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Astro Bot Camo Cosmos Vertical Velocity Bot Location

Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Camo Cosmos, Vertical Velocity Bot location which can be started once the Lost Square Void has been completed allowing you to then go to the South Eastern square on the Camo Cosmos map.

The Vertical Velocity stage will see you needing to run up the side of walls using the vertical boosters to get enough height then keep your momentum going. If you stop or try to go backwards to avoid a hazard you will fall back down and more often than not you will find the floor is no longer there.

From the start of the stage run up the wall staying central in between the mines weaving so you avoid their strafing.

Take out the 2 Slimes as you run across the glass bridge then run up the wall to your right, jump across to the adjacent wall to avoid the electrified pad, sprint up the 2nd wall before jumping and boosting over the next pad where you then need to avoid and defeat the Green Slime.

Run up the short wall then use your momentum and rocket boots to take out the electrified enemy and hit the Ladybug to flip it over enabling you to jump up to the next point.

Take out the Green Slime then run up the wall staying central before moving left to avoid the incoming birds then duck back into the centre of the wall.

Run across the glass bridge whilst avoiding the fury enemies then stay right before you hit the vertical ramp as it is easy to fall down the next section so it will be prevalent to have some floor beneath you.

Run up the wall making sure you stay on the solid pads rather than going near the electrified pads as you can die very easily here. Weave left and right up the wall as you work your way to the top.

At the top of the wall ensure you jump then use your rocket boots to boost over the final 2 electrified pads then run forward and rescue the Dragon Knight Bot.

That’s the Astro Bot Camo Cosmos Vertical Velocity Bot location covered. How did you get on with the course?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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