
Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Tuning Expert Guide

Armored Core VI Fires Of Rubicon Tuning Expert Trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

70 G

Tuning Expert
Performed all OS upgrades.

Here is the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Tuning Expert guide which will help you perform all OS upgrades of which there are 17 broken down across 4 different categories which are:

  1. System Unlocks.
  2. Core Expansions. (Unlocking level 1 of each Core Expansion will unlock Expansion Collector).
  3. Attack Control.
  4. Damage Control.

The majority of the OS (Operating System) Upgrades will have more than 1 level and you will need to max every level of an Upgrade out as you work towards unlocking Tuning Expert. In order to perform an OS Upgrade you will need to use a new currency which becomes available at the same time as the OS Upgrade menu does which are OST Chips acquirable by defeating opponents in Arena (See Master of Arena for every Arena battle). In order to make the OS Upgrade and Arena options available in your Garage, you will firstly need to complete Mission 9: Retrieve Data Logs which allows you to try out the first 3 Arena matches awarding you 6 OST Chips once all 3 opponents have been defeated.

Purchasing every OS Upgrade will cost you 197 OST Chips so you will need to complete every Arena fight in your first playthrough as they become available then complete the new set of Arena missions in New Game+ (2nd playthrough) up until the final 3 battles which won’t become available until New Game ++. The OS Upgrades, their tier, what they provide and how much they cost are as follows:

System Unlocks

System unlocks hold the following 5 OS Upgrades:

  1. Boost Kick.
  2. Weapon Bay.
  3. Weight Control.
  4. Manual Aiming.
  5. Quick Turn.

Boost Kick

Cost: 1 OST Chip.
Tiers: 1.
Unlocks the ability to perform a Boost Kick. Boost Kicks hit with heavy impact by combining the speed of an Assault Boost with the sheer weight of the AC.

Weapon Bay

Cost: 2 OST Chips.
Tiers: 1.
Unlocks the Weapon Bay feature for AC shoulders, allowing shoulder weapons to be replaced with additional hand weapons.

Weight Control

Cost: 3 OST Chips.
Tiers: 1.
Unlocks the ability to sortie when AC is overburdened, and to manually purge weapons. Purging weapons reduces weight load and improves speed.

Manual Aiming

Cost: 2 OST Chips.
Tiers: 1.
Unlocks the ability to perform manual aiming. Allows for manual reticle control, but practical usage calls for experienced technique.

Quick Turn

Cost: 1 OST Chip.
Tiers: 1.
Unlocks the Quick Turn feature, allowing the AC to perform snap turns to side or rear directions.

Core Expansions

Core Expansions hold the following 4 OS Upgrades:

  1. Assault Armor.
  2. Pulse Protection.
  3. Pulse Armor.
  4. Terminal Armor.

Unlocking tier 1 of all 4 Core Expansion OS Upgrades will unlock Expansion Collector.

Assault Armor

Cost: Tier 1: 1 OST Chip, Tier 2: 3 OST Chips, Tier 3 5 OST Chips.
Tiers: 3.
Unlocks Core Expansion: Assault Armor and allows it to be installed. Assault Armor creates a pulse explosion centred on the AC cancelling out enemy fire and creating a damaging area-of-effect shockwave.

Pulse Protection

Cost: Tier 1: 2 OST Chips, Tier 2: 3 OST Chips, Tier 3: 4 OST Chips.
Tiers: 3.
Unlocks Core Expansion: Pulse Protection and allows it to be installed. Pulse Protection creates a pulse barrier in a fixed position, providing cover from enemy fire until the barrier reaches its durability or time limit.

Pulse Armor

Cost: Tier 1: 3 OST Chips, Tier 2: 5 OST Chips.
Tiers: 2.
Unlocks Core Expansion: Pulse Armor and allows it to be installed. Pulse Armor creates a pulse barrier that trails the AC, dramatically increasing defensive performance until it exceeds its durability or time limit.

Terminal Armor

Cost: 5 OST Chips.
Tiers: 1.
Unlocks Core Expansion: Terminal Armor  and allows it to be installed. Terminal Armor automatically triggers a pulse barrier when the AC’s AP reaches its limit, greatly enhancing defence until the barrier reaches its durability or time limit.

Attack Control

Kinetic Weapons - Fire Control Tuning

Cost: Tier 1: 2 OST Chips, Tier 2, 3 OST Chips, Tier 3: 4 OST Chips, Tier 4: 5 OST Chips, Tier 5: 7 OST Chips.
Tiers: 5.
Optimizes fire control of AC and weapons to enhance all sources of kinetic damage, excluding melee weapons.

  • Tier 1: Kinetic Damage +3%.
  • Tier 2: Kinetic Damage +6%.
  • Tier 3: Kinetic Damage +9%.
  • Tier 4: Kinetic Damage +12%.
  • Tier 5: Kinetic Damage +15%.

Explosive Weapons - Fuse Control Tuning

Cost: Tier 1: 2 OST Chips, Tier 2, 3 OST Chips, Tier 3: 4 OST Chips, Tier 4: 5 OST Chips, Tier 5: 7 OST Chips.
Tiers: 5.
Optimizes fuse control of AC and weapons to enhance al sources of explosive damage, excluding melee weapons.

  • Tier 1: Explosive Damage +3%.
  • Tier 2: Explosive Damage +6%.
  • Tier 3: Explosive Damage +9%.
  • Tier 4: Explosive Damage +12%.
  • Tier 5: Explosive Damage +15%.

Energy Weapons - Output Control Tuning

Cost: Tier 1: 2 OST Chips, Tier 2, 3 OST Chips, Tier 3: 4 OST Chips, Tier 4: 5 OST Chips, Tier 5: 7 OST Chips.
Tiers: 5.
Optimizes power output of AC and weapons to enhance all sources of energy damage, excluding melee weapons.

  • Tier 1: Energy Damage +3%.
  • Tier 2: Energy Damage +6%.
  • Tier 3: Energy Damage +9%.
  • Tier 4: Energy Damage 12%.
  • Tier 5: Energy Damage +15%.

Melee Weapons - Drive Control Tuning

Cost: Tier 1: 3 OST Chips, Tier 2, 5 OST Chips, Tier 3: 7 OST Chips.
Tiers: 3.
Optimizes drive control of AC and weapons to enhance all sources of melee damage.

  • Tier 1: Melee Weapon Damage +5%.
  • Tier 2: Melee Weapon Damage +10%.
  • Tier 3: Melee Weapon Damage +15%.

Direct Hit Modifier - Damage Tuning

Cost: Tier 1: 4 OST Chips, Tier 2, 6 OST Chips, Tier 3: 8 OST Chips.
Tiers: 3.
Improves the precision of attacks against staggered enemies, increasing damage dealt by direct hits.

  • Tier 1: Direct Hit Damage %.
  • Tier 2: Direct Hit Damage 0%.
  • Tier 3: Direct Hit Damage 15%.

Access Speed - Optimization

Cost: Tier 1: 2 OST Chips, Tier 2, 4 OST Chips.
Tiers: 2.
Improves object access speed by optimizing hacking and override functionality.

  • Tier 1: Access Speed +50%.
  • Tier 2: Access Speed +100%.

Damage Control

ACS - Dynamic Deflection Control Tuning

Cost: Tier 1: 2 OST Chips, Tier 2, 4 OST Chips, Tier 3: 6 OST Chips, Tier 4: 8 OST Chips, Tier 5: 10 OST Chips.
Tiers: 5.
Improves the precision of ACS-based bracing posture control, reducing damage received from enemy attacks.

  • Tier 1: Damage Mitigation +3%.
  • Tier 2: Damage Mitigation +6%.
  • Tier 3: Damage Mitigation +9%.
  • Tier 4: Damage Mitigation +12%.
  • Tier 5: Damage Mitigation +15%.

Repair Kits - Optimization

Cost: Tier 1: 3 OST Chips, Tier 2, 5 OST Chips, Tier 3: 7 OST Chips, Tier 4: 10 OST Chips.
Tiers: 4.
Improves the AC’s ability to scan for damage, boosting the effectiveness of Repair Kits.

  • Tier 1: Repair Effectiveness +500.
  • Tier 2: Repair Effectiveness +1,000.
  • Tier 3: Repair Effectiveness + 1,500.
  • Tier 41: Repair Effectiveness +2,000.

Once you have purchased every tier across all OS Upgrades you will unlock Tuning Expert which really increases your efficiency in combat.

That’s the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Tuning Expert guide complete, I hope it helped you perform all OS upgrades.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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