
Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula Rolling Star Sola Bot Location

Here we will go over how to collect the Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula, Rolling Star Sola Bot. The Rolling Star Sola stage can be started once you have smashed into the comet which spawns at random on the Gorilla Nebula map and goes from the North to the South Western section of the map.

With the Rolling Star Sola accessed, kick the Armadillo then roll across the spikes at the end taking care not to be knocked off the platforms by the bumpers where you can kick the Armadillo at enemies.

Get through to the end of the course where you can then kick the Armadillo at the floating bot who is holding the Aspirational Cat Bot.

That’s the Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula Rolling Star Sola Bot location. Which element did you fail to the most?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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