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Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula Apes On The Loose Bot Locations

Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula Apes On The Loose Bot locations of which there are 10 in total. You are free to collect them all in one run or across several and the only way they will become missable is if you progress to far through the biome.

Apes On The Loose is the final stage you will unlock in the Gorilla Nebula and can be a pain to get all 10 Bots as they are no longer just Bots, now the Bots you need to collect will actively run away from you as they have all now become Monkeys!. You will be given a Net near the start of the stage and you need to use the triggers (L2 or R2) to catch each of the monkey’s. You only need to catch 5 monkeys to unlock the final area of the level so choose the 5 easiest ones if you’re struggling then come back later to finish up or power through and get all 10 before riding the rail up to the top of the statue.

If you are struggling to find any of the Monkeys, especially the ones that are hiding in bushes you can hold L2 to pull out a radar which will firstly point towards a Monkey then beep in ever shortening intervals until you are right next to a Monkey where the tone will then become incredibly fast. You can find all 10 Monkey Bots at the following locations:

Bot 1, Nervous Ape

The Nervous Ape is the first Ape you will come to and serves as a tutorial. After you have been gifted the Net and become transformed, chase the Ape up the ladder then activate your radar with L2.

You will see the Ape is hiding in the Bush over to your right, go up to the bush and slam the net down with R2 to catch the Nervous Ape.

Bot 2, Natural Ape

Climb the magnetised wall where you will see the next Ape sitting on a crate of bananas. Once it sees you it will run so give chase cutting corners where you can then slam the net down until you manage to snag the Natural Ape Bot.

Bot 3, Cheeky Ape

From the start of the area look over to your left to see the Cheeky Ape splashing in the fountain. Run around jumping over the metal supports cutting the corner as best as you can until you capture the Cheeky Ape.

Bot 4, Aerial Ape

From the start of the area look over to your left to see a Green Slime spitting goo at a robot who is circling a rock and has the Monkey on board. Defeat the Green Slime then pull the cables to reveal a stick of dynamite you can throw at the robot destroying it.

You now have to chase down the Ape who will run in a figure of 8 whilst also changing direction quickly so keep on it until you manage to slam your net down capturing the Aerial Ape.

Bot 5, Shy Ape

From the start of the area, look over to your right to see a banana crate in the middle of the cement pile. Break it then give chase to the Ape who is fast but you can cut around it to then slam your net down.

Once successful, you will then have captured the Shy Ape.

Bot 6, Goofy Ape

Head over to the right side of the area to find this Ape on a series of steps and slide. Initially it will slide down so either intercept it or double jump up to the crates and get it that way. Either way, the Goofy Ape shouldn’t pose that many issues to collect hopefully.

Bot 7, Self-Aware Ape

Go to the top right of the area and defeat the Green Slime on the platform which allows you to pull the wires then hold Square to fly up to the triangular structure having obtained the Flower.

This Ape is very fast so jump across the gap in the middle to intercept which may take you a few attempts and if you fall down, use the Flower to get back up to the structure. Net the Self-Aware Ape to add this Bot to your collection.

Bot 8, Sky-Walking Ape

Make your way around to the back of the biome then defeat the Green Slime and climb the ladder. You will need to chase the Ape across the glass bridge where every footstep smashes some glass away so don’t chase the Ape directly, make your own path.

Once you’re on solid ground snagging the Sky-Walking Ape will be easy.

Bot 9, Crazy Ape

The Crazy Ape can be found in the top left section of the area and will run between any 1 of the 9 bushes there and stay still so it will be hard to tell which bush it is in so use your radar to get an accurate direction then slam the net down as the Crazy Ape makes a run for it.

Bot 10, Albino Antagonist

With either the first 6 Apes collected or if you went for all of them, once you are ready you can now ride the rail to the top of the statue in the middle of the area where you will face off against Spectre, the boss of the level.

Deal with the enemies as they appear where you can the pull the wires and throw a dynamite at the Spectre to bring it down to your platform. You now need to run back and forth as you try and net the fastest Ape in the level.

There’s no real trick to netting the Ape just keep trying and it will eventually go the wrong way where you will be waiting with your net to snag the Albino Antagonist as well as being able to acquire the Mothership’s Memory.

That’s all of the Astro Bot Apes On The Loose Bot locations, which one(s) did you find the most challenging to collect?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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