
Astro Bot Camo Cosmos Balloon Breeze Bot Locations

Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Camo Cosmos, Balloon Breeze Bot locations of which there are 7 in total. You are free to collect them all in one run or across several and the only way they will become missable is if you progress to far through the biome.

Balloon Breeze takes place high up in the clouds and requires you to attach yourself to various parts of the stage as well as enemies in an attempt to inflate or defeat. You will also be floating around the stage using other strategically placed balloons to get more elevation whilst using the robot and your wits to find every bot and make it to the end of the stage. Bots are freed by hitting them so don’t be worried about hurting a Bot, give them a gentle slap or a charged punch, whichever you prefer in order to collect each one. As with the rest of the main stages throughout Astro Bot there are several unnamed and a handful of named Bots for you to locate with them being acquirable in the following locations:

Bot 1

Run up the spade to the second plant pot and look up to your right to see the Bot in a purple flower.

Flip the ladybug then use it to get enough height where you can jump up and rescue the Bot.

Bot 2, Dream Traveller

Once the Robot appears and you jump on to its hand receiving the Float pack, run up its arm to the right then float to the top of the Robots head to find the Dream Traveller Bot chilling out.

Bot 3

After using the silver rocket to get across to where the robot waters the seeds and changes the scene look over to your left to find the Bot sitting atop the purple Cacti.

Bot 4, Young Holidaymaker

Go to the flower after the robot has watered the area and float over to the right to see an inflatable Caterpillar wrapped around a plant pot.

Deflate the Caterpillar then go into the base of the plant pot to collect the Young Holidaymaker Bot.

Bot 5

Jump up to the flower where the guitar playing enemy is and float across to the watering can.

Swim to the back of the area where you can rescue this Bot.

Bot 6

Go up through the electrified mines and take out the Pumpkin where you can use the 2 mushrooms on either side of the platform to get enough height where you can access the Bot who is stuck on a Bug.

Stand on the blue mushroom, wait for the Bug to come close then jump off and hit the Bot to rescue it.

Bot 7

Proceed through the stage to the plane balloon, take out the artillery firing balloon then float up to the flower balloon above you using the 2 smaller balloons to get a boost.

Look over to your right to see the Bot holding on to a cloud which you can float over to allowing you to save the Bot.

That’s all of the Astro Bot Camo Cosmos Balloon Breeze Bot locations, how did you get on finding them all?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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