Alienation DLC Pack 1 Masters Of Co-Op Trophy Guide
Author: ValeNort46.
Genre: Action Adventure.
Alienation directory.
Welcome to the Alienation DLC Pack 1 Masters Of Co-op guide which will help you complete the Mothership, Battleship and master difficulty missions in the first DLC pack for Alienation.
Platforms: PS4.
Trophies: 3: Bronze: 3.
Release Date: 05-July-2016
Missable Trophies: 2: I’m back and I brought a friend – v2.0, Battleship? More Like Friendship!.
Glitched Trophies: None.
Online Trophies: None.
Difficulty Rating: 8/10.
Approx. time to 100%: 5 Hours.

I’m back and I brought a friend – v2.0
Complete the Mothership mission from start to finish in local co-op
This requires 2 controllers in order to complete, the mothership is a non-replayable mission so may require you to start a new character from scratch. Make your way to the Mothership story mission then once this is unlocked, sign into your console and turn on both controllers and party up into one lobby, let your guest die then make your way through the mothership mission and once complete your Trophy will unlock.

Battleship? More like Friendship!
Complete the Battleship mission from start to finish in local co-op
The battle ship is the halfway story mission and is like the mothership as in it is non-replayable so may require you to start a new character. Make your way to the battleship story mission then once this is unlocked, sign into your console and turn on both controllers and party up into one lobby, let your guest die then make your way through the battleship mission and once complete your Trophy will unlock.

Fifteen points to the Alienator!
Complete a mission on the Master difficulty
To access master difficulty you need to reach world level 2, with world level 2 unlocked you then need to complete a mission on veteran difficulty to unlock expert difficulty then finally beat that same mission on expert difficulty to unlock master difficulty. With that done your now free to start the mission on master difficulty which sees you face enemies that are 14 levels above your current level so they are much harder to defeat, I suggest you do this on the very first mission and take your time to kill each enemy group before proceeding too far into the mission.
Use the respawn beacons to your advantage by activating them should you die and then won’t have to return to the start point. Make your way through the mission and once complete your Trophy will unlock.