
Astro Bot Camo Cosmos Retro Rampage 4 Bot Location

Here we will go over how to collect the Astro Bot Camo Cosmos, Retro Rampage 4 Bot. The Retro Rampage 4 stage can be started once you have smashed into the asteroid cluster in the North West corner of the Camo Cosmos map.

The Retro Rampage 4 can be an irritating one to complete as you need to take on 2 large drop-bots and a series of Slimes initially before they turn into jumping Bunnies who try and flatten you. Fortunately, you do have the Chicken booster to help you through the stage.

From the start go forward to the back wall, stand under the Slimes and use your Chicken boost to eliminate them whilst avoiding the attacks and ensuring the drop-bot doesn’t land on you.

From the start go forward to the back wall, stand under the Slimes and use your Chicken boost to eliminate them whilst avoiding the attacks and ensuring the drop-bot doesn’t land on you.

Get up to the higher level and use your rocket boots or a charged punch to take out the remaining Slimes as quickly and safely as you can.

After a few seconds, the Slimes turn into Jumping Bunnies so they need to be avoided at the last second which then allows you to either do a charged punch or a series of hits to put them down.

The drop-bot can be an issue as it can be hard to see off camera so take it out when you have an opening then once every enemy is dead a new platform will spawn at the back of the area where you can then collect the Malleable Motorist Bot.

That’s the Astro Bot Camo Cosmos Retro Rampage 4 Bot location. How did you get on with this stage?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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