
Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula Sky Garden Bot Locations

Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula, Sky Garden Bot Locations of which there are 7 in total. You are free to collect them all in one run or across several and the only way they will become missable is if you progress to far through the biome.

The Sky Garden stage is the first biome you will come to in the game once you are off the Crash Site at the very start of the game and the level itself essentially serves as a tutorial to help you learn how the game plays and how the combat mechanics work. Bots are freed by hitting them so don’t be worried about hurting a Bot, give them a gentle slap or a charged punch, whichever you prefer in order to collect each one. As with the rest of the main stages throughout Astro Bot there are several unnamed and a handful of named Bots for you to locate with them being acquirable in the following locations:

Bot 1

The first Bot will be on the main path as you go through Sky Garden and you have to collect it to progress.

Bot 2

Proceed through Sky Garden a short way where you will see a Green Slime firing goo at a Bot who is stuck on the side of a rock. Hit the Green Slime the grab the Bot.

Bot 3, Tooled-Up Mechanic

Once you have collected the first Puzzle Piece which is on the main path, use the jump pad to get up to the ledge then look left to see Bot 3, Tooled-Up Mechanic tied to the tree. Hit the bonds to collect the Bot.

Bot 4, Multiversal Rebel

Ride the slide down to the pool then descend through the water to the forcefield, go inside the forcefield then charge up a punch by holding Square to reveal a hidden room you can go down into.

Defeat the 2 enemies down here then use the jump pad to grab the zip, pull the zip down to release the water then go inside and collect Bot 4, Multiversal Rebel.

Bot 5

Ascend to the top of the pool then look for at the Turtle pulling the floatation boards through the water, look to the final flotation board to find Bot 5.

Bot 6

Enter the large cylindrical tube having floated up to the entrance then descend all the way to the floor and go into the forcefield. Defeat the 2 enemies then collect the dancing Bot from the ledge.

Bot 7

The final Bot can be found trapped in a flower garden at the very top of the level so use your float ability to get up to the final ledge then look right to see a flower pot shaking and jumping around. Jump on to the flowers and punch the Bot in the middle of the garden to free and collect it.

That’s all of the Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula, Sky Garden Bot locations, did you find them all?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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