
Astro Bot Feather Cluster To The Beat Bot Location

Here will go over the Astro Bot Feather Cluster To The Beat Bot location which can be started once the Lost Cross Void has been completed allowing you to then go to the South Western Cross on the Feather Cluster map.

The To The Beat stage is a very challenging one to complete as the majority of the hazards change second by second either by flipping over, running down the platforms toward you, spinning around, changing the height or angle they approach and of course you need to not fall off throughout all of this. This is a stage that may well take you more attempts than any other in the game. From the start go forward paying attention to the 8 jump pads in front of you. You will see they bounce then flip over becoming spikes, ensure you have enough time to get to the jump pad before it flips or move to the other side going back and forth.

As soon as you are on the platform, run forward taking care not to get hit by the rolling electrical pads. They can easily catch you out at the end by coming back around so move fast staying in the air as long as possible.

Glide across the glass bridge then jump in between the electrical beams before they spin again, clear the glass platforms then destroy the Pink Slime.

Run forward jumping in between the beams, jump over cross roads where the beams meet in the centre and use the jump pad to get up to the platform whilst getting ready to defeat the rampage Spiked Helmet.

You will now see 3 rolling blocks, the central block has a Pink Slime on it who can easily shoot you when aren’t ready for it so moving quickly is important here, gauge where the blocks will be then use your rocket boots to get over to them as they land flat.

Cautiously drop down on to the glass platform as the Sentry swings around then immediately jump and use your rocket boots to take it out ensuring you don’t fall through the hole you have just created.

Jump across to the large platform watching not only for the electricity tracking from left to right but also making sure you don’t get shot by the Pumpkin on the far side so again, controlled speed is essential here as it fires fast.

Use the jump pad to get up the conveyor belt then weave left and right in between the birds. You can jump off to the side to avoid being hit then use your rocket boots to get back on the conveyor but I found it a lot easier staying central and using little jumps to go back and forth to the end.

Leap up to the next conveyor belt then keep a close on where the birds are coming from as one line will come at you low meaning you have to jump over them and the next line will come high meaning you need to stay low and run. This section is very easy to get caught out on given the camera angle so remember at the time of writing it is always low, high, low, high so act accordingly to the end of the belt.

You can then finally use the jump pad to get up to the platform where the Gear Stalker Bot can then be rescued.

That’s the Astro Bot Feather Cluster To The Beat Bot location covered. How did you get on with the course?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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