
Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Chapter 1 Missions

Here is a look at all of the Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon Chapter 1 Missions. There are, 5 chapters broken down into various missions throughout the game, we will go over every Chapter 1 Mission in this guide of which there are 11 in your first playthrough then a Decision Mission and 2 more regular Missions in Playthrough 3 (New Game ++) making 14 in total. The missions themselves are fairly straight forward given its the start of the game, ensure you vary up your playstyle and purchase any weaponry, frame parts and inner parts you like the look of and only engage optional enemies such as the Tetra-Pod in the 4th mission: Destroy the Transport Helicopters if you feel confident enough to do so. Chapter 1 contains the following missions:

  1. Illegal Entry.
  2. Destroy Artillery Installations.
  3. Grid 135 Cleanup.
  4. Destroy the Transport Helicopters.
  5. Destroy the Tester AC.
  6. Attack the Dam Complex. (New Game + Alt Mission details added). (New Game ++ Alea lacta Est Ending details added).
  7. Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship.
  8. Escort the Weaponized Mining Ship. (NG++, 3rd Playthrough).
  9. Operation Wallclimber.
  10. Prisoner Rescue. (New Game ++, 3rd Playthrough).
  11. Obstruct the Mandatory Inspection. (New Game ++, 3rd Playthrough).
  12. Retrieve Combat Logs.
  13. Investigate BAWS Arsenal No. 2.
  14. Attack the Watchpoint.

The missions can be replayed as often as you need to and along the way you will be taking down some very tough opponents so ensure you purchase every weapon as they become available and replay missions as often as you can to help you learn the mechanics, work towards S Ranks and use the Arena when it becomes available to increase your skills.

Illegal Entry

Rewards: $170,000.
This will be the first mission you come to in Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon and is a challenge to complete, work your way through the area finding the 3 deceased A.C’s then use the jump pad to get up to the higher area. Scan the final A.C. where you will then be ambushed by AH12 AC Helicopter, the first boss in the game. Check out the AH12 AC Helicopter boss guide for how to put this overgrown chopper down which, once done will afford you the callsign Raven as well as complete the mission.

Destroy Artillery Installations

Rewards: Parts Shop, 100,000.
Head through the biome and take down every Artillery placement which is only possible once you get behind the guns as they have large shields to their front.

Grid 135 Cleanup

Rewards: 68,000.
Work your way through the facility taking down all of the enemies whilst taking care not to fall down through the gaps. Just manage your stamina to avoid the falls as you can hold down boost to ascend back up. Clear out the reinforcements when they appear using either bazooka style weapons or a blade to break the enemy shields.

Destroy The Transport Helicopters

Rewards: $80,000.
Take out the Mechs, tanks and shielded Mechs as you work your way through the terrain destroying the green Transport Helicopters then ascend the wall to the upper level. Be careful up here as there is a Tetra-Pod that can very quickly ruin your day. Boost to the other side of the arena and destroy the Helicopters without engaging any enemy to complete the mission, if you’re feeling confident you can defeat the Tetra-Pod, however, it can be a tough fight if you’re new to the game. Defeating the Tetra-Pod will award you a Silver Battle Log so if you are struggling initially, come back later in the game where you’ll kill it in seconds. Either way, once every Transport Helicopter is destroyed, the mission will complete.

Destroy The Tester AC

Rewards: $95,000.
You will be in a 1 vs 1 against another Armored Core. Avoid the blades and missiles and unlockd your best attacks when he stops moving for a few seconds. This is a very good mission to replay to practice taking down AC’s as you’ll have a lot to deal with later in the game.

Attack the Dam Complex

Rewards: $190,000.
This can be a challenging mission which also has an optional fight against a powerful Tetra-Pod who also has Mech support. If you do engage the Tetra-Pod found over to the right of the biome before you go through the canyon you will be awarded with the Combat Log 3: Silver Log upon successfully defeating the Tetra-Pod.. Progress through the area taking out the power stations as you go to the final area where you will be ambushed by a boss in an Armored Core who is optional.

You don’t need to take him down if you don’t want to, however, if you do defeat Burnt Pickaxe you will be rewarded with Combat Log 4: Gold Log for your troubles. Once you have dealt with Burnt Pickaxe or if you choose not to fight him, ascend up to the higher platform then use the jump elevator to propel yourself high enough to destroy the final generator completing the mission.

New Game+ Alt Mission:
On your 2nd playthrough, you should be aiming for the, Liberator of Rubicon Ending, which you will receive if you make certain decisions through the game. Progress through the Mission until you have destroyed the 2nd Generator where you will then stopped by a radio message asking you to kill the 2 Redguns you are with. Refuse the offer to work towards the, The Liberator of Rubicon Ending.

New Game++ Alea lacta Est Ending requirements:
Once you are on your third playthrough, you should have achieved both The Fires Of Raven Ending (on your first playthrough) and the Liberator of Rubicon Ending (on New Game +, your 2nd playthrough) where, on your third playthrough you should be aiming for the Alea lacta Est EndingProceed through the Mission to the point where you destroyed the first 2 generators, then, when you receive the coded message from the Rubicon Liberation Front, you need to choose “Accept” then go through and take down both G4 Volta and G5 Iguazu to conclude the Mission.

Destroy The Weaponized Mining Ship

Rewards: $270,000.
Do not choose this Mission on Playthrough 3 (New Game ++), instead, choose Escort the Weaponized Mining Ship to work towards the Alea lacta Est EndingThis can be a very tricky mission as if you fall off, you have to restart so I recommend equipping the best Booster and Legs that you can to ensure you have a good chance of succeeding here. From the start of the mission, speed across the arena towards the Strider. You might get hit by a powerful laser you can dodge by jumping but it does move fast and hits incredibly hard so heal up if you take a hit then destroy the rear right leg on the Mech.

Quickly ascend the leg and up and on the main body of the Strider before it moves away from you as if it gets too far, it’s a mission fail then destroy the generators as marked by the Target symbol. It’s easier to destroy the generators by jumping off the edge, aiming and firing 2-3 rounds or a bazooka shell then get back to safety quickly as if you fall off or run out of stamina its again, a mission fail. With the generators down, go to the top of the Strider and get to cover quickly before the laser shreds you. Stay off the final section and use the cover to your left pop out of and take pot shots at the eye.

Take your time and only fire when you’re sure you will hit as ammo can be tight, then, when the laser starts charging up, get back to cover where you can keep popping in and out of cover whilst whittling the health bar down. With the eye destroyed, wait for the prompt to clear the Strider then fly off the edge and down to the ground then boost away far enough that you’re not caught in the impending explosion.

Escort The Weaponized Mining Ship

Rewards: $500,000.
You unfortunately won’t be escorting anything here as the Strider is destroyed as soon as you start the Mission. You will instead be ambushed by a lot of Rubicon Tech including the rolling Saws you will have encountered at the end of Chapter 3 on your first playthrough if you’re following along with the Combat Log Collector guideThe Rubicon MT Tech are very fast regardless of the surface, however, they will pause briefly whilst they get their bearings or receive orders so use this brief opportunity to unload into them.

Strafe the rolling Saws remembering that they won’t be able to ram you if you above them so staying off the ground at least until all of the Saws are done is a prevalent strategy. Take down every hostile in the area to conclude the Mission thus receiving an apology from the Rubicon Liberation Front for their mistake(s).

Operation Wallclimber

Rewards: $330,000.
This can be a tough mission from start to finish so ensure you equip your best gear, preferably anything AOE based on your back and heavy hitting weaponry on your Arms. Go through the initial area taking out the enemies and avoiding the incoming rounds from the turrets and the missile firing Mech at the top of the wall and steer clear of the Tetra-Pod at the bottom of the wall if you would rather avoid a very tough fight. Head to the left side of the city area before ascending the wall where you will find 3 Mechs surveying a downed AC. Kill them and ensure every hostile in the local area is down including any turrets on both levels of the wall that are engaging you where you can then retrieve the data log from the corpse.

Work your way up the right side of the wall avoiding damage as you go then open a door and get inside where you then need to take down the Mechs who are under the illusion they’re safe inside. Head through to the elevator then restock when prompted as you’re probably hurting for health and ammo by this point then head outside where you can take on the HA-T-102 Juggernaut boss. The HA-T-102 Juggernaut can be a nightmare to fight as it is fully protected from the front and turns very quickly after trying to ram raid you out of the way deploying mines behind it as well just as an extra inconvenience to deal with. Use AOE attacks and attack the HA-T-102 Juggernaut from up high where you can hopefully send some explosives into its back which is the weak spot for the guv’nor of the wall until you defeat the HA-T-102 Juggernaut completing the mission.

Prisoner Rescue

Rewards: $250,000.
On paper, this is a simple case of escorting a transport chopper through a combat zone taking down a few MT’s, Drones and Turrets as you pick up various comrades of the Rubicon Liberation Front. In practice, however, this is in the top 5 of difficult missions in the entire game. Bring a fast, agile loadout that can handle a scrap as well as some fast weaponry. For me I went for a full Hal Armor set which you receive at the end of playthrough 2 having achieved the Liberator of Rubicon Ending then for a loadout I went for on my right a Linear Rifle (LR-037 Harris Linear Rifle), on my left I had a Gatling Gun (DF-GA-08 Hu-Ben Gatling Gun) with dual Laser Cannons (VP-60LCS Laser Cannon) on my back.

This is a Mission I recommend you fail several times just to learn the enemy placements, especially if you want the 2 Combat Logs that are here as well. Check out the Combat Log Collector guide for more information on this. The Turrets on your way to the third site are incredibly important to take down quickly as they can shred the health bar of the chopper leaving you little scope for survival. Use the Rifle for the Mobs, the Gatling Gun to back you up if you miss any or need to clear groups quickly then the Laser Cannons are there if you have a tougher enemy or a turret to take down.

Go through to the first site taking out every hostile in the area destroying the transport helicopters that come across before the MT’s are allowed to deploy then head straight forward (don’t wait for the chopper). Clear every MT and Drone which appears then look at the helicopter and boost to the turrets down the main street. Get behind them and shred their health bars then continue down the way you came destroying the next 4 turrets placed on the fallen ruins of the city, again, don’t wait for the chopper just move quickly. Go through to the final site, clearing the hostiles on the ground and in the air then get ready for a tough fight when you’re told the chopper is about to leave the combat zone.

Use the Gatling gun to shred every low level MT then focus on G2 Nile, a powerful AC you need to deal with quickly before it and the back up it has destroy the chopper you’re escorting. If the chopper is less than a third health by the time the Redguns come in you will have an incredibly difficult time surviving the onslaught so taking out the turrets is of the utmost importance. With every hostile eliminated, you will conclude the Mission.

Obstruct The Mandatory Inspection

Rewards: $550,000.
Yet another tough Mission although you do get an ally so that will make things easier. Go through the initial sections taking down the PCA Weaponry and the LC’s following the markers then get ready for a tough 3 vs 2 fight against 2 hard hitting HC’s as well as a Cataphract: A heavily armoured mobile tank unit which has one weakness: it’s face which is found in between the treads. Take out the Humanoids first with or without Kate’s help then focus on the Cataphract aiming for the section in between the treads then, once you stagger it, get in there and unleash your best attacks or melee strikes until you bring the mobile unit down where the Mission will then conclude.

Retrieve Combat Logs

Rewards: $10,000.
You have 4 minutes to retrieve as much data as you can from fallen comrades. Stay high then go around to the West from your starting point collecting the data from the ACs then drop down into the crater to find 2 more with the 2nd being potentially tricky to acquire as you will be ambushed by: Yue Yu / Little Ziyl. You won’t need to take her down as long as you can retrieve the log in the time limit which will conclude the mission.

Investigate BAWS Arsenal No. 2

Rewards: $180,000.
This is an incredibly challenging mission so ensure you have your best gear equipped and get ready for a really tough series of fights against some invisible, very hard to hit opponents. Avoid the laser blasts and use your scan to identify where the enemy(s) are located and take them down. If you do die, restart from a checkpoint which will be beneficial anyway after you drop down into the mine as there will be 4 hard hitting, hard to see Mechs down there that can kill you very quickly. This one may well take some work and effort to beat, explosive and plasma weaponry helped me out a lot, just stay agile and put them down one by one until you have taken down every steal MT which will conclude the mission.

Attack The Watchpoint

Rewards: $380,000.
This is a very tough mission and where the difficulty in Armored Core VI starts to increase considerably as in this mission you will have 2 bosses to take down once you have survived the initial incursion by taking out the turrets and MTs which I recommend doing with long range explosives such as bazookas or grenade launchers. Once you’re through to bridge connecting your cleared out area to the Watchpoint, ensure you’re ready for a tough fight against Sulla, a very powerful, very well equipped AC unit who is very tough and has plenty of attacks to stagger you.

Stay out of the water when fighting this guy and use the structures on the platform to block the majority of attacks that come your way, send round after round into Sulla until he drops which will reward you with a gold Combat Log once you have concluded the mission. With Sulla defeated, head to the Watchpoint and destroy the core where, after the cut-scenes, you will be ambushed by the toughest opponent you will have come up against: AAP07: Balteus, an incredibly tough boss who put me down 9 times before I finally got him. More than every other boss in the game combined at this point of my playthrough.

Balteus will come at you with seemingly every type of attack the developers could outfit him with. You will have missile barrages that can half you even if you play as a tank build, fire attacks that rip through your armour, flaming blade attacks that can stagger you with 1 hit, a very powerful pule shield that can drain your ammo reserves just to remove it and is all round not a good time of things. When the missiles come your way, dodge forward, dodge to the side to avoid the flames and dodge diagonally against the side the blade attacks come. Equip any weaponry you have available to counter pulse shields then focus fire once the shield is removed and he’s staggered for a few seconds which is key to success. Take Balteus down to conclude not only the mission but also Chapter 1 as well.

That’s how to work through all 14 missions which make up Chapter 1 in Amored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon.

That’s how to complete all of the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Chapter 1 missions, I hope the guides helped you through the first quarter of the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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