
Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Asset Holder Guide

Armored Core VI Fires Of Rubicon Asset Holder Trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

70 G

Asset Holder
Obtained all parts.

Here is the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon guide which will help you obtain all parts of which there are 302 and acquiring them all will take you through 3 playthroughs and near on every encounter in the game. Due to the fact there are 302 parts to acquire throughout Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon, I have broken down the parts into their own guides to make things a lot easier with the guides being laid out allowing you to acquire all of the parts as you come to them as you play through the game. Some parts will be incredibly challenging when you first get to them in the campaign, however, they are doable or you can always come back later just as long as you do so before the end of your given playthrough to avoid any potential issues.

The guides are set up for you to do all 3 playthroughs whilst working towards The Fires Of Raven Ending on playthrough 1, the Liberator of Rubicon Ending on playthrough 2 and the Alea lacta Est Ending on playthrough 3 so as long as you follow along accordingly you will be able to collect every part along the way. You will, along the way to obtaining all parts need to collect all Combat Logs which again can be a challenge so come back for these if you struggling then follow along with the Combat Log Collector guide for a clear look at how to acquire all 80 Combat Logs throughout the 56 encounters you will find them in. The categories holding the parts in Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon are as follows:

Weapon Parts:


External Parts:


Internal Parts:


Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon is a challenging game, there’s no escaping that, however, that said, it’s not an impossible game as long as you don’t go in with a 1 build does all mindset so ensure you that you mix things up. You do, after all, have 302 different pieces of equipment to try out and see what works for you for a given Mission, near enough every weapon, piece of armour and internal part has its use and it can save you hours of failure if you spend half an hour testing out how weaponry works then give it a go in the Mission you can’t get past. You might just be surprised at the results.

Weapon Parts

There are a total of 186 weapon parts to collect throughout Armored Core VI and acquiring them all will take you through nearly 3 complete playthroughs with you having to fulfil a multitude of requirements along the way. Check out the guides below for direct links to every category where you will find how to acquire every weapon for that particular Unit type:

R-Arm Unit Parts

There are 45 R-Arm Unit Parts to collect which will vary greatly in their efficiency in combat as well as the requirements to unlock them. Check out the R-Arm Unit Parts guide for how to obtain all 45 Parts for your Right Arm.

L-Arm Unit Parts

Your left arm is arguably more important than your right as this is where you can equip your melee weapons which are exclusive to your left arm and can really help you out in combat so ensure you try out every new weapon you find as they all have their uses in certain situations. Check out the L-Arm Unit Parts guide for how to obtain all 58 Parts for your Right Arm.

R-Back Unit Parts

You will have a total of 38 parts to acquire for your right back section on your AC which, like your arms can vary greatly in their efficiency and deadliness with certain weapons needing to be equipped just to progress through the story you will need to try out the weapons to find which one(s) suit a challenging Mission or even just to help you through the game. Check out the R-Back Unit Parts guide for how to collect all 38 Parts for the right side of you back.

L-Back Unit Parts

Similar to the L-Arm Unit Parts, the left side of your back has more choice than the right side for whatever reason as you can deploy shields which can come in incredibly handy against tougher opponents as they will absorb chunks of damage before depleting so try one if there’s a particular enemy giving you a lot of grief. You can also dual wield weaponry on your back essentially doubling the firepower you would ordinarily have so find what works best for you and your playstyle. Check out the L-Back Unit Parts guide for how to obtain all 45 Parts for the left side of your back.

External Parts

External Parts not only determine how your AC looks, it also determines how you move, the weapons you can hold and how much weight overall you can handle as well as determining your dodge speed, thrust capabilities, overall health and agility when you’re in a combat zone. Ensure you change things up if you’re struggling with a particular mission as you can easily make things easier by going for a full tank build or maybe a lighter, more agile AC will allow you to avoid heavier attacks altogether allowing you to swoop in for some heavy counters, find what works for you in each Mission you play.

Head Parts

Head parts are mainly there for the aesthetic so choose one that suits you best whilst taking note of the AP and stability of the head overall, for me, I used the Basho head for the majority of the game until I unlocked the Hal head but I didn’t notice a real difference throughout. Check out the Head Parts guide for how to collect all 22 Heads which will take you through to the start of your third playthrough to do so.

Core Parts

Core Parts are where the game can get technical as the Core is exactly that, the core of your entire AC, if you try and go for a massive core then want skinny little legs you won’t even be able to Sortie, let along be any good in combat so finding the balance is very important. Just because a Core looks really good, if the AP and overall efficiency core isn’t conducive to the rest of your build then there’s not much point in equipping it, find the core(s) that work in harmony with the rest of your build and make sure you change things up, sometimes agility can win, whereas other times you need those full tank treads to soak up the damage. Check out the Core Parts guide for how to unlock all 16 Cores throughout your playthrough(s).

Arms Parts

Your Arms play another vital role for your AC as they determine the weight and size of the weaponry you can wield. It would be nice to use a pair of Arms that both look good as well as being able to handle bazookas and grenade launchers, however, during combat, I can assure you that for the most part you aren’t going to have time to look at your Arms and admire them when you’re trying to take on Armies of PCA and Redguns so go for what works well with the rest of your build. Check out the Arms Parts guide for how to obtain all 18 Arms Parts in the game.

Legs Parts

Arguably the most important part of your entire build as, if you choose a set of legs that aren’t suited to a particular Mission then you’ll be in trouble from the outset. The Ocean Crossing Mission which concludes Chapter 2 is a prime example of this as, at the start of the Mission, Tetra-Pod legs come in really useful in avoiding the PCA satellites, whereas fast tank treads can give you a wonderful mix of strength and agility in combat allowing you to race around the arena whilst also being able to soak up the damage. Either, way, find the legs that work best for how you want to play, then, if you’re failing consistently in a Mission, change things up and you might just start taking more wins. Check out the Legs Parts guide for how to obtain all 24 Legs Parts found throughout your first 2 playthroughs.

Internal Parts

Your Internal Parts whilst not as exciting as the weapons you can collect play a key role in how your AC will handle in battle as well as the gear you can equip and how fast you can dodge and move around a given biome so shouldn’t be overlooked. The FCS (Fire Control System) especially is incredibly important as it will determine at which distance you can achieve target lock, then there’s your generator which determines the weaponry, gear and how fast your stamina bar recharges which ultimately powers your entire AC.

Booster Parts

Your Booster plays a variety or roles and is only available to equip when you don’t have Tank legs installed as they come with their own specific booster set so as long as you are using a 2 legged AC you will need to choose a Booster which allows you to Boost around a biome as well as being able to reach highly areas easier or if you’re using Tetra-Pod legs you can then hover for for longer. Check out the Booster Parts guide for how to unlock all 12 Boosters on offer throughout your playthroughs of Amored Core VI.

FCS Parts

Your FCS or Fire Control System plays a very important role in Armored Core VI as it determines how effectively you can achieve lock-on to an enemy and at what range. If you’re playing a long range game then ensure you don’t fit a close range FCS, if you want a balanced build then go for an FCS that is good at Mid Range or if you have a melee based AC then a Long Range FCS will be fairly useless to you so ensure you choose accordingly depending on the type of Mission you are going in to. Check out the FCS Parts guide for how to obtain all 10 FCS Modules throughout the game.

Generator Parts

Generators determine how much energy output your AC can produce thus dictating the weaponry you can equip. Going for a lightweight, agile generator won’t allow you to equip massive triple laser guns whereas a full size generator will also bring a lot more weight and is only useful on heavier builds. Like I’ve said throughout this guide, ensure you mix things up and find what works for you, it will be better to go for a lower generator sacrificing some power if you don’t need it allowing you to be more agile or if you are going for full on war then equip the best, heaviest generator which generates the most power enabling you to equip your best gear and recharge often. Check out the Generator Part guide for how to locate all 14 Generators throughout Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon.

Once you have acquired all 302 parts throughout your 3 playthroughs of Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon, you will unlock Asset Holder.

That’s the Asset Holder guide complete, I hope it helped you obtain all parts.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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