it turns around then back away, rinse and repeat until it’s downed.

Mitsume Yazura

A Way Out, Level 59 Main Mission, Shadow Region.
Large multi-headed yokai that can fire energy beams in nearly every direction at once, they have a nasty delayed charging attack as well as a grab ‘n’ slam which can easily one shot lower levelled players. Take your time and learn their attack patterns, avoiding that grab attack at all costs.


Mujina are unique enemies as they only appear in certain black chests found throughout the missions in the game. The chests will ordinarily have 2 gold stripes, the ones with the Mujina inside will have 3 gold stripes, to coax a Mujina out of the chest, open your Gestures menu by pressing Options then select the Yellow “Whistle” gesture. Ordinarily, you would need to copy the gesture that the Mujina uses (it will look exactly like your character), to have it count as a “defeated yokai”, attack it once it spawns out of the chest and defeat it.


Corpses and Ice, Level 65 Main Mission, Shadow Region.
Powerful, dual sword wielding yokai that have one of the most lethal combos of any yokai in the game, Namahage can slam its dual swords down and rip through the ground easily smashing through your Ki as well as your health meters. Get behind them to inflict heavy damage but watch for a nasty low spinning attack.


The Viper’s Sanctum, Level 24 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
These are the snake-like female yokai that can paralyse and poison you. Continue through the, The Viper’s Sanctum mission where you will find plenty of Nure-Onna before you get to the Yatsu-no-Kami boss fight.


The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames, Level 10 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
These yokai make up a portion of wall, when you get close to them their eyes will open. You can use Gestures or combat to get pass a Nurikabe, however, for this trophy, you need to defeat one in combat. Make your way through to the Forge, stay on the ground floor and go to the top right corner to find a Nurikabe in between the crates on the right wall.

One-eyed Imp

A Way Out, Level 59 Main Mission, Shadow Region.
Small grey yokai that try and lick you, which if successful they will absorb some of your amrita, if they lick you twice or you take to long to kill them they will become One-eyed Oni which are much more formidable opponents. One-eyed Imps are found throughout the mission.

One-eyed Oni

Dark Omens, Level 21 Sub Mission, Awakening Region.
Large Cyclops style enemies with heavy hitting amrita fists, jumping attacks and a nasty grab attack. Get behind it to deal some good damage and use the water element if you’re struggling.


Pervading Waters, Level 75 Main Mission, Dawn Region.
Elemental floating skulls that inflict decent damage just by touching you, Oni-bi can be summoned by Biwa Boku-boku as well as being stand alone yokai, take down any of their elemental forms to have them count as an entry.


Pervading Waters, Level 75 Main Mission, Dawn Region.
Large, brutish yokai who utilises punching flurries and very strong tongue attacks, earn their attack patterns and don’t get greedy in when fighting one. These yokai are very powerful and can take a lot of damage before falling, they nearly always appear in an elemental form so counter their element with your own elemental attacks to deal increased damage.

Red Kappa

The High-spirited Demon, Level 95 Main Mission, Twilight Region.
Red Kappa will spin around trying to hit you with their shell as well as throwing paralysing balls at you. To find these very rare yokai, you need to go through the mission to the Mezuki fight, just before the fight with Mezuki there is a small tree trunk bridge to the left of the bridge, cross the tree bridge to be able to take a Red Kappa down.


An End to Seclusion, Level 54 Sub Mission, Soaring Region.
These yokai appear to be normal Soldiers at first, however, get them down to 50% health and a large yokai will spawn out of their neck, which they can use to inflict heavy damage, grab attacks, fire streams and poison blasts making them a formidable enemy. Use fire / lightning to help take them down.

Skeleton Warrior

The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames, Level 10 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
Skeleton Warriors come in a variety of sizes / types, usually they are archers / riflemen that will draw a sword or spear when you get close. Head through to the Forge, climb the ladder to the left on the ground floor. Just behind an Enki will be a Skeleton Warrior.


Bird in a Cage, Level 71 Main Mission, Shadow Region.
Spiders can inflict heavy damage if they drop down on you from above, they can also slow you down by firing web at you from their mouths. Spider’s can be found throughout the final area in the mission, get behind them where they’re defenceless then punish them before they turn around.


The Hollow Fortress, Level 50 Main Mission, Soaring Region.
Ice based, harder hitting versions of the One-eyed Oni yokai, aim for their eyes with ranged weapons and get behind them to inflict damage being ready for their punches / jumping / spinning attacks. You will take on Snowclops as you make your way into the last building in the mission.


Bird in a Cage, Level 71 Main Mission, Shadow Region.
One of the worst enemies in the game as they can inflict you with the mud status making Elixirs 1/3 as effective as normal as well as making you sick every time you try and heal, combine that with some very powerful clawing / rushing attacks. Tesso can be found throughout the mission, especially in the sewers before going up into the final building, fire will help a lot here as will waiting for the mud status to wear off before proceeding forward once the Tesso has been defeated.

Toxic Slime

The Viper’s Sanctum, Level 24 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
Toxic Slime are poisonous version of Lesser Umi-bozu yokai. Make your way down to the lowest level of the caves then whilst still in the area with the poisoned water look to the torii gate just before you go through to fight Yatsu-no-Kami. Go right into the poison pool then look left into an alcove to find a Toxic Slime.


Pervading Waters, Level 75 Main Mission, Dawn Region.
Ubume are the yokai with the shockwave scream, they also have powerful claw swipes and lunging attacks. Staying behind Ubume is a viable strategy, however, watch for that scream as it will completely wipe your Ki meter if you’re caught up in it as well as it completely surrounds her.


The Mysterious One Night Castle, Level 43 Main Mission, Soaring Region.
Waira are very large, powerful yokai that can burrow underground, rip your health bar apart with its front claws, fire rocks at you from its mouth and rise up slamming down on you. Get to the side of it which seems to be a weak point but always be ready to dodge back if it rises up.


A Favour for the Blacksmith, level 30 Sub Mission, Awakening Region.
Rolling wheel enemies with a face in the middle, these yokai always deal fire damage and have nasty rush / bouncing attacks that can inflict heavy damage. You will find 2 Wheelmonks as you make your way through the sub mission.


The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama, Level 35 Main Mission, Soaring Region.
Yamanba are the old hag looking enemies that rush you with the large knives. Dodge behind her when you have an opening, get a few hits in the back away before she attacks again.

Large Yokai


The Village of Cursed Blossoms, Level 1 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
Gokuzi is the second enemy you’ll come to in the game when you’re very new to it and a level 1 character, taking it down here is only for skilled players. I recommend coming back later to take it down once you’re a high enough level.


The Village of Cursed Blossoms, Level 1 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
Mezuki is the boss in this mission and can be a challenge due to its sporadic movements and powerful combos. Above all else, avoid its grab attack which can ruin your health bar. Once in the dark realm activate your yokai shift to deal heavy damage to it.


The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames, Level 10 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
Enenra is a very fast, powerful fire based boss who has some devastating attacks including multiple fire AOE blasts, a lunge kick, the ability to turn into a mini tornado and rush you as well as a very good defence stat. Make good use of your yokai shift when Enenra activates the dark realm and keep your distance, patience will help you win the fight.


The Viper’s Sanctum, Level 24 Main Mission, Awakening Region.
A powerful, poisonous snake who uses grab attacks and lunges with great effect, once it goes into the dark realm, you will have 2 smaller snakes to deal with which are mainly there to disrupt you healing. Fire works well as does ensuring you have a good amount of antidotes, if you’re struggling with the poison water in the boss arena, smash the 3 Shirohami Statues to remove the poison water from the arena giving you much greater movement range.


The Mysterious one Night Castle, Level 43 Main Mission, Soaring Region.
Kamaitachi is a very fast enemy who can cover distance in a flash becoming a spinning whirlwind, it can also utilise a very powerful grab attack with its tail. Don’t go blow for blow with Kamaitachi as he will be a lot stronger than you. This is another fight where you need to be patient, whenever it rushes at you dodge then get a couple of attacks in, back away and bait another rush.


A Way Out, Level 59 Main Mission, Shadow Region.
A flying boss which can be hard to deal with, especially when it makes the screen go black. Keep a very close on the eyes as they can fire a triple energy beam which can easily wipe your health bar out. Combine that with some powerful pecking / clawing attacks and you’ll need to be fairly high levelled to stand a chance here.


Pervading Waters, Level 75 Main Mission, Dawn Region.
Gyuki is a massive boss that can attack you at a good distance with one of its limbs or do a powerful rush attack to cover ground quickly, it also has a brutal throw attack where it will grab you, chew you up then spit you out. Aim for the amrita clusters on its legs, don’t try and attack him head on as that’s a very quick way to get placed back at the shrine. Fire is a good element to use against him, chip away at his health until you’re victorious.


The Golden Nation, Level 74 Sub Mission, Shadow Region.
Those of you that played Nioh will know Onryoki well, for you who are new to Nioh 2 you have a steep learning curve here. Onryoki has 2 large steel balls that he will spin around trying to hit you, once he’s taken enough damage he will then drop the balls where he will throw both himself and the balls around. Chip away at him but don’t get greedy as he will punish you for it, any debuffs as always will make the fight easier.


The Frenzied Blaze, Level 80 Main Mission, Dawn Region.
Kasha is a fire based boss that can cover distance very quickly, send spinning spiked wheels towards you, as well as surround you in blue fire which deals double the damage of the regular orange fire. Bring a water based Guardian Spirit to have an easier time of it as well as any fire resistance buffs you can acquire.

Ryomen Sukuna

The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno, Level 85 Main Mission, Dawn Region.
Ryomen Sukuna is a dual elemental boss, you have to contend with both fire and water based attacks as you try and fight it, as well as devastating arrow and spinning attacks. Dodging works well here as does lightning as it does increased damage to the blue side of the boss, avoid the spinning attack then go into yokai shift to deal heavy damage.

Daidara Bocchi

The High-spirited Demon, Level 95 Main Mission, Twilight Region.
Daidara Bocchi can utilise a variety of attacks including slamming its fists down, dropping rocks on you from above as well as a devastating laser attack from its eyes. Hack at away at the fingers on either hand, but focus on one hand to destroy it where you are then able to run up its arm, press Triangle to remove one third of its health then repeat on the other hand. Once Daidara Bocchi is down to one third of its health, keep hacking away at either hand until it falls.

Shuten Doji

The Mausoleum of Evil, Level 100 Main Mission, Dream Region.
A very powerful, hard hitting fire based boss that uses its hair as a primary weapon and a hammer for dealing secondary damage. Shuten Doji will whip its hair around leaving fire auras throughout the arena that deal heavy damage if you’re caught up in them, the hair whipping can also make it hard to see what’s coming next, you could be looking at heavy melee damage. Using water based attacks will work well as will staying mobile. Use your yokai shift to hopefully finish him off.

Lady Osakabe

The Golden Castle, Level 105 Main Mission, Dream Region.
One of the most difficult fights in the game as you are attacked near enough constantly from either side of the rooftops by lightning, fire and water elemental attacks then after the first stage you will be peppered almost constantly with lightning to slow you down then every other element to finish you off. Concentrating on one of the tentacles at a time is key here, whilst keeping the camera on a swivel, if you keep a fixed camera you will have a much harder time dodging the elemental attacks from behind.

Once you have defeated the tentacles a main tentacle will come down. Hit it with your strongest, fastest attacks to deal as much damage as possible where you will need to defeat the tentacles again. Smash the eye at the end to defeat Lady Osakabe.

Kashin Koji

Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo, Level 112 Main Mission, Dream Region.
You will fight Kaishin Koki directly after defeating Tokichiro so be as careful as you can during the Tokichiro battle saving your Elixirs and buffs / debuffs for Kaishin as you are going to need them. This fight requires a very steep learning curve as not only does he have very hard hitting combos he will also spawn a series of clones which can all inflict the same damage as the boss making this fight feel impossible at first.

Fortunately, the clones are dispatched with one hit so bring a decent Soul Core such as Mezuki who can do a large swiping attack hopefully taking a good amount of clones out then take Kaishin Koji down where he will then resurrect coming with much harder hitting attacks, although he does have less health now. Defeat the second version of Kaishin Koji to have him down for good.


In the Eye of the Beholder, Level 114 Main Mission, Afterglow Region.
Otakemaru is the final boss in the game and he knows it, you will have a rough time in this fight as he has more attack combinations than what feels like all other bosses put together, can hit you with every element in the game during these combos and can summon swords to rain down on you from the sky. Make very good use of buffs / debuffs, especially Sloth (Onmyo talisman) to slow Otakemaru down allowing a brief moment of respite to heal and rebuff. Chip away at his health avoiding the grab attacks until he’s defeated.

Once you have defeated all Small Yokai and Large Yokai, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Nioh 2 Yokai Quelling Master Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you defeat all types of Yokai.




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