
Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula Mighty Chewy Bot Location

Here we will go over the Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula, Mighty Chewy Bot location of which there is one wo will be collected once you have taken down the main boss of the Gorilla Nebula, Mighty Chewy, a gigantic Gorilla.

The Mighty Chewy biome is the boss area of the Gorilla Nebula. Avoid the slams and enemies using the Dog Jetpack to send the bell onto the Gorilla’s head where you can perform a charged punch in each of his eyes.

You then need to avoid the energy blasts from the Gorilla biting the building you’re on where you can then smash it’s teeth to pieces which you need to do twice to finally bring the Beast down where you can then collect the Ape Escape Protagonist Bot.

That’s the Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula Mighty Chewy Bot location, were you expecting to meet the protagonist from Ape Escape?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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