
Asphalt Legends Unite Trophy Guide

Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Racing.

Welcome to the Asphalt Legends Unite trophy guide which will help you work through the console version of the highly popular mobile game Asphalt Legends 9.

  • Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC.
  • Trophies: 21: Platinum: 1, Gold: 8, Silver: 4, Bronze: 8.
  • Release Date: 17th July 2024.
  • Missable: None, everything can be replayed.
  • Glitched: Nothing yet.
  • Online: None.
  • Difficulty Rating: 4/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 50+ Hours which is highly skill dependant, if you play through and consistently gain first place you will save a lot of time.

Asphalt Legends Unite is a reimagining of the highly popular Asphalt Legends from mobile brought to console and PC and the game brings along a lot of the charm from the mobile game. Chief among which and the largest appeal for the game is the fact it is completely free to download and given the fact the trophy list isn’t overly difficult albeit grindy you do get a lot of game here at a perfect price point. One of the features from the Mobile version of Asphalt Legends 9 is the ability to turn on TouchDrive which essentially allows the AI to take control of the vehicle with you putting in inputs such as Nitro, 360 degree spins and the direction which the AI should take from a series of directions on screen throughout a given event.

The trophy list is primarily centred around Career Mode where you will need to perform several different styles of driving ranging from Nitro shockwaves to drifting and even focusing on destruction as you smash your opponents and the environment out your way. One of the more unwelcome features from the mobile game side of things is the energy system where you need to manually refill the amount of uses your car can have and you are locked out of racing with that vehicle for a given time unless you either wait or purchase tokens from the store to speed things up which isn’t as bad as if the game had a price tag but it can be jarring for those who have little to no experience of a mobile style game on console. Trophy wise you have a good variety to focus on and as nothing is missable you need to focus on Career mode and stay there performing different actions as you go with the easier of the trophies to unlock being:


You then get into the grindier elements of the game where you may need to mix up your play-style as well as upgrading and working through some of the tougher events found in the later Chapeters and subsequent Seasons where you will be able to work towards unlocking:


Then with the previous trophies unlocked it’s a case of grinding out events, starring up cars and finishing off anything else you have left where you can unlock the following along the way:


As long as you have earnt the 20 trophies above you will then unlock the coveted:

Asphalt Legends Unite Legend trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

Acquire all trophies

You will need to earn the other 20 trophies through Asphalt Legends Unite before you can unlock Legend.

Asphalt Legends Unite Moving Forward trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Moving Forward
Win the 1st race

The first race in Asphalt Legends Unite is found in Career, Chapter 1, Season 1 and can be a challenge to achieve first place in so don’t be surprised if this takes you multiple attempts to be successful. Focus on drifting round the corners as well as learning where the shortcuts are. For me I found it easiest to stay on the straight downhill, hit or skim the barrel roll ramp then take the immediate left to cut out the long sweeping left to the finish line. Maintain high speed throughout the course and consistently use your boost once it’s full as well as doing your best to block your opponents. You can replay the first race as many times as you need to where, once you achieved a first place finish you will unlock Moving Forward.

Asphalt Legends Unite Booster trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform 15 Nitro Shockwaves

A nitro shockwave can be performed once your boost bar at the top of the screen is purple where you can then double tap R1 to essentially use a super-boost which propels you forward a lot faster than your regular nitro would. You will easily be able to perform 15 nitro shockwaves as you work through the Career which will then unlock, Booster.

Asphalt Legends Unite So Easy trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

So Easy
Perform 15 Perfect Nitros

A Perfect Nitro is performed by firstly filling your boost bar up any amount then by pressing R1 you will activate your Nitro which will only be deemed as  long as you press R1 again once the boost bar depletes into the blue section of the boost bar. You will then get an on-screen pop-up on the right side of the screen which says perfect nitro. Perform 15 perfect nitros to unlock So Easy.

Asphalt Legends Unite Wreck-it trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform 10 Knockdowns

Knockdowns are performed when you wreck another racer in an event which can be done in several ways with the most common being ramming them into the side of the track, hitting an opponent into a wall or t-boning a vehicle on a cross section of an event. However, the easiest way to perform a knockdown is to simply double tap Square which will perform a 360 slamming all opponents who are to close to you out of commission for a short time. 10 Knockdowns will more than likely come naturally as you work towards unlocking Season Opener, if not then be aggressive and slam into your opponents until you have performed 10 knockdowns which unlocks Wreck-it.

Asphalt Legends Unite Sway Me Now trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Sway Me Now
Perform 25 360s

A 360 is performed by double tapping Square whilst you have at least half of a boost bar. This will cause you to spin your car around 360 degrees which is a good way of wrecking your opponents or if you do a 360 off the apex of a ramp you can rack up some heavy boost when you land. Perform 25 360s to unlock Sway Me Now.

Asphalt Legends Unite Wonderful trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Complete the 1st Season in Career mode

Select Career from the main menu then work through the 6 events learning how the game plays as you go as well as collecting all of the flags. Once you have completed the 6th event the season will conclude unlocking Wonderful.

Asphalt Legends Unite On The Road trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

On The Road
Perform 5 Perfect Runs

A perfect run is achieved by not crashing in a particular section of a race. You are free to slam into other cars and any breakable objects but if you crash into a wall and come to a stop the run won’t be deemed as perfect so you will need to keep practicing until you have achieved 5 perfect runs which will happen naturally as you progress. You will get a perfect-run message appear on the right side of your screen so keep playing until you have successfully performed 5 perfect runs which will unlock On The Road.

Asphalt Legends Unite Make It Different trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Make It Different
Perform 50 Barrel Rolls

Barrels can be performed on any angled ramp as long as you are going fast enough. You will more than likely get this done as you play through the game especially as your skill increases. Aim for the ramps to do a barrel roll which means you go door over door before landing back on your wheels which not only looks cool it also fills your boost. Perform 50 barrel rolls across any number of events to unlock Make It Different.

Asphalt Legends Unite Keep Trying trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Keep Trying
Win 25 races in Career mode

Choose Career Mode from the main menu then work through the various events as they become available. You will need to take the win so you might need to replay races several times over as you work towards understanding the best line and route to take. With your 25th race won you will then unlock Keep Trying.

Asphalt Legends Unite Destructible trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Destroy 600 race objects

Destruction is inevitable in Asphalt Legends Unite and is easily done by simply racing through a given event. Destruction can come on the form of driving through any item on the circuit such as bus shelters, benches, rubbish bins etc. You will easily and quickly start racking up destruction as you just play through the game so keep playing until you have destroyed 600 race objects which then unlocks Destructible.

Asphalt Legends Unite Fly Away trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Fly Away
Perform 240 seconds of Air Time

Air time is earnt whenever all 4 wheels are off the ground so you will earn this regularly and to earn 240 seconds will take a good few events as it equates to a total of 4 whole minutes you need to be in the air for which is thankfully cumulative. Keep playing through the game going as fast as you can as you hit the various ramps, perform barrel rolls and drop off of buildings, cliffs and anything else that gives you air time until you have been airborne for 240 seconds which unlocks Fly Away.

Asphalt Legends Unite Crushed trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Perform 50 Traffic Knockdowns

A traffic knockdown is performed by crashing into a parked or regular vehicle in an event. Not all events will hold regular cars so keep playing through Career where you will find some as you work towards unlocking Season Opener. You will also come across Daily and Season missions which task you with hitting cars so repeat these missions over and over again until you have performed 50 Traffic Knockdowns which will unlock Crushed.

Asphalt Legends Unite Burnt Rubber trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Burnt Rubber
Drift 75,000 meters

Drifting is important in Asphalt Legends Unite and it can sometimes mean the difference between first and 2nd place as when you drift you will generate boost. Focus on drifting round corners whilst maintaining a high speed and given the way the game is set up drifting will soon become 2nd nature as just by simply tapping Square when corner and steering into the drift you can easily slide round corners. 75,000 is a long way to drift so the sooner you learn how to drift the sooner you will be able to start working towards unlock Burnt Rubber.

Asphalt Legends Unite Level Up trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Level Up
Reach Reputation Level 10

You will naturally earn Rep as you play through and win events. Level 10 will take a good amount of races to achieve, however, you will achieve Rep level 10 en route to unlocking Season Opener so keep playing through Career. If you would like to see your current Rep level then go: Main Menu> Home> Profile & Inbox then look to the bottom left of the screen to see your current Reputation level. Keep playing through events in Career mode, unlocking and upgrading cars as well as taking first place wins to get your Rep level to level 10 where Level Up will then unlock.

Asphalt Legends Unite Coming Through trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Coming Through
Obtain 800 Career Flags

Career Flags are earnt by completing events in Career Mode whilst also performing certain actions during an event. You will need to complete a lot of events in Career Mode to unlock 800 flags and the requirements of unlocking flags can becoming more and more challenging, however, this is countered by your cars getting more and more powerful so this will come through natural progression as long as you stick in Career Mode for the majority of your play time. There are a total of 1,918 Career Flags you can acquire in Asphalt Legends Unite so you have a lot of scope and generosity on this one if you are struggling to unlock a particular flag, don’t waste too much time on it. Move on to the next flag and come back later if you choose to. With 800 Career Flags earnt you will unlock Coming Through.

Asphalt Legends Unite Season Opener trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Season Opener
Complete 40 Seasons in Career mode

There are 90 Seasons found throughout the 5 Chapters in Asphalt Legends Unite meaning to unlock Season Opener you need to complete less than half of them. A season is made up of a series of events pre-determined at the start of the season with some being more challenging than others. Take whichever path you choose to through a given Chapter, as long as you complete 40 Seasons by finishing every race event in the required position you will unlock Season Opener soon enough.

Asphalt Legends Unite Up and Up trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Up and Up
Upgrade your Garage to Level 5

As you perform Upgrades on your vehicles (refer to Levels Upgraded for how to Upgrade vehicles) you will level up your garage as each upgrade will contribute XP towards your garage level which you can view by going: Main Menu> Home> Garage> Garage Level. You will also earn Garage XP by acquiring new cars which you will get throughout the Career mode. Keep upgrading and acquiring vehicles then you will unlock Up and Up once you hit garage level 5.

Asphalt Legends Unite Show Off trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Show Off
Star Up 30 cars

In order to Star up a car you will need to acquire Blueprints for a car which can be earnt by achieving the required finishing position in a given event during a Season in Career. As you progress through the Career you will earn blueprints which you can then, once you have bought the car you have acquired blueprints for go into the garage then select Blueprints which is in the top left and found by clicking on the icon.

You can, once you have selected any car across any of the 5 tiers (D to S) then see which events you can acquire the blueprints needed to star up a given car which you can do twice per car. Keep playing through Career collecting every blue print as you go, then, once you have unlocked Season Opener you will have more than enough Blueprints to then go and star up 30 cars, most of which you will acquire throughout the Career as you go but whichever way you choose to do it, star up 30 cars to unlock Show Off.

Asphalt Legends Unite Owned! trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Unlock 30 cars

Cars can be unlocked in a variety of ways with the most common being completing Seasons in Career as you progress you will earn blueprints which can be used to unlock cars, as well as credits which can be used to purchase cars. You will also be gifted a good number of cars as you work through Career so keep playing through the events until you have either the funds, blueprints or gifts permitting you to unlock 30 cars which unlocks Owned!.

Asphalt Legends Unite Levels Upgraded trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Levels Upgraded
Perform 100 Upgrades

Upgrades can be performed in your Garage and cost credits to perform. Each car can have the following stats upgraded:

  • Top Speed.
  • Acceleration.
  • Handling.
  • Nitro.

Credits are earnt by completing events and depending on the rank of your vehicle which can be D-S tier you will either have a low 4 figure number or a high 5 figure upgrade cost so to make this easier focus on upgrading D Rank cars primarily. You can then either work on your preferred vehicle or any lower tier vehicle and you will even be prompted to upgrade as you progress due to having an under-powered car which will drastically reduce your chances of winning an event. Once you have performed 100 upgrades across any number of vehicles you will then unlock Levels Upgraded.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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