
Lies Of P Door Guardian Boss Guide

Here is the Lies of P Door Guardian boss guide which will help you bring down this very powerful giant guardian who is currently preventing you from getting into the endgame and someone who is a lot more formidable than he first appears.

Location: Chapter 11, Black Seaside.
Rewards: High-level Alchemist Badge, x8,382 Ergo.
The Door Guardian will be waiting for you once you have cross the desert to the Abbey having taken the Submarine to Chapter 11 and can be a nightmare to take down due to the fact it can inflict shock which severely hinders your stamina recharge and I don’t need to tell you by this point in the game how important having stamina to dodge and attack is. As such the Door Guardian can inflict shock then have his way with you as you are all but helpless. There are ampoules you can use to remove the negative status but given the frequency of his attacks you might be running out of them quickly.

The Guardian will punch and kick you around the arena as well as do a running elbow and even try to score a field goal with the power in his kicks as he runs up to boot you back to the Stargazer. If you aim for the Guardian’s right leg you will inflict more damage than anywhere else on his body so ensure you save your best attacks until you have a clear shot on target.

Fable Arts are very effective against the Door Guardian, however, the key to success appears to be getting a Fatal Blow in as for me at least with my level 9 un-enhanced Bramble Curved Sword shredded his health bar with a Fatal.

As long as you can manage your Stamina meter and avoid the majority of his attacks you will be able to use throwables, Fable Arts, Fatal Blows and strong attacks to bring the big guy down where you can properly begin Chapter 11.

That’s the Lies of P Door Guardian boss guide complete, I hope it helped you bring this overly enhanced, shock inducing barrier to the Abbey down.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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