Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Arena Analysis Tests
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Platformer,
Armored Core 6: Fires Of Rubicon directory.
Here we will go over the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Arena Analysis Tests which you will need to complete as you progress towards unlocking Master of Arena which unlocks once you have completed all Arena programs. Similar to the Arena Aptitude Tests you will be facing off against a series of opponents which only become available on your second playthrough once you concluded Chapter 1 by completing Mission: Attack the Watchpoint. Allmind will then send you a message asking you to help them test out their new series of un-manned AC’s which can be found by going: Garage> Arena> Analysis then work your way through the list.
The Analysis tests will unlock very similarly to the Aptitude tests as you progress through your 2nd playthrough where the battles will become tougher and more intense as you progress. You will also have 3 more Arena Analysis battles to take on in New Game ++ (3rd playthrough) which can be intense fights, although if you have made it to your third playthrough, you know how to handle yourself anyway.
Fortunately, and as long as you have been following along with our Armored Core VI guides, you will have unlocked The Fires of Raven as the ending and as long as you can take everything down in that playthrough, these Analysis opponents won’t pose you much of a challenge as long as you go in appropriately geared. Each win will award you OST Chips you can spend on software upgrades which are found by going: Garage> OS Tuning and can really upgrade your AC making tougher missions trivial when you go back to them with the appropriate upgrades. The 12 opponents you will face are as follows:
- Integration Subject 51 -001 K.
- Analysis Subject 51 -011 AL.
- Analysis Subject 51 -012 AL.
- Integration Subject 51 -002 K.
- Analysis Subject 51 -013 BE.
- Analysis Subject 51- 014 BE.
- Integration Subject 51 -003 K.
- Analysis Subject 51 -015 GA.
- Analysis Subject 51 -016 GA.
- Classified Subject 51-101 R. (New Game ++).
- Classified Subject 51-201 W. (New Game ++).
- Classified Subject: —— –. (New Game ++).
These fights are tough, however, compared to wait you face in regular Missions they aren’t really much to worry about and are more like target practice than anything else so as long as you utilise the same sort of strategies that have gotten you to the point where you can fight these opponents, taking them down shouldn’t pose that many issues.
Integration Subject 51 -001 K
Requirements: Conclude Chapter 1 in New Game+.
Rewards: $60,000, 8 OST Chips.
This is a fairly powerful opponent who comes at you with lasers, a boost kick and a powerful missile all of which should be avoided. Bait your opponent into a dodge or back them into a corner or against a wall then use splash damage against the wall to inflict heavy damage if they keep dodging you until you bring your opponent down.
Analysis Subject 51 -011 AL
Requirements: Conclude Chapter 1 in New Game+.
Rewards: $66,000, 8 OST Chips.
The Trainer is a very agile opponent who is exceptionally good at dodging attacks so for me, I used the Laser Lance to inflict stagger then double blasts from the Earshots to inflict seriously heavy damage. Use heavy, hard hitting tracking weaponry if you’re running a lighter AC then punish where you can. There’s minimal opportunity to back your opponent against the wall in this fight save for a small building, however, it’s more efficient to focus on dodging the incoming the countering with fast hitting weaponry or blades for maximum damage.
Analysis Subject 51 -012 AL
Requirements: Conclude Chapter 1 in New Game+.
Rewards: $72,000, 8 OST Chips.
This is a fairly straightforward fight as long as you stay away from the Pulse Blade and avoid the heavy missile that comes your way every so often. Bait your opponent into a dodge with a few low level shots then unleash dual Earshots (Earshot Grenade Cannon) into it until you come out victorious.
Integration Subject 51 -002 K
Requirements: Complete Chapter 3 Mission: Prevent Corporate Salvage of New Tech.
Rewards: $80,000, 10 OST Chips.
Your opponent this time round favours up close and personal combat by utilising a Shield then coming at you with a Laser Dagger whilst also utilising powerful ranged attacks as well. Counter the melee onslaught with your own to stagger then use heavy splash damage to destroy your adversary.
Analysis Subject 51 -013 BE
Requirements: Complete Chapter 3 Mission: Prevent Corporate Salvage of New Tech.
Rewards: $86,000, 10 OST Chips.
This one is a tough fight against a very agile opponent who utilises Laser Drones with a high degree of efficiency as well as having hard hitting ranged weaponry that can stagger you with one or 2 hits. Ensure you bring an agile AC along for this one with either a blade or some hard hitting tracking weaponry. You need the agility to avoid the Laser Drones attacks then the tracking weapons and, or the blade to counter the agility of your opponent. This can be a tough fight to complete so mix things up if you’re struggling and try different weapons or builds out until you find the sweet spot and bring the AC down.
Analysis Subject 51- 014 BE
Requirements: Complete Chapter 3 Mission: Prevent Corporate Salvage of New Tech.
Rewards: $92,000, 10 OST Chips.
This fight isn’t overly difficult as long as you can hit your opponent. Faster builds will have an easier time of it here as this guy seems to have an un-ending ability to stay in the air whilst using the rooftops for cover and ducking back down to inflict damage on you. Make good use of a blade and heavy hitting tracking weaponry to make short work of your opponent or back them against a building and unload splash damage explosives to bring this AC down.
Integration Subject 51 -003 K
Requirements: Conclude Chapter 3 in New Game +.
Rewards: $100,000, 15 OST Chips.
Subject 51 -003 K can be a challenge as it hits hard and moves fast, which for me at least is the worst type of opponent to go up against as taking on a fast opponent is fairly simple as they don’t hit hard or a hard hitting opponent that doesn’t move fast is simple as well. This thing combines the worst of both Worlds and is a challenge especially due to the Shield that takes the majority of your onslaught so bring a blade to negate the issue of the shield. Build up stagger then punish.
Analysis Subject 51 -015 GA
Requirements: Conclude Chapter 3 in New Game +.
Rewards: $110,000, 15 OST Chips.
This battle will put you against a very Laser efficient enemy so you will need to either tank the hits or be agile enough to avoid them. Either way, there will be a raves amount of lasers coming your way sent from a very agile opponent in an open arena so make good use of a blade and tracking or fast weaponry. The Arena you are in can make things a bit tricky, however, if you can trap your adversary down in between the turntable for the railway tracks you can get off some hard hitting AOE attacks.
Analysis Subject 51 -016 GA
Requirements: Conclude Chapter 3 in New Game +.
Rewards: $120,000, 15 OST Chips.
The AC you’re going after in this battle is tough and will easily shut you down if you allow it. For me, ranged weaponry was the way to go whilst having enough agility to avoid the Missiles and incoming barrages of attacks that come your way. Build up stagger with something like a Laser Shotgun then punish with missile launchers such as the Earshots to rip chunks off the health bar. Use a blade if you’re struggling then punish until its down.
Classified Subject 51-101 R
Requirements: Conclude Chapter 2 in New Game ++(3rd Playthrough).
Rewards: $135,000.
Did you ever find taking on V.IV Rusty a challenge? Me to. Unfortunately for us, Steel Haze Ortus is like Rusty’s tough big brother who has more health, hits harder, has a wider variety of attacks including a deadly melee combo that can half health you if you take it all and terminal armor so even when you “defeat” the AC, the fight still won’t be over. Ensure you go in with powerful melee weaponry such as the Laser Lance (VE-67LLA Laser Lance) and powerful back weaponry such as the Earshots (Earshot Grenade Cannon) then take Steel Haze Ortus apart systematically whilst avoiding his onslaught to come out victorious.
Classified Subject 51-201 W
Requirements: Complete the Eliminate the Enforcement Squads Mission on New Game ++ (Required to work towards the Alea lacta Est Ending).
Rewards: $150,000.
This will be your first Arena fight against a Coral based AC in the Arena and is essentially a watered down version of Handler Walter whom you will have fought at the end of playthrough 2 whilst you were going for the Liberator of Rubicon Ending. Ensure you get the stagger whilst avoiding the Coral shots then rip health off as you usually would until you defeat Allminds penultimate secret.
Classified Subject: ------ -
Requirements: Complete the Chapter 4 Mission, Underground Exploration – Depth 2 in New Game ++.
Another Coral based AC for you to take down who utilises some tough, hard hitting attacks and tracking weaponry, however, as you have made it this far you really shouldn’t have that many difficulties in taking her down. If you are struggling go back to a strategy you will have used against CEL 240 at the end of Chapter 4 or Handler Walter whom you will have defeated at the end of your second playthrough whilst going for the Liberator of Rubicon ending.
That’s how to take down all of the Analysis and Classified Arena enemies in Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon.
That’s the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Arena Analysis Tests guide complete, I hope it helped you take down every opponent who stands in your way in the Arena through your 2nd and 3rd playthroughs.
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