Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Chapter 5 Missions
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Platformer.
Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon directory.
Here is a look at all of the Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon Chapter 5 Missions. There are, 5 chapters broken down into various missions throughout the game, we will go over every Chapter 5 Mission in this guide of which there are 6 on your first playthrough with a further 2 on your 2nd playthrough then finally 3 more Missions on your third playthrough (New Game ++) totalling 11. Before you can access Chapter 5, you will of course, need to have completed Chapter 4 (check out the Chapter 4 Missions guide for more information) where you will, once you have completed mission 32: Reach the Coral Convergence be thrown straight into Chapter 5, where you can conclude the story of Armored Core VI. On your first playthrough anyway. Chapter 5 contains the following missions:
- Escape.
- Take the Uninhabited Floated City.
- Intercept the Corporate Forces. Choose this Mission if you want The Fires of Raven Ending (This Mission will cancel Mission 4 and is recommended to choose on your first playthrough).
- Eliminate “Cinder” Carla. Choose this Mission if you want the Liberator of Rubicon Ending (This Mission will cancel Mission 3 and is recommended to choose on your second playthrough).
- Breach the Kármán Line. (The Fires Of Raven Ending Mission).
- Shut Down the Closure Satellites. (The Fires Of Raven Ending Mission).
- Destroy the Drive Block. (Liberator of Rubicon Ending Mission).
- Bring Down the Xylem. (Liberator of Rubicon Ending Mission).
- MIA. (Alea lacta Est Ending Mission, New Game ++).
- Regain Control of the Xylem. (Alea lacta Est Ending Mission, New Game ++) .
- Coral Release. (Alea lacta Est Ending, New Game ++).
Chapter 5 is where the story concludes. Ensure you have done everything you want to as once you take down the final boss and get the ending you have been working towards, you will go straight into New Game+ (2nd Playthrough).
Rewards: $0.
This is a strange Mission as you are put into it as soon as Chapter 4 concludes and you are in a dedicate AC meaning you can’t use your own gear, you have a very weak Burst Rifle and a Missile Launcher and not much else to get out of a prison. Follow the path round to the right taking out the MT’s as you go then head outside. Use the buildings for cover and stay right as you go to the back of the Institute City where “Cinder” Carla will come and collect you. Clear the remaining MT’s and wait for your ex-fil which will conclude the Mission.
Take The Uninhabited Floating City
Rewards: $385,000.
This can be a rough one so ensure you have at least one heavy hitting weapon, for me I went dual Earshots (Earshot Grenade Cannon) on my back, a Laser Lance (VE-67LLA Laser Lance) on my left and a Laser Rifle (VE-66LRB Laser Rifle) on my right with an Arquebus tank build. You will have to clear a lot of enemies including LC Snipers and suicide Drones that you need to dispatch quickly or they can remove the Shield from the Xylem Tower with one hit. Clear every enemy before you in the 5 minute time limit to get a pretty cool cut-scene by Armored Core VI standards which will conclude the Mission.
Intercept The Corporate Forces
Rewards: $440,000.
Choose this mission if you are going for The Fires of Raven Ending which I recommend doing in playthrough 1. This is a tough Mission so bring some hard hitting, fast weaponry with you as well as I as heavy a build as you’re comfortable with as the HC from earlier in the game makes a return as well as a lot of LC’s then a very hard hitting AC at the end. Checkpoints are sparse as well so ensure you avoid as many attacks you can as you progress towards the HC as it can be tough, for me I staggered it then punished the boss into submission with a few AP left. It hits very hard and is incredibly fast so don’t be surprised if this fight takes you a good few attempts to complete.
Ensure you resupply then go through and clear the field with “Chatty” Stick where Freud will spawn in who is very tough, agile and hits like a train with damn near every attack. Back Frued into a corner and unload some heavy explosives into him which will help rip chunks off his health bar, avoid the missiles and the melee attacks at all costs and keep yourself moving as stationary players won’t last long here. Ignore the constant berating you receive and just focus on Frued clearing any MT’s that arrive as you don’t need the extra pressure in this tough fight until Frued is down where the Mission will conclude.
Eliminate "Cinder" Carla
Rewards: $81,000.
Choose this mission if you are going for The Fires of Raven Ending which I recommend doing in playthrough 2. This is an incredibly tough Mission as you need to take down 3 main line AC’s as well as a good number of PCA Weaponry so you might need to mix things up if you’re struggling. You should be aiming for this one on New Game + so you should be well prepared for taking down the first AC: V.II Snail, the pompous commander you have been dealing verbally throughout your playthroughs. Now’s the time to silence the jumped up cookie and bring him to task.
Snail will implement stun weaponry as well as hard hitting melee attacks so return fire when able and try to avoid being staggered as best as you can otherwise you will eat some powerful attacks. Bring Snail down however you see fit then go through the Mission dealing with the PCA Weaponry and into the room with the Electrical Discharge attacks you need to deal with quickly then head through to the fight against the remaining 2 AC’s: “Cinder” Carla and “Chatty” Stick.
You will have a never ending barrage of explosives in this Mission so going full tank is advisable or go fast tank if you’re still struggling then for me, I finally found success with dual Gatling Guns and dual Earshots whilst using the girders around the side of the Arena for cover whilst popping in and out to get some shots in then hide when a barrage comes your way. Carla will follow you so use the opportunity to send 2 Earshot blasts into her then use the Gatlings to rip her health bar down. Chatty will usually stay up on the gantry so fly up and smash him off to the lower level then get down there, pin him against the wall and smash him down until he’s defeated where the Mission will then conclude.
Breach the Kármán Line
Rewards: $470,000.
The Fires Of Raven Ending Mission.
This can be a fairly tough Mission but a fun one as well as you are flying so high above Rubicon you have unlimited boost and you’re going to need it. The Mission itself is broken down into 2 halves. The first half you need to fly around taking down the PCA Ships that are firing at you with varying levels of intensity with the last set of attacks, energy rail gun blasts devastating your health bar if you get caught up in their shots so gauge the trajectory then dodge accordingly.
The second half of the fight sees you take on your old mate V.IV Rusty who is a lot tougher than he was underground. Avoid the melee combos at all costs as it can shred your health bar. Keep the pressure on, stagger when you’re able then rip him down to size. It’s a shame you need to put your friend down, however, he’s just another obstacle in your way to the ending.
Shut Down The Closure Satellites
Rewards: $550,000.
The Fires Of Raven Ending Mission.
This is a very tough mission that holds just 1 opponent: Your Rubiconian AI compatriot throughout the second half of the game: Ayre who makes CEL 240 who you fought at the end of Chapter 4 a breeze in comparison. Ensure you have every upgrade purchased in OS Tuning under the Damage Control tab so: ACS – Dynamic Deflection Control Tuning and Repair Kits – Optimization as Ayre will hit incredibly hard meaning you need all the help you can get. Also, ensure you have dual Stun Needles then for me I went for a Laser Shotgun on my right and the Laser Lance on my left, also, I found having the Fortaleza tank legs a lot more useful than going full tank as the boss is so fast and hits incredibly hard which will out do your defence so mobility is the only way to survive here.
Ayre will come at you with Coral missiles to build up your stagger then come in with an incredibly powerful Coral based melee combo that can kill you if you’re anywhere near half health even with full damage mitigation so ensure you dodge away from the attack which usually comes from behind. It can go against your instincts for these types of games to dodge when you can’t see the attack, however, in dodging forward rather than back as you turn around can prevent losing chunks off your health bar.
Use the shotgun to bait Ayre into dodging then fire dual Needles to build up stagger whilst firing the shotgun some more to hopefully gain a stagger then go in with a full charge from the Lance to rip chunks off its health bar. There is no getting around it, you have taken down some tough bosses to get to this point. The HC, The Enforcer, CEL 240 but Ayre is tougher than all of them. You will need to utilise every skill you have learnt in throughout your entire playthrough before you can take her down. Final bosses are known for being fairly tough, I can best describe Ayre as feeling more like an optional boss that people will dread facing, not impossible, but a serious blockade you need to smash through in order to roll the credits and burn the Fires of Raven.
Destroy The Drive Block
Rewards: $630,000.
Liberator Of Rubicon Ending.
This is a very tough Mission for one reason, the boss at the end is next level and feels like an optional boss that shouldn’t be messed with at first but we’ll get to that soon. Make your way through the Xylem taking down the generators whilst also being careful of the plasma railgun which will fire at you consistently until you take it down on the outside of the ship. Once all of the generators are down, resupply with the Sherpa then get ready for an incredibly tough fight against V.II Snail who is piloting a heavily upgrade Balteus, the same style of ship you fought when you destroyed the Watchpoint back in Chapter 1.
This time round, Balteus won’t be equipped with missiles and flames, now it comes fully loaded with Lasers and Plasma Cannons that can seriously strip chunks from your health bar. Batleus, piloted by V.II Snail is a strong contender for the toughest fight in the game so if it does manage to take you down, switch over to dual Stun Needles (VE-60SNA Stun Needle Launcher) then very powerful weaponry such as Galting Guns () or Bazookas (). Stun the craft then unload your regular firepower into it to deal incredible damage.
Half way through the fight Snail will unlock the full potential of Balteus and turn it into a Plasma ray spinning death machine with attacks that are very hard to evade due to their sporadic nature. Back off at this point and just focus on evading until the attacks have stopped. Re-engage when it’s relatively safe to do so and unload heavy attacks until you bring Snail down concluding the Mission.
Bring Down The Xylem
Rewards: $340,000.
Liberator of Rubicon Ending.
From the start of the Mission, take down the 2 Engines then go over to the starboard side of the Xylem and get ready for a shocker, you will need to take down your old Handler: Walter who is in fact a Rubiconian C Class Weapon that hits incredibly hard. Bring fast weaponry then have heavy weaponry on your back for when you achieve the stagger.
Avoid as much of the Coral based onslaught as you can as eve full tanks will struggle to still be alive if you try and swallow every attack he sends your way and for me I found melee weaponry such as the Laser Lance (VE-67LLA Laser Lance) very effective here then dual Earshots (Earshot Grenade Cannon) to inflict heavy damage. Walter will have shockwaves, railgun style attacks, hard hitting combos and barrages of attacks that can easily stagger you so a more mobile build like the fast tank will be beneficial here. Bring Walter down to conclude Chapter 5 whilst also obtaining the Liberator of Rubicon Ending.
Rewards: $400,000.
Alea lacta Est Ending.
Proceed through the Mission taking out the warring faction members who aggro to you then deal with the ambush on the ramp which shouldn’t pose you that many difficulties, especially if you use the ramp for cover then head outside. Take care of the firestorm that comes out of the tunnel once you’re around the cliff then proceed through the tunnel staying out of the fire then resupply at the Sherpa if you need to before facing off against a pissed off V.III Pater.
This guy can smack as well as being very agile so use what you brought along which for me were dual Earshots (Earshot Grenade Cannon), a Coral Rifle (IB-C03W1: WLT 011 Coral Rifle) as well as a Coral Oscillator (IA-C01W7: ML-Redshift Coral Oscillator) which, once he ran out of boost and landed made short work of the AC. Avoid the missile barrages and use the central structure for cover then pop out and take shots until he’s down if you’re struggling.
Regain Control Of The Xylem
Rewards: $380,000.
Alea lacta Est Ending.
Work your way through the Xylem taking out the Ghosts which will then reveal the locations of the Parasite Modules which are controlling the ship as it proceeds on a collision course with the coral deposit in space. From here, head out into the control room where I recommend a fast, strong build as you need to get through a series of hard hitting lasers as you de-synchronise the Xylem controls.
Hung the wall and move quickly to get through the hazards. Surprisingly there won’t be any enemies to deal with which is a blessing of sorts as the lasers can strip your health bar down in seconds. Disable the Xylem to conclude the Mission.
Coral Release
Rewards: $660,000.
Alea lacta Est Ending.
This is a high contender for the toughest Mission in the game as you start off with a 5 vs 1 that then turns into a 3 vs 2 against an oversized AC and 2 Sea Spiders!. Your gear is incredibly important in this fight so I’ll list off what I used which can hopefully help you take the win, so weapon wise I went for:
- Right Arm: IB-C03W1: WLT 011 Coral Rifle.
- Left Arm: IA-C01W7: ML-Redshift Coral Oscillator.
- Right Back: VE-60SNA Stun Needle Launcher.
- Left Back: VE-60SNA Stun Needle Launcher.
Then for my main AC external and internal parts I went for:
- Head: IB-C03H: HAL 826.
- Core: VE-40A.
- Arms: DF-AR-09 Tian-Lao.
- Legs: VE-42B.
- Booster: None.
- FCS: IB-C03F: WLT 001.
- Generator: VP-20D.
- Expansion: Terminal Armour.
With the above build and the Stun Needles you will have a good chance to stagger the first main AC as well as take down the other lower grade AC’s that come for you as well with the Oscillator whilst ensuring you are as efficient as possible during the fight as you have a tough battle straight after and there’s no checkpoints!. With the first wave down you will then have to face off against Allmind who is actually G5 Iguazu in a heavily oversized and overpowered AC which also has 2 Sea Spiders as back up just to make things that much tougher.
Ayre will join you for the 2nd half of the fight but don’t get complacent as Allmind should be your one clear focus in the fight. Ignore the Sea Spiders, just forget they’re there as half way through the fight they get destroyed along with Ayre so there’s no point wasting precious ammunition on them. Instead, focus on hitting Allmind with the Stun Needles whilst avoiding those blisteringly powerful melee attacks which can devastate your health bar, hence the need for the Terminal Armor mentioned above.
Take your time to learn the fight, learn the attack patterns and the speed of the attacks allowing you to dodge accordingly until you stun, stagger then defeat Allmind. Upon taking Allmind down, you will then have achieved Coral Release and will receive the Alea lacta Est Ending.
That’s how to complete every mission that makes up Chapter 5 whilst aiming for the ending you are going for.
That’s how to complete all of the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Chapter 5 missions, I hope the guides helped you conclude the final chapter.
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