Astro Bot Lost Galaxy High-Suction Hero Bot Locations
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Easy Platinum, Platformer.
Astro Bot directory.
Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Lost Galaxy, High-Section Hero Bot locations of which there are 5 in total. You are free to collect them all in one run or across several and the only way they will become missable is if you progress to far through the biome.
The High-Suction Hero biome is a hidden one you can access in the Djinny of the Lamp stage by firstly defeat Djinny then after dropping down turn around and platform up to the stone blocks which will glow orange.
You now need to look down on the sand below you to see 2 blocks in front of you and 4 blocks around the area, 2 on the left and 2 on the right. You need to walk out over the blocks which will create an invisible path. Jump across to the next block which as long as you stay up high you will land on another invisible block with the one under you glowing orange again.
Use your Dog Boost to clear the gap to the far block near the cliff then jump over on to the area with the blue glowing rolled up carpet you can punch to open enabling you to jump on and ride the carpet up to the area where the disco ball is you can pull the wires of to create the portal to the Lost Galaxy.
Once in the Lost Galaxy you can then begin the High-Suction Hero stage which is a tricky one to work through as it takes place in space and you have several different components you can use your Hoover ability to suck up which each do different things, you have concrete, ice and honey for the most part each of which have the uses and given the scenario you are faced with you need to choose correctly as you attempt to get to the rocket.
Bots are freed by hitting them so don’t be worried about hurting a Bot, give them a gentle slap or a charged punch, whichever you prefer in order to collect each one. As with the rest of the main stages throughout Astro Bot there are several unnamed and a handful of named Bots for you to locate with them being acquirable in the following locations:
Bot 1
Create a concrete platform over the steam vent which will push you up one level. Jump across and create another platform which then steam will also push up.
Jump off to the right from the second platform where you can rescue the Bot on the stone column.
Bot 2, Militant Mutant
Continue through the level to where you punch the platform out of the UFO’s beam, collect the honey then bounce up to the higher level.
Look up to see the Bot hanging upside down from the bottom of the UFO then jump up, create a honey bubble which you can use to bounce up to the UFO you can now hit rescuing the Militant Mutant Bot in the process.
Bot 3, Independent Mutant
Proceed through the stage to where you come to a platform with 3 pools in front of you with Ice, Concrete and Honey available to be sucked up. Collect the Honey on the right then use it to jump up to the platform on your right where the Ice Slime is who needs defeating.
Suck up the Ice from where the Ice Slime was sitting and look over to your left to see a white and yellow cylinder with 3 platforms rotating clockwise around the base.
Jump and rocket boot out towards the platform then use your Ice to create a slope you can ride down gaining momentum. Push off the end and make another ice slope to clear the gap ensuring you land on top of the cylinder where you can then rescue the Independent Mutant Bot.
Bot 4
Go through the stage to the red platform where the rocket is then look inside the booster at the base of the rocket to see this Bot hanging out who needs rescuing.
Bot 5, Confused Mutant
Platform up the first of the rocket gantries then take out the Honey filled Glass Jar enemy, suck up the Honey and bounce up to the next level where you will see the Bot on the pillar.
That’s all of the Astro Bot Lost Galaxy High-Suction Hero Bot locations covered. How did you get on finding the hidden biome then working through it?.
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