
Astro Bot Camo Cosmos Mecha Leon Bot Location

Here we will go over the Astro Bot Camo Cosmos, Mecha Leon Bot location. The Mecha Leon stage serves as the main boss arena for the Camo Cosmos galaxy and sees you take on a very angry Chameleon whilst using slow motion to help you through the battle.

Make your way through the stage taking out the enemies which shouldn’t pose any real difficulties considering you have made it to this point as long as you focus on slowing time as the leaves go pass the canyons to create a path allowing you through to the boss arena.

When the fight starts wait for the boss to shake the tree which drops down 3 Fire Lizards, slow time to make things easier then take them all out.

You will then have to avoid a heavy stream if fireballs which present a small opening for each wave so slow time to help you jump through the gap and do the same for the second wave.

The Mecha Leon will then target the ground where you ae before slamming its tongue down on the ground. You need to avoid the slam then as soon as its tongue hits the deck you need to slow time which will allow you to run up its tongue and perform a charged punch on the tonsils to finish the first of the 3 phases in this boss fight.

Wait for the Mecha Leon to jump to the adjacent tree where it will then send a series of buzzsaws your way. Slow time when they are close to you then jump across them which infuriate the Mecha Leon beginning the 2nd phase of the fight.

Slow time so you can create enough space between you and the artillery strike then deal with the enemies which are shaken from the tree remembering they are a lot easier to handle if you slow time.

Avoid the next missile strike then slow time as necessary to help you jump through the narrow gaps in the fire streams whilst also avoiding falling down through the holes the missiles created.

The Mecha Leon will then slam its tongue into the ground so avoid the impact, slow time, run up the tongue again and batter the tonsils until the Mecha Leon discharges again.

You will then need to slow time twice to get over to the next section of the arena, the first time will allow you to get over to a pillar by running across the buzzsaws, the second will allow you to clear the final section from the pillar to the platform.

Avoid the missile strike which will remove one side of the arena then slow time as required to get through the tight gaps of the fire stream before dealing with the enemies again by slowing time to essentially negate their attacks.

Slow the tongue for a final time before running up it and charge punching the tonsils until they are destroyed which then releases a bull-ring from the Mecha Leons nose you can grab, pull back and finally slam into the Mecha Leon which then defeats the over zealous Lizard.

You will then be able to free Kulche from the Locoroco series which then unlocks the final level in the Camo Cosmos galaxy.

That’s the Astro Bot Camo Cosmos Mecha Leon Bot location, it’s now time for a mode change as you take on the role of Kulche.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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