
Astro Bot Feather Cluster Birdy Barrage Bot Location

Here will go over the Astro Bot Feather Cluster Birdy Barrage Bot location which can be started once the Lost Cross Void has been completed allowing you to then go to the Northern Cross on the Feather Cluster map.

Birdy Barrage is a stage you will have to move quickly but with control as you deal with onslaughts of birds all of which are one hit kills so if they touch you, you will then be thrown backwards before exploding. From the start of the stage run forward and jump over both the first 2 lines of birds and the electrified pads then move left to safety whilst getting ready to jump over the next line of birds.

Quickly get to the jump pad jumping over more birds if they release, take out the Green Slime and jump over the cross platform.

In the next section, jump diagonally across to the next platform ensuring you time your jump so you get over the cross section of birds then sprint forward jumping again as required.

Cross the platform then get ready for the staggered line of birds. You can jump off the side of the ledge and rocket boot back to the ledge which will make things a lot easier or time your jumps to get over the birds as they approach.

Carefully but quickly jump across the 2 glass platforms whilst watching for the angled birds ensuring you avoid them whilst also not falling down off the stage.

Use the jump pad then run across the glass bridge whilst staying central then moving left before moving back to the centre again. Once you’re close enough to the release tubes, the Birds will stop spawning so run as fast as you can whilst ensuring you don’t get hit.

Finally, use the jump pad to get up to where the Cold-Blooded Oppressor Bot is waiting to be rescued.

That’s the Astro Bot Feather Cluster Birdy Barrage Bot location covered. How did you get on with the course?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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