
Slyde Trophy Guide

Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Easy Platinum, Puzzle.

Welcome to the Slyde Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS4.
  • Trophies: 14: Platinum: 1, Gold: 11, Silver: 2.
  • Release Date: 29-Mar-2018.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: None.
  • Difficulty Rating: 1/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 5 Minutes.

This is quite simply, the fastest, easiest Platinum to unlock on PlayStation 4. In less than 5 minutes, you can earn 2 Silver, 11 Gold and a Platinum Trophy. See Sergeant Major for the solution.

Slyde Hooah trophy
PlayStation Platinum Trophy

In it for life.

Slyde Drafted trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

We are soldiers now.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Boot Camp trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Boot Camp
Settle in, buttercup.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Deployed trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

See the world, they said.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Private trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Everybody starts somewhere.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Private 2nd Class trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Private 2nd Class
Second comes first.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Private 1st Class trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Private 1st Class
First at bat.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Specialist trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Well isn’t that special.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Corporal trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Corporal diem.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Sergeant trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Don’t call me sarge.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Staff Sergeant trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Staff Sergeant
Staffing up.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Sergeant First Class trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Sergeant First Class
Call me sarge.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Master Sergeant trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Master Sergeant
Call me master.

See Sergeant Major for more information.

Slyde Sergeant Major trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Sergeant Major
I majored in sargeantology.

First up, put the game on medium difficulty, then select any puzzle you like the look of. Your objective is to put the picture back together. To make all of the trophies pop at once, you need the space to be either in the top right or the bottom left corner, if the tile space is in a different location, exit and restart. The tile space always appears in one of the 4 corners so you have a 50/50 chance.

Once the tile space is in the right place, press the following buttons on the D-PAD: If the tile space is in the top right, input: Right, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Left, Up, Right, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Right, Down, Up, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Right,

If the tile space is in the bottom left, input: Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left, Left, Left, Up, Right, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left, Left, Left, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Right.

And that’s it, providing you completed the puzzle with the required inputs you’ll complete the puzzle, unlocking your Platinum Trophy in less than 5 minutes.

That’s the Slyde Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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