
Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Chapter 4 Missions

Here is a look at all of the Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon Chapter 4 Missions. There are, 5 chapters broken down into various missions throughout the game, we will go over every Chapter 4 Mission in this guide of which there are 8. Before you can access Chapter 4, you will of course, need to have completed Chapter 3 (check out the Chapter 3 Missions guide for more information) where you will, once you have completed mission 26: Destroy the Ice Worm be able to descend into Chapter 4, the penultimate chapter in the game. Chapter 4 contains the following missions:

  1. Underground Exploration – Depth 1.
  2. Underground Exploration – Depth 2. (Alt Mission details added for New Game ++).
  3. Underground Exploration – Depth 3.
  4. Intercept the Redguns. Choose this Mission if you want The Fires of Raven Ending (This Mission will cancel Mission 5 and is recommended to choose on your first playthrough).
  5. Ambush the Vespers. Choose this Mission if you want the Liberator of Rubicon Ending (This Mission will cancel Mission 4 and is recommended to choose on your second playthrough).
  6. Eliminate V.III. (New Game ++). (Choose this Mission if you’re going after the Alea lacta Est Ending which I highly recommend doing so on your third playthrough).
  7. Unknown Territory Survey.
  8. Reach the Coral Convergence. (Alt Mission details added for New Game ++).

Given the difficulty of Chapter 3 combined with all of the gear completing Chapter 3 unlocks, you will be well equipped to take down most enemies along the way. Ensure you use your OST Chips from the Arena or even re-spec to suit your needs if you need to then keep pushing forward through the missions to the Chapter’s conclusion.

Underground Exploration - Depth 1

Rewards: $250,000.
This mission is a nasty slap in the face to start off Chapter 4 as there are only a handful of enemies and 1 huge threat: Nephestes, an incredibly powerful multi-laser firing machine at the bottom of a shaft thousands of feet deep which is also capable of triggering Mechs on either side of the shaft to blast you as you seek sanctuary from the weapon below.

Nephestes will always fire 6 lasers at you and you need to avoid them by using the platforms on the way down as cover. Head into the centre of the shaft then drop down to a platform below the one you are standing on using the criss-cross girders for cover from the lasers and the missile barrages that come your way. Once down the bottom of the shaft, look to the joint holding Nephestes up and allowing it some movement then unload your weaponry into it to destroy the machine permanently.

Underground Exploration - Depth 2

Rewards: $300,000.
This is a very tough mission for one simple reason. The boss at the end is the toughest opponent you will have faced by a long way. Raven, the Cleaner, Balteus and the 2 on one Captain boss fights were tough but the Enforcer is next level tough, he has the most varied set of weaponry of any boss in the game so far, serious defence and a melee combo that can take 75% health off a full tank build, annihilating lighter builds in one swoop if you get caught up in it. Oh, it also has a shockwave that can cover distance in a split second and more agility than most other enemies in the game. Tough fight this.

From the start of the mission, head through the tunnels to the room with the long ramp where you will be ambushed by G5 Iguazu who has lost his mind having been at such a low depth for a long time. Back him in to a corner then lay him to rest. Continue though the tunnels to where the enemy with the blue laser fires at you then drop down off to the right when you’re outside carefully platforming down to the ventilation shaft. Use the boost pad to jump up and make your way round dealing with the enemies as you go then use the Sherpa when it becomes available to resupply (I recommend doing this even if you have full AP and repair kits as the Enforcer will need you at your best to be defeated).

The enforcer starts the fight by hitting you with a powerful laser you should try and dodge then start firing pulse guns at you, throwing delayed tracking missiles at you and meleeing you with an incredibly hard hitting combo that can swing and thrust. Once the Enforcer is down to half health he then speeds up and his controllers who you can hear over comms crank him up to full power enabling a powerful melee attack into the ground sending a laser based shockwave your way that can and will stagger a full tank build instantly, smaller ACs are not advised here unless you’re incredibly skilled at the game only due to how hard this thing hits.

For me, I used the Laser Shotgun () as it builds up stagger really, Laser Lance () to inflict very heavy damage and stagger build up, dual Songbirds, an Agile tank build to help dodge and be more agile in the fight. There is no “do this and you’ll win” strategy against the Enforcer, it is a fight you will more than likely lose time and time again until you learn the attacks and what they look like for you to deal with. As long as you avoid that melee attack and keep staggering the Enforcer you will eventually take the win. Mix up your weaponry if you can’t get it under half health and staggering it is the key to victory more than any other encounter in the game so far.

Alt Mission (New Game++).
You will face an alternative version of this Mission on your third playthrough where you will usually face off against G5 Iguazu, you will instead find a defeated AC on the ramp which holds a data log. Collecting the log will cause Coldcall to Ambush you who is a tough, agile opponent you need to defeat then proceed through the rest of the Mission as normal.

Underground Exploration - Depth 3

Rewards: $270,000.
You will need a md-heavy build and some long range weaponry to help with this machine as well as a blade / lance to help when you get up close and personal with the enemies. From the start of the mission, drop down and use the raised sections to shield you from the Sniper lasers then cross to the dish and take them out going anti-clockwise. Drop down with the lasers down and access the door taking care of the enemies as you go then head through the fusion chamber and destroy the power core allowing you to head back into the fusion chamber.

This is where things get tough as you will have a very tough, agile boss to take down and you only have around 90 seconds to do so. The timer starts at 2 minutes, however, the timer is until the structure goes critical, not how long you have to take down the boss so ignore the timer and just take this guy down. Ephemera will come at you with shockwave attacks, heavy hitting pulse based missiles and some high agility that can take him to the ceiling making him out of range for most heavier builds.

I found it easiest with a laser shotgun and a lance to inflict stagger then dual laser cannons to strip bars off of his health bar until he fell. Tough fight this one and the timer can add an extra layer of anxiety to the affair. With Ephemera down, disengage the locks and fly out the opening towards the marker before the grid goes critical completing the mission in the process.

Intercept the Redguns

Rewards: $400,000.
Choose this mission if you are going for The Fires of Raven Ending which I recommend doing in playthrough 1. This is a very tough mission that comes at you as soon as you load in. You have an entire Army to take down and I’m not exaggerating. You need to take down every remaining member of the Redguns which consist of MT’s, Shielded MT’s, Tetra-Pods, Transport Helicopters, Generic Weaponry and G1 Michigan, an incredibly powerful, hard hitting AC who is the Redguns leader.

Go through the first 3 waves of enemies as effectively as you can ensuring you don’t lose that much health or use your best ammunition as you will need it for G1 Michigan who spawns in once his AC has charged up and most of his Men have fallen. G1 will come at you with missiles, melee attacks and lots of help from his minions throughout the battle which makes the fight a lot harder than it ordinarily would be. Lining up a shot on Michigan only to get staggered by 2 MT’s throwing missiles at you from behind is brutal to deal with in the heat of battle.

Try and clear the MT’s and especially any Tetra-Pod that spawns in whilst avoiding the attacks from G1 as the less enemies on the field means the less attacks you have to deal with whilst taking down the Redgun’s Leader. Don’t sit back and relax after G1 is down either as you need to clear every single Redgun in the mission regardless of if they’re a small chopper or a Tetra-Pod which, once successful will complete the mission putting you one step closer to unlocking The Fires of Raven Ending.

Ambush the Vespers

Rewards: $180,000.
Choose this mission if you are going for the Liberator of Rubicon Ending which I recommend doing in playthrough 2. A potentially tough Mission, however, if, as advised you are doing this in New Game + then you will be more than equipped and prepared to take down 2 AC’s. Your 2 opponents are V.V Hawkins and V.VII Pater with the latter being your primary focus if you want an easier time of it. What makes this Mission even easier is you have a powerful Ally along with you who can virtually deal with the pair by itself leaving you to inflict as much damage as you can on a distracted pair of targets. Bring some gear and a build you’re comfortable with then go through the motions until both your opponents are dead.

Eliminate V.III

Rewards: $320,000.
Choose this mission to work towards the Alea lacta Est Ending in playthrough 3. This is a fight against a Tetra-Pod equipped AC who likes to hover over the abyss below and take pot shots at you with tracking weaponry so either equip a lighter build or your own Tetra-Pod legs then get out there and take him down. Ensure you keep an eye on your boost meter so you can still get back to safety if you’re running low and use hard hitting or fast weaponry to bring V.III O’Keefe down.

Unknown Territory Survey

Rewards: $260,000.
Ensure you bring an AOE weapon with you and some hard hitting gear. The AOE attacks are for the Coral mealworms you will encounter on the way dow through the mine. The hard hitting weaponry is for the only real enemy in the mission: V.IV Rusty, your old friend and Ally has been sent down by the powers that be to kill you. Rusty will hit hard and fast so you need to either be very tough and go mid-full tank build or try and meet his agility whilst also avoiding the heavy barrage of ranged and melee attacks he will send your way.

I find bringing a powerful melee weapon along made the fight a lot simpler as well as a nice combination of explosive and laser based weaponry on my back. Take Rusty down then descend all the way down to a hidden civilisation safe from the wars above… Until now of course.

New Game + update:
Proceed through the Mission and engage Rusty as you usually would then get ready for a challenge as Middle Flatwell joins the fight against you. He arrives with half health which is a bonus but he can still hit hard and more importantly, he can pull your focus from V.IV Rusty. Take them both down to conclude the Mission in New Game +.

Reach The Coral Convergence

Rewards: $520,000.
This is the Mission which will conclude Chapter 4 and it acts like it as well. You start the mission up against 2 tough AC units in a 2 vs 1 battle that can strip your resources if you’re complacent (there is a Sherpa later but you go through hell to get there so be careful taking the ACs down). You are up against both V.VI Maeterlinck and G3 Wu HuaHai with the latter being the priority kill here as Maeterlinck doesn’t have any health halving attacks but whichever you do it, take them both down then proceed forward. Fly over to the bridge and destroy the rolling saw that comes flying across the bridge at you, then if you want a lot of Combat Logs and gear, drop down and clear the field of enemies.

If you just want to get on with the game then fly across to the building rooftops and up into the ruins of the city. Use the buildings for covering and head towards the lake where you have a boss fight which is tougher than pretty much every other boss in the game combined (except maybe the Ice Worm and the Enforcer, the point is, it’s incredibly tough. Cel 240 is a Coral powered Mech who can send endless energy beams, shockwave combos that can rip your health bar down to nothing, a very powerful charged beam of Coral energy that you have to avoid or you’re in big trouble all wrapped up in a tiny, very agile package that is just not a good time whichever way you look at it.

Fortunately, there is a pattern. Cel 240 will swoop down 3 times then wait for a split second. As it swoops down, ensure you have lock on then unload shots from 2 Stun Needles (you used this weapon against the Ice Worm) then unload double Gatling Guns into the staggered boss. There is a high chance you will miss and you can swap out the stun needles the first time you die (you will more than likely die more to CEL 240 than any other boss in the game so far) and they do a fantastic job of staggering this Coral based guardian. Once you have taken CEL 240 down, sit back and get ready for it to become even more powered, have faster attacks, hit harder and have a full health bar back which seems unfair at first but as long as you can line up your shots for where CEL 240 will be rather than where it currently is, the fight becomes a lot more manageable. Bring it down to conclude the mission and Chapter 4 where you will be thrown directly into Chapter 5 with no respite.

Alt Mission (New Game ++).
Once you have taken down the first 2 AC’s in the mission, Allmind will come over comms and tell you of V.II Snail’s plans to decommission you after you have taken down CEL 240. Follow the new Mission marker and take down both V.II Snail and G5 Iguazu focusing on Iguazu exclusively when he spawns in as he can be an annoying addition to a tough battle then refocus your efforts on Snail until he’s down where the Mission will then conclude.

That’s how to complete all 7 missions that make up Chapter 4. Now it’s time to conclude the Armored Core VI Fires Of Rubicon story in Chapter 5.

That’s how to complete all of the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Chapter 4 missions, I hope the guides helped you through the the 4th Chapter.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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