
Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon R-Arm Unit Parts Guide

Here is the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon R-Arm Unit Parts guide which will help you find every Right Arm Unit part which are where you equip your primary weapon of which there are 45.

Right Arm Unit weapons play a key part in your offensive arsenal and to acquire them all you will need to work through the game to new game ++ which is your third playthrough.

To see which R-Arm Unit parts you have acquired, go: Garage> AC Design> Assembly> Unit> R-Arm Unit. You won’t need to equip any of the R-Arm Unit parts you acquire, simply having them in your inventory is enough of a requirement as you work towards unlocking Weapon Collector, however, I do recommend equipping most if not all weapons just to test them out as you might find 1 weapon a lot more effective than another in a given mission.

The 45 R-Arm Unit parts you can find throughout Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon are as follows:

  1. RF-024 Turner Assault Rifle.
  2. MG-014 Ludlow Machine Gun.
  3. MA-J-200 Ransetsu-RF Burst Rifle.
  4. HG-003 Coquillett Handgun.
  5. DF-BA-06 XUAN-GE Bazooka.
  6. LR-036 Curtis Linear Rifle.
  7. SG-026 Haldeman Shotgun.
  8. VP-66LR Laser Rifle.
  9. Vvc-760PR Plasma Rifle.
  10. VP-66LH Laser Handgun.
  11. HI-16: GU-Q1 Pulse Gun.
  12. DF-GR-07 Gou-Chen Grenade Launcher.
  13. MA-J-201 Ransetsu-AR Burst Assault Rifle.
  14. DF-GA-08 Hu-Ben Gatling Gun.
  15. Iridium Grenade Launcher.
  16. MA-T-222 Kyorai Napalm Bomb Launcher.
  17. VP-66LS Laser Shotgun.
  18. HML-G2/P19MLT-04 Missile Launcher.
  19. 44-141 Jvln Alpha Detonating Bazooka.
  20. RF-025 Scudder Assault Rifle.
  21. MA-E-210 Etsujin Burst Machine Gun.
  22. SG-027 Zimmerman Shotgun.
  23. WR-0777 Sweet Sixteen Shotgun.
  24. Majestic Bazooka.
  25. WS-1200 Therapist Stun Bomb Launcher.
  26. HI-18: GU-A2 Pulse Gun.
  27. IA-C01W1: Nebula Plasma Rifle.
  28. WB-0000 Bad Cook Flamethrower.
  29. LR-037 Harris Linear Rifle.
  30. DF-MG-02 Chang-Chen Machine Gun.
  31. HG-004 Duckett Handgun.
  32. MA-E-211 Sampu Burst Handgun.
  33. Little Gem Bazooka.
  34. MA-T-223 Kyoriku Jamming Bomb Launcher.
  35. VE-66LRA Laser Rifle.
  36. Wuerger/66E Laser Shotgun.
  37. EL-PW-00 Viento Needle Gun.
  38. Dizzy Grenade Launcher.
  39. VE-66LRB Laser Rifle.
  40. HML-G3/P08SPL-06 Split Missile Launcher.
  41. WS-5000 Aperitif Siege Missile Launcher. (New Game +).
  42. VP-66EG Stun Gun. (New Game +).
  43. 44-142 KRSV Multi Energy Rifle. (New Game +).
  44. IB-C03W1: WLT 011 Coral Rifle. (New Game ++).
  45. IA-C01W6: NB-Redshift Coral Rifle. (New Game ++).

Given the difficulty and variety of the Missions and challenges you will be facing throughout Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon it’s a good job that the 45 weapons listed above will, in one way or another give you the edge over your opponent(s).

There’s no getting away from it, Armored Core 6 is a very challenging game so ensure you test out the weaponry as you acquire it where there really is a choice for nigh on every type of player regardless of their playstyle.

RF-024 Turner Assault Rifle

Requirements: Default weapon.
Cost: Free.

Standard assault rifle developed by Balam. Balances rapid-fire performance and firepower, making it easy to use on full auto. A long-selling classic popular with anyone from new corporate recruits to veteran mercenaries.

MG-014 Ludlow Machine Gun

Requirements: Complete Beginner Training 1: Basic Controls.
Cost: Free.

You can access the Beginner Training 1: Basic Controls once you have completed the first mission, Illegal Entry.

Check out the Beginner Training 1: Basic Controls guide for how to finish the training module if you’re struggling.

MA-J-200 Ransetsu-RF Burst Rifle

Requirements: Purchasable in the Parts Shop.
Cost: $105,000.

The MA-J-200 Ransetsu-RF Burst Rifle will become available once you have unlocked the Parts Shop by completing the Destroy Artillery Installations mission.

HG-003 Coquillett Handgun

Requirements: Purchasable in the Parts Shop.
Cost: $35,000.

The HG-003 Coquillett Handgun will be available in the Parts Shop once it initially unlocks after you compete the Destroy Artillery Installations mission.

DF-BA-06 XUAN-GE Bazooka

Requirements: Purchasable in the Parts Shop.
Cost: $70,000.

The DF-BA-06 XUAN-GE Bazooka will be available for purchase when the Parts Shop initially unlocks after you have complete the Destroy Artillery Installations mission.

LR-036 Curtis Linear Rifle

Requirements: Complete Beginner Training 2: Combat Fundamentals.
Cost: Free.

You can access the Beginner Training 2: Combat Fundamentals once you have completed the second mission, Destroy Artillery Installations.

Check out the Beginner Training 2: Combat Fundamentals guide for how to finish the training module if you need any help.

SG-026 Haldeman Shotgun

Requirements: Complete Mission 7: Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship.
Cost: $75,000.

The SG-026 Haldeman Shotgun will be available for purchase in the Parts Shop after you have completed Mission 7: Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship.

VP-66LR Laser Rifle

Requirements: Complete Mission 7: Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship.
Cost: $98,000.

You can purchase the VP-66LR in the Parts Shop after you have destroyed the Strider and successfully completed Mission 7: Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship.

Vvc-760PR Plasma Rifle

Requirements: Complete Mission 7: Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship.
Cost: $202,000.

The Vvc-760PR Plasma Rifle is available to buy once you have finished Mission 7: Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship from the Parts Shop.

VP-66LH Laser Handgun

Requirements: Complete Intermediate Support 2: Reverse-Jointed ACs.
Cost: Free.

You will need to complete Training Module 4: Intermediate Support 2: Reverse-Jointed ACs which becomes available after you have completed Mission 7: Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship.

The training module itself runs through different weapon types, their effects and Reverse-Joint legs. Complete the training module to be gifted the VP-66LH Laser Handgun.

HI-16: GU-Q1 Pulse Gun

Requirements: Complete Mission 8: Operation Wallclimber.
Cost: $90,000.

Once you have taken down the Juggernaut and have completed Mission 8: Operation Wallclimber you will be able to purchase the HI-16: GU -Q1 Pulse Gun from the Parts Shop.

DF-GR-07 Gou-Chen Grenade Launcher

Requirements: Complete Training Module 5: Intermediate Support 3: Tetrapod ACs.
Cost: $140,000.

Once you have completed Training module 5: Intermediate Support 3: Tetrapod ACs you will be able to purchase the DF-GR-07 Gou-Chen Grenade Launcher from the Parts Shop.

MA-J-201 Ransetsu-AR Burst Assault Rifle

Requirements: Complete Mission 11: Attack The Watchpoint.
Cost: $111,000.

After you having taken down Balterus concluding Chapter 1, you will then be able to purchase the MA-J-201 Ransetsu-AR Burst Assault Rifle from the Parts Shop.

DF-GA-08 Hu-Ben Gatling Gun

Requirements: Complete Mission 11: Attack The Watchpoint.
Cost: $170,000.

Completing mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint will make the DF-GA-08 Hu-Ben Gatling Gun available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

Iridium Grenade Launcher

Requirements: Complete Mission 11: Attack The Watchpoint.
Cost: $214,000.

After you have concluded Chapter 1 by completing mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint, the Iridium will be available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

MA-T-222 Kyorai Napalm Bomb Launcher

Requirements: Complete Mission 11: Attack The Watchpoint.
Cost: $91,000.

Completing mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint which also concludes Chapter 1 will make the MA-T-222 Kyorai Napalm Bomb Launcher available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

VP-66LS Laser Shotgun

Requirements: Complete Mission 11: Attack The Watchpoint.
Cost: $105,000.

After you have defeated Sulla and Balteus completing mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint the VP-66LS Laser Shotgun will be available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

HML-G2/P19MLT-04 Missile Launcher

Requirements: Complete Mission 11: Attack The Watchpoint.
Cost: $80,000.

The HML-G2/P19 Missile Launcher will become availble for purchase in the Parts Shop once you have taken down Balteus completing mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint.

44-141 Jvln Alpha Detonating Bazooka

Requirements: Complete Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086.
Cost: Free.

Once you have managed to take down the Cleaner concluding Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086, you will be awarded the 44-141 Jvln Alpha Detonating Bazooka for your efforts.

RF-025 Scudder Assault Rifle

Requirements: Complete Mission 14: Ocean Crossing.
Cost: $205,000.

Once you have defeated the Sea Spider and have completed Mission 14: Ocean Crossing, the RF-025 Scudder Assault Rifle will be available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

MA-E-210 Etsujin Burst Machine Gun

Requirements: Complete Mission 14: Ocean Crossing.
Cost: $74,000.

Completing Mission 14: Ocean Crossing and concluding Chapter 2 will enable the MA-E-210 Etsujin Burst Machine Gun to be purchased from the Parts Shop.

SG-027 Zimmerman Shotgun

Requirements: Complete Mission 14: Ocean Crossing.
Cost: $115,000.

Once you have run through the cutscenes and are back at the Garage having completed Mission 14: Ocean Crossing, the DG-027 Zimmerman Shotgun will be available in the Parts Shop.

WR-0777 Sweet Sixteen Shotgun

Requirements: Complete Mission 14: Ocean Crossing.
Cost: $49,000.

Concluding Chapter 2 having defeated the Sea Spider in Mission 14: Ocean Crossing, the WR-0777 Sweet Sixteen Shotgun will be available in the Parts Shop.

Majestic Bazooka

Requirements: Complete Mission 14: Ocean Crossing.
Cost: $121,000.

You will need to complete Mission 14: Ocean Crossing before the Majestic Bazooka will become available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

WS-1200 Therapist Stun Bomb Launcher

Requirements: Complete Mission 14: Ocean Crossing.
Cost: $138,000.

Once you have been launched across Rubicon concluding both Mission 14: Ocean Crossing and Chapter 2 the WS-1200 Therapist Stun Bomb Launcher will become available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

HI-18: GU-A2 Pulse Gun

Requirements: Complete Mission 14: Ocean Crossing.
Cost: $159,000.

After you have taken the Sea Spider down in Mission 14: Ocean Crossing, get inside the container and enter Chapter 3 which will make the HI-18: GU-A2 Pulse Gun available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

IA-C01W1: Nebula Plasma Rifle

Requirements: Find the Crate in Mission 18: Tunnel Sabotage.
Cost: Free.

Head down into the Mine then proceed forward past the first set of enemies to the large pipe spanning the chasm you can land on. Wait for your boost to recharge then boost to the pipe above you aiming for the left side.

Clear the MT’s and the LC on the upper level who will hold Combat Log 19: Bronze Log then go forward on the upper level to find the parts container on a platform which holds the IA-C01W1: Nebula Plasma Rifle.

WB-0000 Bad Cook Flamethrower

Requirements: Loot the parts container in Mission 23: Eliminate “Honest” Brute.
Cost: Free.

Proceed through the mission to where you take out the enemy with the shield and drop down into the laser filled room where you would ordinarily drop down to face off again “Honest” Brute.

Instead, stay in this room on the lower floor and loot the parts container to obtain the WB-0000 Bad Cook Flamethrower.

LR-037 Harris Linear Rifle

Requirements: Complete Mission 26 Destroy the Ice Worm.
Cost: $135,000.

The LR-037 Harris Linear Rifle will be available for purchase in the Parts Shop once you have defeated the Ice Worm and begun Chapter 4.

DF-MG-02 Chang-Chen Machine Gun

Requirements: Complete Mission 26 Destroy the Ice Worm.
Cost: $120,000.

You will be able to purchase the DF-MG-02 Chang-Chen Machine Gun in the Parts Shop after you concluded Chapter 3 by destroying the Ice Worm.

HG-004 Duckett Handgun

Requirements: Complete Mission 26 Destroy the Ice Worm.
Cost: $112,000.

Once you have defeated the Ice Worm and begun Chapter 4, the HG-004 Duckett Handgun will be available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

MA-E-211 Sampu Burst Handgun

Requirements: Complete Mission 26 Destroy the Ice Worm.
Cost: $73,000.

You will firstly need to complete Mission 26: Destroy the Ice Worm before the MA-E-211 Sampu Burst Handgun will become available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

Little Gem Bazooka

Requirements: Complete Mission 26 Destroy the Ice Worm.
Cost: $163,000.

Once the Ice Worm is down and Chapter 3 has been completed, you will then be able to purchase the Little Gem Bazooka in the Parts Shop.

MA-T-223 Kyoriku Jamming Bomb Launcher

Requirements: Complete Mission 26 Destroy the Ice Worm.
Cost: $103,000.

The MA-T-223 Kyoriku Jamming Bomb Launcher will become available for purchase in the Parts Shop once the Ice Worm has been defeated in Mission 26.

VE-66LRA Laser Rifle

Requirements: Complete Mission 26 Destroy the Ice Worm.
Cost: $180,000.

Once you begin Chapter 4 which becomes available after Rusty railguns the Ice Worm you will then be able to purchase the VE-66LRA Laser Rifle from the Parts Shop.

Wuerger/66E Laser Shotgun

Requirements: Complete Mission 26 Destroy the Ice Worm.
Cost: $147,000.

You will need to defeat the Ice Worm in Mission 26 concluding Chapter 3 before the Wuerger/66E Laser Shotgun becomes available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

EL-PW-00 Viento Needle Gun

Requirements: Complete Mission 33: Escape.
Cost: $148,000.

Once you have taken down CEL 240 in the Reach the Coral Convergence Mission you will automatically begin Chapter 5 in the Mission: Escape.

Play through Escape to its conclusion where the EL-PW-00 Viento Needle Gun will become available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

Dizzy Grenade Launcher

Requirements: Complete Mission 33: Escape.
Cost: $260,000.

You will need to conclude Chapter 4 then complete the first mission in Chapter 5: Escape which will make the Dizzy Grenade Launcher available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

VE-66LRB Laser Rifle

Requirements: Complete Mission 33: Escape.
Cost: $235,000.

Head through Mission 32: Reach the Coral Convergence and take down the Coral boss: CEL 240, at the end of the Mission you will automatically begin Mission 33: Escape at the conclusion of which will make the VE-66LRB Laser Rifle available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

HML-G3/P08SPL-06 Split Missile Launcher

Requirements: Complete Mission 33: Escape.
Cost: $127,000.

Once you have concluded Chapter 4 by taking down the CEL 240 you will be thrown straight into Chapter 5. Completing the Mission: Escape will cause the HML-G3/P08SPL-06 Split Missile Launcher available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

WS-5000 Aperitif Siege Missile Launcher

Requirements: Conclude Chapter 2 on New Game+.
Cost: $168,000.

Once you’re on New Game+, proceed through the Missions until you conclude Chapter 2 by completing the Ocean Crossing Mission which will make the WS-5000 Aperitif Siege Missile Launcher available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

VP-66EG Stun Gun

Requirements: Conclude Chapter 3 in New Game +.
Cost: $129,000.

Proceed through your first playthrough to its conclusion then continue through the Missions in New Game + until you reach the Ice Worm at the end of Chapter 3 which you will need to defeat in order to make the VP-66EG Stun Gun available for purchase in the Parts Shop.

44-142 KRSV Multi Energy Rifle

Requirements: Achieve Hunter Rank 12.
Cost: Free.

Play through your first playthrough aiming for The Fires of Raven Ending then, in New Game + proceed through to Chapter 4 where you can, after completing the Underground Exploration Missions choose the Ambush the Vespers Mission which you will need to select as you work towards the Liberator of Rubicon Ending.

In the Ambush the Vespers Mission you will need to take down 2 AC’s. Both of whom will drop Gold Combat Logs and as long as you are following along with the Combat Log Collector guide you will then achieve Hunter Rank 12 at the Mission’s conclusion.

IB-C03W1: WLT 011 Coral Rifle

Requirements: Defeat Classified Subject 51-201 W in the Arena.
Cost: Free.

Classified Subject 51-201 W will become available once you complete the Eliminate the Enforcement Squads Mission on New Game ++ (3rd playthrough) which you will need to complete as you progress towards the Alea lacta Est Ending.

The AC you’re up against will be the first Coral based enemy you will face in the Arena and is a watered down version of Handler Walter who you will have defeated at the end of playthrough 2 in order to obtain the Liberator of Rubicon Ending.

Defeat Classified Subject 51-201 W to be awarded the IB-C03W1: WLT 011 Coral Rifle.

IA-C01W6: NB-Redshift Coral Rifle

Requirements: Take down the final opponent in the Arena on New Game ++.
Cost: Free.

You will acquire the IA-C01W6: NB-Redshift Coral Rifle once you have taken down the final opponent in the Arena who is unlocked once you complete the Chapter 4 Mission: Underground Exploration – Depth 2 on New Game ++.

See Master of Arena for how to take down every Arena opponent.

That’s how you can acquire all 45 Right Arm Unit Parts in Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon, which one are you using the most?

That’s the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon R-Arm Unit Parts guide complete, I hope it helped you acquire every Right Arm weapon in the game.
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Take care of yourselves and we’ll see you on the next one.

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