
Astro Bot Feather Cluster Puzzle Pieces

Here we will go over how to collect all of the Astro Bot Feather Cluster Puzzle Pieces of which there are 19 spread throughout 6 of the main Worlds as well as 1 Puzzle Piece which will appear randomly on the Feather Cluster map.

Collecting all of the Puzzle Pieces in Astro is required to build the Golden Boy Statue at the Crash Site and you will also gain access to more goodies along the way. The Puzzle Pieces are usually in obscure locations off the beaten track or well hidden on the main path which can make them hard to find and easy to miss unless you look everywhere in a given stage. You will be able to find all 19 of the Feather Cluster Puzzle Pieces at the following locations:

Djinny Of The Lamp

Puzzle Piece 1

As you approach the start of the stage on the controller ship, stay left to see the puzzle piece being carried from left to right on a tornado. You need to react quickly to get the puzzle piece and if you fail just reload the stage and try again until you have it

Puzzle Piece 2

Go to the left side of the market area to find a plane you can use to get on the roof of the small building. Take out the 3 electrified enemies then jump up to the module where the Bot can be rescued before sliding down the washing lines.

Go left on the next roof and run across the washing line which then allows you to access a ladder you can climb.

At the top of the ladder go forward carefully so as not to fall off where you can then retrieve the puzzle piece.

Puzzle Piece 3

Continue through the stage until you have rubbed the lamp and are making your way up through the sandstorm to where there is a rotating cylinder with electrified panels inside of it and 2 Green Slimes attached.

Take out or run pass the enemies to the platform where things can get a bit hectic as you have a Bell slamming down on your right, several normal enemies and a bunch of mines which stick to you. Defeat the Bell as a priority with a charged hit from the Dog Booster then defeat the enemies and remove mines with a charged punch. You are then free to go to the left side of the platform, smash the large urn which then reveals the puzzle piece.

Luna Sola

Puzzle Piece 1

Slide down the first grind rail and defeat the Slimes to collect the Bot, jump up, defeat the Pumpkin then pull the wires. Jump up the steps quickly changing the scene as you go then at the top, take out the enemies and the footballer but don’t continue through the stage.

Turn around and look to the end of the platform to see some wires you can pull to obtain a lightbulb. Jump on the green platform avoiding the electricity if its there then make your way across the translucent blocks.

Go to the end of the translucent blocks then ensure you collect the puzzle piece before jumping back down.

Puzzle Piece 2

Continue through the level to where the electrified Caterpillar is going around the area.

Climb the ladders then go right to see a window cut out you can drop down through to collect the puzzle piece.

Puzzle Piece 3

Jump across the horizontally moving blocks, defeat the 2 Pink Slimes, the Spiked enemy and the Pumpkin then change the scene from night to day.

Wait for a second then change the scene back night again where you can then go left just by where the Pumpkin was to find a set of wires you can pull to reveal the puzzle piece.

Frozen Meal

Puzzle Piece 1

As soon as you land in the level, run back up the ramp you just rolled down and hit the snowman on your left.

This will reveal some wires you can pull to reveal the puzzle piece.

Puzzle Piece 2

Slide down the hill where the Snowman sucks up the finish point then go right and smash the small Snowman to reveal a set of wires.

Pull the wires to spawn in 2 strafing Crocodile mouths. Jump across them carefully ensuring you don’t fall in or get snapped to the far platform where you can acquire the puzzle piece.

Puzzle Piece 3

Carefully jump across the crosses whilst avoiding then defeat the Ice Slimes, there will be a rotating ice block near the end of the path which has the puzzle piece on it.

Stay in place on the blocks ensuring you don’t fall down until the puzzle piece comes around where you can then jump across and collect it.

Orbital Blitz

Puzzle Piece 1

As you approach the start of the stage you will see a UFO grab the puzzle piece and fly away from you. Give chase avoiding the obstacles where you will then be able to smash into the UFO and collect the puzzle piece.

If you are to slow or hit the objects, restart the stage as many time as you need to.

Puzzle Piece 2

Obtaining this puzzle piece will more than likely result in a death but it’s hard to avoid given its location. Go through the stage to where the 2 Rolling Blades come through the white wall, either jump over them or defeat them then look down into the electrified gulley to see the puzzle piece surrounded by electrified panels.

You can drop down then use your Chicken booster to get back up to safety, however, your timing will need to be perfect so as long as you grab the puzzle piece on the way down you won’t need to worry about a death.

Puzzle Piece 3

Run up the vertical wall after dealing with the guitar playing enemy then go left, grab the handle and Chicken boost up.

This will raise the platform which reveal a secret chamber you can enter where you can then collect the puzzle piece.

Cannon Brawl

Puzzle Piece 1

On the approach to the start of the stage stay slightly right of central where you will see the puzzle piece in the jaws of an Alligator. It can be tricky to acquire so if you fail, restart the stage and try again.

Puzzle Piece 2

After using the blue and white volcano to clear the gap over to ship which will start to sink when you land on it.

Work your way right then forward before taking a left on the ship to a special jump pad you can use to get up to the ships mast where the puzzle piece can be collected.

Puzzle Piece 3

Go pass the 2 Vacuums then jump up and around to the plank you need to use to drop down through the black cloth. This puzzle piece will be directly on the main path.

Machine Learning

Puzzle Piece 1

As you are approaching the start of the stage you will fly pass a Tallneck, stay central whilst keeping your boosters on then angle slightly to the right to grab the puzzle piece which is hovering above the next Tallnecks head.

If you miss the puzzle piece, simply restart the stage and try again.

Puzzle Piece 2

Continue through the level to where you slide down the controller wire then take out the enemies behind the pink cordon wires then go down the left path to the flower garden.

Look over to the far side of the chasm then aim your arrow at the brown box just to the right of the tree trunk and fire an arrow to spawn the puzzle piece which will automatically come over to you.

Puzzle Piece 3

Swim through the water then go up and out to where the Tallneck is patrolling.

Go over to the left side of the area and look through the right side gap in the rocks to see a green explosive cylinder.

Carefully line up a shot and explode the cylinder which will then clear the rock allowing you to go through and collect the puzzle piece.

Feather Cluster Map Puzzle Piece

You will, at random see a UFO spawn over to the Western side then track East who will be moving at high speed whilst carrying the puzzle piece.

Try get in front of where the UFO will be then hit it head on. You may well not be fast enough the first time so leave the Feather Cluster galaxy then go back in where the UFO will respawn eventually. Slam into the UFO to acquire the puzzle piece for the Feather Cluster map.

That’s where to find all of the Astro Bot Feather Cluster Puzzle Pieces. How many did you find before you came looking for a guide?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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