
Lies Of P Romeo, King Of Puppets Boss Guide

Here is the Lies of P Romeo, King of Puppets boss guide which will help you take down the controller of all Puppets throughout the City of Krat and one who is incredibly challenging to take down across a 2 phase fight.

Location: Chapter 6, Estella Opera House Entrance.
Rewards: Burnt-White King’s Ergo, Puppet Prince’s Formal Dress, Someone’s Necklace, Ergo x11,025.
You will need to go through the Estrella Opera House following the linear path whilst avoiding a build up of Disruption as if the meter gets filled you will die instantly regardless of how much health you have. Go through the building to where the fiery chandelier is swinging back and forth then turn left to find a door you can open which leads back to the Opera House entrance.

When you’re ready, cross the beam and summon a Spectre at the Crack’s Calling unless you’re either very good at the game or very over-levelled as this fight is legitimately tough throughout both phases meaning you have to be frugal when it comes to your resources. Summoning a Spectre will give you that momentary bit of respite to either heal, repair or refocus.

When it comes to the machine in the first phase, he will spin and slam down into the ground where you are, double dodge to the right to get around the attack, land a quick hit then get ready for a follow up. It will also slam, thrash around and use its hands like blenders designed to knock you off your feet before unleashing more combos at you whilst you are getting up.

A particularly nasty attack the Mech does is it raise up before slamming down then sending both of its arms backwards with a high degree of range. Avoid those attacks then get back in there and punish as the King gets back to its feet.

Being efficient in the first phase will go a long way to being able to handle the second phase which will start after you have knocked the crown from the King which then reveals Romeo in a powerful explosion which ignites the arena. This guy is where the true challenge lies as you will be dealing with 10-15 hit combos most of which are imbued with fire to increase the challenge.

Romeo can pull you in from a distance, close range on you very quickly, use devastating scythe attacks all whilst being very tough with incredibly good defence. It almost feels like you’re fighting another person as the AI is just that good in detecting where you are and what your next move will be. You need to avoid the charged stomps at all costs as they can devastate your health especially if you get knocked down as you will more than likely eat a few more hits as you get to your feet.

Hopefully the Spectre can deal some decent damage as well as allowing you to get some healing done but if Romeo targets you then it’s time to run as even at level 70 he can be a tough fight so go in with your best gear and throwables equipped with a full charge of Fable Art and plenty of Catalysts equipped. Build up stagger to the point you can score a Fatal then continue with the pressure until you come out the other side.

That’s the Lies of P Romeo, King of Puppets boss guide complete, I hope it helped you bring his Majesty down.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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