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Astro Bot Lost Galaxy Furnace Fever Bot Locations

Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Lost Galaxy, Furnace Fever Bot locations of which there are 5 in total. You are free to collect them all in one run or across several and the only way they will become missable is if you progress to far through the biome.

The Furnace Fever biome is a hidden one you can access in the Bathhouse Battle stage by going through to the section where you jump up the sponges to be faced with 3 fire elementals.

Jump in the pool at the South side of the walkway to grown large then rather than going forward, go left and jump across through the Torii Gate, go left then jump up across the pink tree branches which are only accessible if you are still enlarged.

Look at the flame coming out of the chimney then squeeze your water out to extinguish the flame before jumping down into the chimney. Take out the Fire-Bolt enemy with a charged punch then jump up and pull the wires on the disco ball to create the portal you can jump on to take you to the Lost Galaxy where you can then access the Furnace Fever stage which is a tough, fire based stage from the very beginning.

You will need to carefully navigate through and over the hazards and obstacles as well as needing to strategically squeeze the water out of a duck to allow you to cross the lava with temporary platforms you create as you work towards calming the angry volcano which helps cool everything down. Bots are freed by hitting them so don’t be worried about hurting a Bot, give them a gentle slap or a charged punch, whichever you prefer in order to collect each one. As with the rest of the main stages throughout Astro Bot there are several unnamed and a handful of named Bots for you to locate with them being acquirable in the following locations:

Bot 1

From the start of the stage jump across the 2 Crocodile mouths and defeat the Fire-Bolt. You can then look up to your left to see the Bot hanging upside down from a tree.

Jump up and hit the Snake holding the Bot to drop the Bot down to your platform where you can then rescue it.

Bot 2, Roguish Conduit

Run across the metal bridge where you need to jump over the fire jets and take out the enemies. Before going right up the hill pass the Fire Slime look to your left to see 3 sequential flames coming out of the lave with a red button you can jump to ensuring you time it correctly.

Upon jumping on the button you will reveal a grind rail you can slide down jumping into the portal to come to a secret stage which tasks you with riding 3 rails jumping left and right across the 3 rails to avoid the lava plumes.

Once you have safely made it to the end of the rails you will be able to jump to the platform where the Roguish Conduit Bot can be rescued.

Bot 3, Neon Avenger

Use the yellow jump pad to get to a black controller stick platform with 2 purple enemies and a yellow Fire-Bolt.

Go over to the top right side of the platform which will then tilt under your weight towards the cliff which allows you to punch the button revealing a path through the cliff.

Take the path up then defeat all of the Spiked enemies which then allows you to go over and rescue the Neon Avenger Bot.

Bot 4, Electric Vigilante

Ride the grind rail around where the volcano spits large stalactites at you then rather than jumping up to the right as you usually would to continue through the level go straight jumping over the 2 Crocodile mouths.

You will then come to a platform where you can rescue the Electric Vigilante Bot.

Bot 5

Jump up to the platform in front of the lava lakes then rather than going forward, go over to your right using the water duck to make a path over to the shack where the Bot is chilling in the shack waiting to be rescued.

That’s all of the Astro Bot Lost Galaxy Furnace Fever Bot locations covered. How did you get on finding the hidden biome then working through it?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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