
Astro Bot Lost Galaxy Puzzle Pieces

Here we will go over how to collect all of the Astro Bot Lost Galaxy Puzzle Pieces of which there are 22 spread throughout all 11 stages with 10 of the stages being accessible through secret areas in 10 of the main stages throughout the game broken down across the 5 main galaxies.

    The biomes in the Lost Galaxy are accessible once you go through a secret hidden portal in 10 of the main stages spread across the 5 main galaxies in the game and they have varying levels of difficulty attached to them. Some puzzle pieces will be on the main path, others will require you to go far out of your way facing many hazards, enemies and traps along the way.

    Collecting all of the Puzzle Pieces in Astro is required to build the Golden Boy Statue at the Crash Site and you will also gain access to more goodies along the way. The Puzzle Pieces are usually in obscure locations off the beaten track or well hidden on the main path which can make them hard to find and easy to miss unless you look everywhere in a given stage. You will be able to find all 22 of the Lost Galaxy Puzzle Pieces at the following locations:

    Fan Club

    The Fan Club biome is a hidden one you can access in the Az-Tech Trial stage by going through to the cave where the Ladybug is. Look to the back wall to see 4 lit braziers all of which you need to punch.

    Use the Ladybug to get up high enough then with all 4 braziers hit you will then open the wall revealing a disco ball with some wires hanging from underneath you can use to spawn the portal which takes you to the Lost Galaxy whilst also making the Fan Club biome accessible which sees you needing to navigate through the stage pulling chutes down which you can then use to propel yourself up through the level.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    Work through the stage until you are back outside, take out the enemies then look right to see the puzzle piece on a platform.

    Jump across to the platform where a UFO will take the puzzle piece, pull the wires under the leaves to create a chute you can use to jump to the higher platform then chase the UFO until you have the puzzle piece.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    Walk across the red walkway then pull the wires to reveal a field of chutes, jump on the chutes then bounce up to the platform on your left.

    Go to the end of the platform and pull the wires to reveal the puzzle piece.

    Funky Fungi

    The Funky Fungi biome is a hidden one you can access in the Creamy Canyon stage by going through to the section where you would usually spin the Pig through the ice wall. Instead of going spinning the Pig through the ice wall, keep the Pig spinning then go back the way you came where you can aim at the large ice Walrus over the ice field with the Ladybug which you can then jump on and up to where the Walrus was.

    You can now burrow down to a secret ice cream room where you can pull the disco ball wires to reveal the portal taking you through to the Lost Galaxy where you can then access the Funky Fungi stage which takes you through a series of increasingly deeper caverns until you manage to get back up to the outside World where the stage will then conclude.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    Head through the stage to where the 3 Pink Slimes are on the rock. Pull the wires and throw a dynamite at the rock to destroy both it and the Slimes making the area safe.

    Collect another dynamite then quickly go over to your right to find a wall you can throw the dynamite at revealing a small cave with the puzzle piece inside.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    Drop down into the first cavern then pull the wires revealing a Flower you can use to boost up to the right side platform.

    Take out the Orange Slime to reveal a blue cross you can use to burrow down into a secret room with a circuit board you need to walk across until you find the correct tile.

    Use your rocket boots to push the tile into the floor which reveals a hidden section with the puzzle piece inside.

    Light Bulb Limbo

    The Light Bulb Limbo biome is a hidden one you can access in the Go-Go Archipelago! stage by taking down the Captain Pincher boss at the end of the stage which will cause one of Pincher’s claws claws to land in the bottom right of the arena creating a blue cross you can burrow through.

    Go to the right pass all of the sapphires to find the disco ball with the wires you can pull to open the portal leading to the Lost Galaxy enabling you to access the Light Bulb Limbo stage which tasks you with working through a spooky biome use light bulbs you collect to reveal hidden paths, remove Gargoyles and defeat Ghosts as you work towards collecting every Bot.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    Go through the stage to where you grab a lightbulb and need to cross the large chasm with the Pumpkin on the other side.

    Carefully make your way over to the right using the lightbulb to reveal the platforms where you can collect the puzzle piece.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    Towards the end of the stage there will be a Bot by the tombstone which is blocked by invisible barriers.

    You will need to collect the lightbulb and make your way up and around, along the way there will be one platform you can jump on to where the puzzle piece can be collected.

    Boxel Bust-Up

    The Boxel Bust-Up biome is a hidden one you can access in the Downsize Surprise stage by firstly going up the tree then jumping off to the platform. Grow big and use your rocket boots to break the glass revealing a vent.

    Shrink down and the air coming out of the vent will lift you up, grow large again when you’re near the bubble Frog and physically blow into the controller to make bubbles come out from the front of the Frog.

    Jump on one of these bubbles and ride it up to the top of the cage where the Bot can be rescued then jump off to your left on to the branch then jump to the adjacent branch which will then reveal a button you can punch to create the portal that takes you to the Lost Galaxy enabling you to being the Boxel Bust-Up stage which tasks you with going through a retro stage where even the scenery wants to crush you. Moving platforms are fragile so jump on them with caution and use bombs to your advantage.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    You will see this puzzle piece on the main path moving diagonally on a platform. Ensure you collect the puzzle piece before the Green Slime fires at you or take the Slime out the collect the puzzle piece.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    Once you have the Dog Booster look forward to see a Dog pad then look to the left of the pad to see an 8-bit window.

    Jump up and smash through the window pane to come to a small area inside of which will be the puzzle piece.

    Furnace Fever

    The Furnace Fever biome is a hidden one you can access in the Bathhouse Battle stage by going through to the section where you jump up the sponges to be faced with 3 fire elementals.

    Jump in the pool at the South side of the walkway to grown large then rather than going forward, go left and jump across through the Torii Gate, go left then jump up across the pink tree branches which are only accessible if you are still enlarged.

    Look at the flame coming out of the chimney then squeeze your water out to extinguish the flame before jumping down into the chimney. Take out the Fire-Bolt enemy with a charged punch then jump up and pull the wires on the disco ball to create the portal you can jump on to take you to the Lost Galaxy where you can then access the Furnace Fever stage which is a tough, fire based stage from the very beginning.

    You will need to carefully navigate through and over the hazards and obstacles as well as needing to strategically squeeze the water out of a duck to allow you to cross the lava with temporary platforms you create as you work towards calming the angry volcano which helps cool everything down.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    Jump across the 2 Crocodile mouths then follow the path across the 2 controller sticks.

    Jump over to your right before going left on to the small rock platform you can follow around to find the puzzle piece.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    You will see the puzzle piece on the main path as you grab the water duck to create temporary platforms leading across the lava.

    Carefully jump over the spiked ball to collect the puzzle piece. It won’t matter if the ball kills you as long as you get the puzzle piece before you die.

    Ghouls And Bots

    The Ghouls and Bots biome is a hidden one you can access in the Free Big Brother! stage by turning around as soon as you land then swimming across the water to the rocks where a Guitar playing enemy will appear who you need to keep alive for a short while.

    You will see 2 electrical panels one either side of the 2 central rocks. Stand on one of the panels which then lure the Guitar enemy to you, wait for it to charge an attack before jumping out of the way of the blast which will then electrify the panel.

    Repeat this step for both panels to then open the section of wall in front of you enabling you to jump into a small cave where the disco ball wires can be pulled to open the portal leading to the Lost Galaxy where the Ghouls and Bots biome can be entered which tasks you with going through a fairly tough area chasing light bulbs down before taking on a very fast fast boss, the Ecto Gang near the end of the stage where you need to use light to eliminate ghosts before their magic ignites Astro.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    After running up the wall with the arms that try and grab you from either side you will find a Ghost with a lightbulb strafing from left to right. Grab the bulb and throw it at the Ghost to make the area safe.

    Collect another lightbulb then carefully cross the chasm going over to your right where you can collect the puzzle piece.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    Blow out the candles then climb the blue wire to the top where you can pan the camera around to see the puzzle piece in a small alcove. If the Ghost is becoming troublesome put it down then back on to the rope.

    Rocket Full Power!

    The Rocket Full Power biome is a hidden one you can access in the Hieroglitch Pyramid stage by working through the stage to the very end after having slid down the slope with the spikes and pits. Before jumping on the pad to finish the level go over to your right to the wall where the gems are piled up. Jump up and slam down with your Steel Ball ability to bounce up to a hidden area.

    Go through the 3 circuit board walls quickly as 2 of them are timed then jump over the gold to the disco ball with the wires hanging out from underneath you can pull to open the portal leading you off to the Lost Galaxy where you can access the Rocket Full Power stage which is an explosive trip through a fairly tough, hazard filled biome where timing and speed is crucial for success.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    Chicken Boost up to the platform with the enemies and the glass strip in the middle of the snow. Take out the enemies then grab the handle on the left side and Chicken Boost up to remove the grate.

    Drop down then go to the back of the underground channel, grab the handle and Chicken Boost up to reveal the puzzle piece.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    Proceed through the sub-terranean section to where you see a stack of 2 blocks rolling to one side then standing back up.

    Behind these blocks on the left side is the puzzle piece in an alcove. If you are you quick you can jump to the left, collect the puzzle piece then Chicken Boost up to safety as the blocks roll out the way. If not, jump to the platform then grab the handles on the tops of both blocks Chicken Boosting up to remove each of them where the puzzle piece can be safely collected.

    Danger Dojo

    The Danger Dojo biome is a hidden one you can access in the Balloon Breeze stage by firstly collecting the Floating ability then going back down to the area where the Ladybug is which you need to punch to the very end of the platform.

    Look up high to see a plat pot which looks like part of the scenery. Jump on the Ladybug, use your rocket boots then activate your Floating ability at the peak of your jump where you can float to the plant pot. It might take you a few attempts as it is a difficult jump to make.

    On the plant pot you can use a charged punch on the Flower to raise another section of area in the clouds you can float up to. Once you’re up, jump on the button and use the Shuriken’s from the controller to remove the bamboo tower in front of you.

    With that done you can now float on to the platform and use your rocket boots to light the rectangles around the central circle to charge it revealing the disco ball you can pull the wires of to open the portal which takes you to the Lost Galaxy where you can access the Danger Dojo stage that sees you work through a Japanese inspired biome where using the Shuriken controller efficiently and cautiously will help you traverse up the walls and through the bamboo struts before taking down a powerful Water Dragon.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    Use the Shuriken controller to carve a path through the bamboo allowing you to jump across to the next section then look up to the right to see the puzzle piece on the balcony.

    Platform up to the balcony where the puzzle piece can be collected.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    Jump across the bounce pads whilst avoiding the flame jets to the large bounce pad at the end of the course. Jump up and pull the wires to make the area safe.

    Jump up to your left then go through the 3 circuit boards using your rocket boots to push the correct tile down where you can collect the puzzle piece in the final room.

    High-Suction Hero

    The High-Suction Hero biome is a hidden one you can access in the Djinny of the Lamp stage by firstly defeat Djinny then after dropping down turn around and platform up to the stone blocks which will glow orange.

    You now need to look down on the sand below you to see 2 blocks in front of you and 4 blocks around the area, 2 on the left and 2 on the right. You need to walk out over the blocks which will create an invisible path. Jump across to the next block which as long as you stay up high you will land on another invisible block with the one under you glowing orange again.

    Use your Dog Boost to clear the gap to the far block near the cliff then jump over on to the area with the blue glowing rolled up carpet you can punch to open enabling you to jump on and ride the carpet up to the area where the disco ball is you can pull the wires of to create the portal to the Lost Galaxy.

    Once in the Lost Galaxy you can then begin the High-Suction Hero stage which is a tricky one to work through as it takes place in space and you have several different components you can use your Hoover ability to suck up which each do different things, you have concrete, ice and honey for the most part each of which have the uses and given the scenario you are faced with you need to choose correctly as you attempt to get to the rocket.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    Take out the tulip, create a concrete platform over the vent then ride it up in front of the black and orange rock.

    Once you’re at the top stay on the platform then jump forward to collect the puzzle piece high up before using the yellow jump pad. If you do accidentally use the jump pad you will need to restart the level.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    Go through the stage to where you come to 3 pools you can suck up, Ice on the left, Concrete in the centre and Honey on the right. Collect the Ice then use the Ice slide to get across to the platform then satellite on your left side.

    Collect the Honey then use the bubbles you can make to bounce across to the spinning asteroid where you can then either drop down to or bounce across to the Puzzle Piece.

    Turtles In Trash

    The Turtles in Trash biome is a hidden one you can access in the Frozen Meal stage by working through the stage to where the 4 electrified enemies are in the thick snow. There will be a snowball in between 2 Penguins on a raised platform you need to jump and hit once the area has been made safe.

    Roll the snowball around the snow until it has grown considerably then move it over to the back wall. Jump on the wooden steps you would usually use to continue the level instead jumping over to the snowball. You may need to reposition the snowball but don’t worry as you can’t break it then once you are on top pull the wires to reveal a controller.

    Use the suction on the controller to sick in the bricks from the ice wall which then allows you to go through to the room with the disco ball, pull the wires to reveal the portal which takes you to the Lost Galaxy where you can then access the Turtles in Trash stage that sees you working through a nice calm biome taking out low threat Oil Slimes, cleaning trash out of the ocean and removing oil from the area enabling the fauna to grow back.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    Ride the grind rails across to the island with the Oil Slimes then use the Water Duck to clean the area up.

    Ensure you clean all of the Oil from the first 2 platforms then look to your right where the puzzle piece will spawn along with the vegetation.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    Ride the yellow and red grind rails across to the jump pad where you will be able to collect the puzzle piece by jumping high. You will have to go out of your way to avoid this one.

    Final Encore

    The Final Encore biome is a hidden one you can access by firstly completing the other 10 stages in the Lost Galaxy as listed above. The Final Encore serves as a celebratory level to round off the Lost Galaxy and sees you needing to use the cymbals to flip panels removing and creating hazards which come in the form of electrified panels, rolling drums, rotating panels and much more besides.

    Puzzle Piece 1

    Go to the area with the first rolling drum and go to the right where you can clap the cymbals to move the red block revealing some wires you can pull to spawn the puzzle piece.

    Puzzle Piece 2

    Once you’re on the blue floor with the spinning controller sticks, clap then remove the Mines then defeat the electrified enemies. Go to the top right corner and clap to reveal several concertinas which will only stay out for a short while.

    Jump across to the first solid block then look right to see the puzzle piece. Wait for the concertina to line up the clap which enables you to jump across and collect this puzzle piece.

    That’s where to find all of the Astro Bot Lost Galaxy Puzzle Pieces. How many did you find before you came looking for a guide?.

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    Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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