
Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Internal Parts Collector Guide

Armored Core VI Fires Of Rubicon Internal Parts Collector Trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

30 G

Internal Parts Collector
Obtained all inner parts.

Here is the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Internal Parts Collector guide which will help you obtain all inner parts. Inner parts play a key role to how well your Armored Core will perform as they control your target lock, boosters as well as the generator which determines how much power you can output without overloading your rig. I have broken down each Inner part category into their own respective guides to make following along easier as there are 36 Inner parts in total the last of which isn’t available until new game+ so keep playing through the game until your second playthrough (you will need to complete 3 playthroughs in order to do everything in the game anyway). The 3 Inner part sections in Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon are as follows:


You won’t need to equip any of the Inner parts unless you choose to, acquiring tall 36 parts is enough of a requirement, however, given the fact the game is considerably less difficult when you have some of the better inner parts equipped, ensure you have a test when you acquire a new piece to see if it helps or hinders you in a given mission.

Booster Parts

Booster parts will determine how efficiently you can boost around a biome as well as how quickly you can ascend and dodge which will make certain missions a lot easier as well as allow more options in combat and when facing bosses. Check out the Booster part guide for how to find all 12 Booster parts in the game.

FCS Parts

Your FCS or Fire Control System is arguably one of the most important aspects of your Armored Core as it determines how quickly and at what range you can lock on to target(s). Check out the FCS parts guide for how to collect all 10 FCS parts in the game.

Generator Parts

Your generator is another part that is arguably the most important part of your rig as it determines how much gear you can use and to what efficiency. The generator is ultimately the item that powers your entire Armored Core so without a working generator, you’re dead in the water. Check out the Generator parts guide for how to collect all 14 generators in the game.

Once you have acquired all 36 Inner Parts throughout Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon you will unlock Inner Parts Collector.

That’s the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Internal Parts Collector guide complete, I hope it helped you obtain all inner parts.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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