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A Fisherman's Tale Game Walkthrough

Here we have put together the A Fisherman’s Tale game walkthrough which will help you complete every puzzle, collectable, and miscellaneous trophy in the game. The only trophy not included in this walkthrough is Economy of means, since that requires a separate walkthrough.

Credit to Efficient Gaming for the video.

This walkthrough is written so you can read a few steps ahead, and do them all without having to take off your headset. If you miss anything, you can always pick it up through chapter select.

Each of the main chapters will be broken down then in those chapter sections there will be several steps you need to complete to help you collect the items and do the actions required to unlock the majority of the trophies throughout A Fisherman’s Tale.


  • Step 1, (Pearl 1 / 3).
    Grab the pearl sitting to the right of the sink, on the ledge which unlocks, Over there… a pearl! (Find your first magical pearl, hidden somewhere in the little puppet’s world).
  • Step 2,
    Brush your teeth. Go to the fireplace, and put a log inside.
  • Step 3, (Pearl 2 / 3).
    Go over to your shell on the shelf and look down. Open the chest on the floor to find a pearl.
  • Step 4.
    Dust your shell, and then go to open the window.
  • Step 5, (Pearl 3 / 3).
    Grab the pearl sitting on the balcony of the miniature lighthouse which then unlocks Pearls of a new beginning (Find all the pearls hidden in the Prologue).
  • Step 6.
    Take the duster on the desk and use it to clean the miniature lighthouse which unlocks, Obsessive cleaner (The very first model… now spotless!).
  • Step 7.
    Put in the miniature sink and the wall into the model. Put the miniature version of yourself together. Throw the miniature version of yourself out the window. It will spawn back in a few seconds which unlocks, Almost free (The little puppet sets sail).
  • Step 8.
    Put the miniature version of yourself in the rocking chair to end the chapter which unlocks Prologue (Once upon a time…).

Chapter 1

  • Step 1, (Pearl 1 / 3).
    Grab the pearl in the cabinet under the sink.
  • Step 2.
    Grab the fire poker next to the fireplace and use it to remove the nails on the boards on the window. Open the window.
  • Step 3, (Pearl 2 / 3).
    With the opened window, look out and to the left. There will be a pearl in the top-far side of the opened window sill.
  • Step 4.
    Once you’re prompted to look inside the miniature lighthouse to see a small version of yourself, try to grab the miniature version of yourself which unlocks Dare the impossible (Try to grab the tiny puppet in the model).
  • Step 5.
    Grab the roof off the tiny version of the lighthouse and put it to the side.
  • Step 6.
    With the roof now off, try to throw an object as far as possible out the roof. If you throw it far enough, you will unlock the trophy. You can use your “long arms” to have a wider arc on the throw, resulting in a further toss. You can do this in any chapter with the roof off which then unlocks Homerun! (Throw an object beyond the limits of your world).
  • Step 7.
    Inside the miniature lighthouse, grab the anchor and bring it over to the cabinet by the door. Use the anchor as a key to unlock the cabinet. Do not grab the hat inside yet.
  • Step 8.
    Attempt to open the door the anchor was previously blocking. This will cause the hermit crab to start talking to you and give you orders on what he needs.
  • Step 9.
    When the hermit crab is asking for objects, you need to keep giving him incorrect objects. He will get upset with you. Keep doing this until the trophy unlocks, you can keep handing him books or bowls sitting around which unlocks Don’t make me say no again! (The noble crustacean loses patience).
  • Step 10, (Pearl 3 / 3).
    Look above the shelf the hermit crab is staying on, and you’ll see a pearl floating in the air which unlocks Pearls from home (Find all the pearls hidden in Chapter 1).
  • Step 11.
    Go over to the fireplace, grab the fire poker, and touch the hermit crab’s shell with it which unlocks Adamantium crustacean (This shell truly is unbreakable!).
  • Step 12.
    Now, you can get what the hermit crab wants. Go to the cabinet you previously unlocked, and grab the sailors hat. Go to your window, and hold it out the window, and you can now grab the small version of the hat from the small lighthouse. If you do this without it ever leaving your hands Hand in hand (Give an object to yourself) will unlock.
  • Step 13.
    Give the tiny hat to the hermit crab, and look inside the miniature lighthouse. Take the tiny life preserver off the wall and hand it to the crab..
  • Step 14.
    The hermit crab will eventually leave his shell, and you can pick his shell up. Bring his shell over to the miniature lighthouse and place it inside on the desk. This will put a large shell on your desk in the normal lighthouse.
  • Step 15.
    There will be a key inside the large shell. Bring the key over to the locked door and unlock it to finish the chapter which unlocks The Fearful One (Unlock Chapter 1).

Chapter 2

  • Step 1, (Pearl 1 / 3).
    As soon as you spawn in, look to your left at the cabinet the sailor’s hat was in. Look inside again to find a pearl.
  • Step 2.
    Go into the new room and listen to the fish. He will be asking for water, and you need to find three pipe parts to repair the sink.
  • Step 3.
    The first pipe part is located directly in the chest below the fish. Put it in any of the copper piping spaces, on the wall opposite the fish.
  • Step 4.
    Grab the two latches on the wall in between the fish and the piping. Pull them to detach the wall. Go over to the miniature lighthouse and you can now pull off the wall.
  • Step 5.
    Look through the wall you just pulled off, and you’ll see a pipe being used as a pillar in the middle of the room. Grab the pipe, and place it in the piping area.
  • Step 6, (Pearl 2 / 3).
    Go over to the large open wall, look up and to the right, and you will see a pearl in the distance. You may need to use an object to collect this one.
  • Step 7.
    The final pipe is located on the shelf to the left of the fish, in a ring box. It is tiny, so you need to bring it to the miniature lighthouse to make it big and put it on the piping. This will complete the piping and restore the water.
  • Step 8.
    Turn the sink on, and it will flood the entire lighthouse, freeing the fish.
  • Step 9.
    After the lighthouse floods, go over to the fireplace and put a log inside it which unlocks A steady routine (Cheer up the tiny Fisherman… even at the depths of the ocean).
  • Step 10.
    Grab the duster off the table, and bring it to the miniature lighthouse. Try to uplift as many objects with the duster so they all fly out the open roof. Causing enough objects to fly out will unlock The tornado (A tornado has turned the place upside down, carrying away 25 objects in the whirlwind!).
  • Step 11.
    After you free the fish off the wall, it will start yapping about wanting food. Before getting it any food, if you throw incorrect objects at it, it will roll its eyes at you. Do this around ten times to unlock Bad food habits (Frustrate the big tuna). You can throw it things like bowls and glass bottles.
  • Step 12.
    Now you can get the fish the food it wants. Inside the chest you found that pipe, you can find full containers of small fish. Bring it over to the can opener and open the can.
  • Step 13.
    Pick up one of the small fish, and bring it over to the miniature lighthouse, who will have a small version of the talking fish at the back. Feed the small fish to the talking fish.
  • Step 14.
    Jump inside the fish’s mouth and remove the stuck bone. The fish will now be pleased enough to help you out.
  • Step 15.
    Grab the ladder from the miniature lighthouse, and bring it over to the crack in the mirror. You will have a prompt to place it there.
  • Step 16.
    The fish will offer you a ride up to the huge version of the cracked mirror. Jump in his mouth and he will take you there.
  • Step 17, (Pearl 3 / 3).
    Before going to the ladder, walk past the mirror and alongside the ledge until you reach a pearl sitting. It will be past all the objects, once there you will unlock Pearls from the depths (Find all the pearls hidden in Chapter 2).
  • Step 18.
    Backtrack to the ladder, and climb up it into the crack. Grab the key, and go back to the fish’s mouth.
  • Step 19.
    The fish will take you back to your lighthouse. Go to the locked door to the right of the piping and place the key in the lock to end the chapter unlocking The Famished One (Unlock Chapter 2).

Chapter 3

  • Step 1.
    Open the door in front of you. You will see a ship on a desk with missing pieces. The goal of this chapter is to find the pieces and rebuild the ship.
  • Step 2.
    Turn around and grab the ship piece from the porch you spawned in on. Put in on the ship.
  • Step 3.
    Open the shelf under the bed and you’ll find another boat piece. Put it on the ship.
  • Step 4.
    Grab the shark teeth from the shelf and find the toothbrush in the drawer below the ship. Brush the shark’s teeth to unlock, Superior protection for a healthy mouth ! (Get these shark teeth all shiny and clean!).
  • Step 5, (Pearl 1 / 3).
    Open the sliding drawer above the bed and you will find a pearl.
  • Step 6.
    Walk up the first bit of stairs and there will be a large boat part sitting on the ground. Put it on the ship.
  • Step 7, (Pearl 2 / 3).
    Go to the very top of the stairs to the locked door. You will find a pearl to the left side of the door.
  • Step 8.
    Go all the way downstairs and look inside the cabinet to the bottom left of the ship. There will be a battery inside. Pick the battery up, and bring it up the first flight of stairs and place it inside its spot, to the left of the doors.
  • Step 9.
    Open the doors to the right of the battery, and walk outside. Look to your left and pull out the pin holding the wheel in place. This will release the crane hook.
  • Step 10, (Pearl 3 / 3).
    Before using the crane, while you’re out on the balcony, look up and to your right. There is a pearl pretty far in the air, which can be very hard to see. You may need to use long arms and an item to touch it unlocking Pearls from the Father (Find all the pearls hidden in Chapter 3).
  • Step 11.
    This trophy is quite complicated. You will need to use the crane to bring a large ship piece to you. To do this, you will need to grab one of the small ship pieces and bring it to the small lighthouse below. This will bring a large ship piece to you. Be extremely careful when you’re grabbing the piece, as if you move it around too much, it might glitch out and you need to reset the level. Grab the large piece quickly to unlock Size does matter (Grab one of the very large objects during Chapter 3).
    If the ship piece starts to glitch out, you’ll need to restart the level and do all the steps again (excluding both Size does matter and the Superior protection for a healthy mouth ! trophies).
  • Step 12.
  • Use the crane to bring both small ship pieces to you. Once you bring one to you, place it onto the miniature ship. This may be a bit finicky hooking onto the pieces. These two will be the final pieces to your ship.
  • Step 13.
    Once the ship is complete, take it up to the crane hook and place it onto the hook. Then guide the crane hook down to the left side of the miniature lighthouse. This will place the boat outside your lighthouse door.
  • Step 14.
    Before going downstairs, grab the battery and bring it to the ship. Open up the battery box on the ground and place the battery inside.
  • Step 15.
    Twist the key to start moving the ship. You do not need to worry about steering. You will be prompted to use the level on your right to drop the fishnets, and you will later be prompted to use the lever again afterwards to bring the fish up.
  • Step 16.
    When underwater, a crane will come down to save you. Jump onto the crane and pull yourself up the rope until you reach the top of the lighthouse. Once an anchor smashes through, you can then jump into the lighthouse to end the chapter unlocking The Dutiful One (Unlock Chapter 3).

Chapter 4

  • Step 1, (Pearl 1 / 3).
    Once you have spawned in, look up and to the right. There will be an orb near the ceiling above you.
  • Step 2, (Pearl 2 / 3).
    Turn around and look out the shattered window, out to the right you will find an orb.
  • Step 3, (Pearl 3 / 3).
    Go to the opposite side of the table and look underneath. There will be an orb under the counter. This is your final orb in the game which unlocks both,  Pearls from the heights (Find all the pearls hidden in Chapter 4) and Great pearl hunter (Find all the magical pearls hiden in the little puppet’s world).
  • Step 4.
    This trophy can be quite complicated. Grab the matchbox sitting on the ledge next to the broken window. Next, you will need to try to squeeze this matchbox into the tiniest version of the lighthouse. You can just barely squeeze the matchbox through the small slot. Now, you’ll need to have the tiniest fisherman grab the match and light it using the matchbox. Doing so will unlock Flame-bearer (A very big matchbox for a very tiny fisherman). The matchbox will eventually respawn.
  • Step 5.
    You’ll need to get your hands on the match. Use the medium-sized fisherman to take it and place it on the ledge behind him. These ledges are the same as inside your room.
  • Step 6.
    Once you have your hands on the match, throw it out the window. Doing so will unlock Woops… (Throw away the last match in the whole universe). It will respawn back where it was.
  • Step 7.
    Get your hands on the match again and light it using the matchbox. Go around your room and light the three lanterns on the walls.
  • Step 8.
    Hand off the match into the medium-sized version while it is still on fire. Light the three lanterns inside his room. They will be opposite of your lanterns on the wall.
  • Step 9.
    Finally, hand off the lit match to the smallest fisherman and light the beacon in the middle. You can now forget about the match.
  • Step 10.
    Rotate the lanterns in your room to face the middle. Once you’ve rotated all of them, it will activate the lighthouse’s beam.
  • Step 11.
    Rotate the beam until you find the huge version of yourself, sleeping on a chair. Keep the beam on him to wake him up, which will finish the chapter unlocking The Lighthouse.


  • Step 1.
    Once you spawn in, look atop the miniature lighthouse model. You will find a small fisherman sleeping. Give it a pat to unlock Farewell, tiny puppet (One last pat on the tiny puppet’s shoulder).
  • Step 2.
    Go to the door and open it to go outside and watch the credits. Once Free… at last! (… and so our story ends) unlocks you can exit to the main menu.

That’s the A Fisherman’s Tale game walkthrough complete, I hope it helps you through the Prologue, all 4 Chapters and the Epilogue.

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