
Astro Bot Serpent Starway Dude Raiding Bot Locations

Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Serpent Starway, Dude Raiding Bot locations of which there are 7 in total. You are free to collect them all in one run or across several and the only way they will become missable is if you progress to far through the biome.

In Dude Raiding you assume the role of Nathan Drake who gifts you his gun which you can use to put down the many enemies you will face throughout the stage as you traverse through jungles, across rivers and through ominous caverns before having a showdown with an Aztec God to round off the level. Bots are freed by hitting them so don’t be worried about hurting a Bot, give them a gentle slap or a charged punch, whichever you prefer in order to collect each one. As with the rest of the main stages throughout Astro Bot there are several unnamed and a handful of named Bots for you to locate with them being acquirable in the following locations:

Bot 1, Looting Virtuoso

Play through the level to where you see a shipwreck over to your left then go left jumping across the wooden platforms whilst dealing with the enemies along the way.

Jump across the rocks shooting the Slimes as you go then make your way up to the ship’s deck again dealing with the enemies then go to the top of the ship to find the Bot being attacked by enemies.

Defeat them all then jump up and rescue the Looting Virtuoso Bot.

Bot 2, Moustachioed Mentor

Continue through the level taking out the electrified enemies then rather than swinging across the green rope, go right through the archway and shoot the Slime to drop another rope.

Use this new rope to swing across then platform your way up to the next rope you can use to swing across to a crashed plane.

On the opposite side of the plane’s wing will be the Moustachioed Mentor Bot waiting to be rescued.

Bot 3, No Nonsense Merc

Drop down to the stone platform in the water then look right to see 2 Turtles swimming in circles. Jump on one of their backs and jump to the adjacent platform.

You can then rescue the No-Nonsense Merc Bot who is sitting by a rock.

Bot 4, Tenacious Reporter

Swing across the ropes going over the water then look just over to the left of the main path to find a beached submarine. Go along the starboard side of the submarine taking out the enemies as you go.

Jump up to the top of the sub to collect the Tenacious Reporter Bot.

Bot 5, False Ancestor

Once you’re in the temple climb the central blue rope to the very top of the rope and turn around.

You will see the False Ancestor Bot sitting on a treasure chest waiting to be rescued.

Bot 6, Prodigal Brother

Continue through the caverns until you slide across a controller wire zipline and defeat the Pumpkins and Green Slimes.

Once you land off the controller wire there will be 2 stone pillars, one on the right and one on the left, the Prodigal Brother Bot is taking cover behind the right pillar.

That’s the Astro Bot Serpent Starway Dude Raiding Bot location. How did you get on with this stage?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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