
Astro Bot Camo Cosmos Spooky Time Bot Locations

Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Camo Cosmos, Spooky Time Bot locations of which there are 7 in total. You are free to collect them all in one run or across several and the only way they will become missable is if you progress to far through the biome.

Spooky Time is a stage where you need to utilise the slow down function of your special ability perfectly as many sections can only be accessed if you slow some of the detritus around the stage which then creates pathways. You will also need to slow down a lot of the traps and hazards which then allows you to progress through the stage as well as being able to collect the Bots. Bots are freed by hitting them so don’t be worried about hurting a Bot, give them a gentle slap or a charged punch, whichever you prefer in order to collect each one. As with the rest of the main stages throughout Astro Bot there are several unnamed and a handful of named Bots for you to locate with them being acquirable in the following locations:

Bot 1

Head through the gates after slowing time then look to the right to see a ghost moving 2 plates around. Wait for the plates to line up where you can jump over to them then slow time.

Jump on the small bounce robot to get enough height then rocket boost over to the plates and platform up to the plate where the Bot is waiting to be rescued before the slow down function finishes to rescue it.

Bot 2

Slow down time to run through the 2 sets of knives then look on one of the knives on the second set to find the Bot.

It might be easier if you sprint through the knives then turn around, slow time down again then grab the Bot as you will already be through and safe.

Bot 3, Alpha Male

Once through the knives look to the flower at the back of the area then go left. Take out the electrified enemy then blow into your controller to extinguish the flames on the candles.

Slow time then jump across the candles and take out the Pink Slime where you can then rescue the Alpha Male Bot.

Bot 4

Take out the 3 Pumpkins, the fire spewing Lizard and the rest of the enemies in the local area then look over to your right to find some wires hanging out of a wall.

Pull the wires then immediately jump back as there will be a Pumpkin ready to fire at you which can easily catch you out.

Go to the back of the area to find a chest which has the Bot inside, the chest will open and close quickly so you need to slow time as the chest opens so you can get inside and rescue the Bot. This one might take a good few attempts but you’ll soon have the timing down.

Bot 5

Slow time and jump across the 2 tombstones the ghosts are moving and take out the 2 Pumpkins. You would usually go straight to continue the stage, however, you can go right to find a hidden path.

Follow the path up using the jump pads then slow time as the wall opens and find the special block on the circuit board you need to push through to open a secret chamber. You can find the block, back away then re-slow time if you need to.

Once in the secret chamber you will see the Bot on the sofa near the ceiling, slow time and platform up where you can then rescue the Bot.

Bot 6, Alpha Female

Grab the light then make your way across the blocks. Look to your right towards the island where you will see a left angle series of blocks coming up and falling away.

Watch for the blocks to rise then slow time which will enable you to get across to the island. Drop down through the portal where you will then enter a secret stage.

In this stage you will be in pitch darkness except for a lightning strike which lights up the cavern for around a second. As the lightning strikes you need to slow down time which will give you just enough time to platform across the 2 blocks and onto solid ground.

Go forward taking care not to fall off where you will then see a very fast spinning stone cylinder. Wait for the next lightning strike and slow time again. Platform across to the shrine where you can then rescue the Alpha Female Bot.

Bot 7

Near the end of the stage you will need to run up the walls avoiding the hazards whilst also slowing time. After you have run up the first wall with the yellow safety zones you will then see a ghost on the right of the next wall throwing knives across your path.

Look to the left of the wall where you will see the Bot clinging on. Slow time, run towards the Bot and ensure you grab it as you run up the wall. If you miss then jump or fall back down and try again.

That’s all of the Astro Bot Camo Cosmos, Spooky Time Bot locations, did you find them all?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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