Astro Bot Feather Cluster Djinny's Revenge Bot Location
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Easy Platinum, Platformer.
Astro Bot directory.
Here we will go over the Astro Bot Feather Cluster Djinny’s Revenge Bot location which can be started by smashing through the series of asteroids which randomly appear in the North East of the Feather Cluster map and will you take on Djinny who you will have previously defeated during the Djinny of the Lamp stage except this time he is a lot tougher.
One of the things which makes this fight so tough is although Djinny is a boss you only get 1 life rather than the usual 3 you would normally have when fighting a main boss so don’t be surprised if this takes a good few attempts before you secure the win.
From the start of the stage, go forward, collect the Dog Booster then get across to the boss arena. Do a charged punch to take out the 3 Slimes on the right then again on the left quickly where you then need to use short bursts of your Dog Boost to avoid the purple skulls that are sent towards you. The skulls have good tracking so avoid them as best as you can by going right, left, right, left for example. The skulls should also remove the 2 electrified enemies but if not then dispatch them quickly. Djinny will then send a large gold skull towards you which you need to use your Dog Boost to slam into to send the gold skull up to Djinny’s head causing him damage.
You will then have 5 homing missile firing Frogs appear around the outside of the arena all of whom need to be defeated quickly as once they’re down their missiles lose the ability to track you so move quickly and use either punches or the Dog Boost to smash through them again avoiding the electrified enemies in the centre unless you have to get away from them.
Djinny will then spawn 5 purple skulls he will send at you in quick succession so avoid them as before by using short bursts of the Dog Boost to evade their charge. Hopefully the skulls will take out the electrified enemies but if not deal with them quickly.
Dog Boost into the next golden skull that comes your way which then causes Djinny to spawn in 4 Bells which slam into the ground creating shockwaves so get rid of 2 of the Bells a priority with Dog Boosts to reduce the amount of shockwaves going across the floor then be prepared for 6 purple skulls which charge at you.
You won’t have time to take out all 4 Bells before the skulls start charging you so do your best to jump over the shockwaves whilst avoiding the skulls which can be tricky to do.
Smash into the final gold skull Djinny sends your way then quickly Dog Boost into the top section of Djninny’s head to end the fight which will work even if there are still bells on the field.
With Djinny down you can then run forward and collect the Dreamwalker Bot.
That’s the Astro Bot Feather Cluster Djinny’s Revenge Bot location covered. How did you get on against the boss?.
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