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Astro Bot Serpent Starway Puzzle Pieces

Here we will go over how to collect all of the Astro Bot Serpent Starway Puzzle Pieces of which there are 16 spread throughout 5 of the main Worlds as well as 1 Puzzle Piece which will appear randomly on the Serpent Starway map.

Collecting all of the Puzzle Pieces in Astro is required to build the Golden Boy Statue at the Crash Site and you will also gain access to more goodies along the way.

The Puzzle Pieces are usually in obscure locations off the beaten track or well hidden on the main path which can make them hard to find and easy to miss unless you look everywhere in a given stage. You will be able to find all 16 of the Serpent Starway Puzzle Pieces at the following locations:

Slo-Mo Casino

Puzzle Piece 1

Head through the initial section of the Casino the the 2 yellow ramps you need to slow down thus locking them in place allowing you to get to the higher section.

Jump up to the second yellow ramp, stand on the left side then slow down time to lock the ramp in place. You can then carefully platform across the gaps to the ledge where the Puzzle Piece is waiting to be collected.

Puzzle Piece 2

After jumping up the poker chip tornado, take out the fireball spewing Lizard then look down off the left side to see a spinning partially electrified roulette wheel.

Slow time then drop down ensuring you avoid the electrified sections then jump across to get the Puzzle Piece before using the jump pad in the centre to get back up to safety.

Puzzle Piece 3

Go to the platform where the darts are going from left to right into the dartboard, take out the enemies then drop down off the end to the platform below.

Turn around and go into the secret area where you can slow down time and use the ledges to get up to the higher platform on the left side upon which will be the Puzzle Piece.

Bathhouse Battle

Puzzle Piece 1

Go down the hill at the start of the level where you acquire your sponge ability then absorb the water in the pool on your left growing large.

Make your way over to the green pad on the right of the area before jumping up and squeeze out the water so all of the shrubs grow into pink bushes ensuring you get them all which will then cause a Puzzle Piece to spawn in the centre.

Puzzle Piece 2

Smash the top layer of the pool away with your rocket boots having taken down the green Pumpkin and jump into the water to grow big before then smashing through the bamboo.

Squeeze your water out at the top of the hill to eliminate the 3 Oil Slimes and go through the tunnel taking out all enemies in the local area.

Perform a charged punch on the flower to release a water source, jump in growing big then go to the right where you will find an oil Slime spraying oil on a mural.

Squeeze your water out defeating the Oil Slime then look at the mural it was spraying oil and squeeze more water out until all of the oil stains have been removed which then reveals the Puzzle Piece.

Puzzle Piece 3

Jump across the drainpipes then smash all of the wooden boxes whilst big to reveal series of sponges you can hydrate to make them larger allowing you to jump on them.

Make the first 2 blocks of sponges closest to the pool of water large so the ones on the left and the ones on the right furthest from the cliff.

You can then use the jump pad on the bottom left set of sponges to get up high. Finally, jump over to the sponges on your right to collect the Puzzle Piece.

Free Big Brother!

Puzzle Piece 1

Go into the cave to the right of where you start the stage to collect this Puzzle Piece.

Puzzle Piece 2

Head over to the far right wall then use the rope dangling from the bird to get up to the ledge with the blue wall you can smash through.

Take out the enemies then use your rocket boots to smash through the floor which reveals some wires you can pull to spawn the Puzzle Piece.

Puzzle Piece 3

After you have freed Big Brother by smashing the crystals the storm will end and the stage will transition to a beach paradise.

Go to the beach hut on the right side of the beach, jump on the rock near the guitar enemy then up on to the roof to collect this Puzzle Piece.

Trapped In Time

Puzzle Piece 1

Upon entering the Trapped in Time stage you will be flying over then through the dunes. Stay left and hit the Snake who is going down the hill from behind the rock.

It is very easy to miss the Snake as you need to be going at the right speed so restart as many times as you need to until you get the smash into the Snake which will fly forward turning into the Puzzle Piece  

Puzzle Piece 2

Continue through the stage to where you smash the glass bottle with the blue liquid inside then Chicken boost up to pop the cork where you will be faced with 2 electrified enemies and a snake.

Take them down then go to the bottom left corner of the area to find a Green Slime in a tiny alcove. Defeat it then pull the wires to get a Flower.

Chicken boost up then hold Square to use the Flower to boost up to the platform to find a larger Caterpillar going around a bottle with the Puzzle Piece inside.

Charge up a punch, wait for the Caterpillar to discharge its electricity then punch most of the hats off of the body sections then either do the same again or use your rocket boots to remove the rest of the enemy.

With the Caterpillar defeated you are now free to enter the bottle and grab the Puzzle Piece.

Puzzle Piece 3

Head through the caverns to the end where you can use a charged punch on the flower to raise the platforms leading to a tunnel. Defeat the Green Slime  and the other enemies as you make your way up to the tunnel.

You will come to a floor covered in gold goblets with 3 electrified enemies. Put them down then use your rocket boots to carve out a section of the floor revealing a hidden section below.

Carefully drop down to the platform below taking care not to land in the acid then jump across to the far ledge to collect the Puzzle Piece.

Dude Raiding

Puzzle Piece 1

After assuming the role of Nathan Drake go forward taking out the enemies as you go to the log you can jump across and go left where you will see 2 wooden platforms and a lot of enemies. Put them all down.

Jump across to the rocks and put down any remaining enemies, you will then be able to see the Puzzle Piece behind the wooden bars inside the ship. Don’t jump up to the deck, stay on the grass section.

Smash the crystal lock then pull the wires to remove the wooden bars allowing you to go through and collect the Puzzle Piece.

Puzzle Piece 2

Jump across the 2 sunken ships masts then on to the grass rock where 2 electrified enemies will spawn, take them out then look to the bottom left section of the platform.

You will see the Puzzle Piece through some stone bars with 2 rotatable glyphs you can hit to move. You need to hit the glyphs on the left and right of the stone bars until they have heart symbols.

There will also be another glyph above the bars which is set at the heart symbols already then once all 3 glyphs are showing heart symbols the glyphs will glow and the bars will be removed allowing you to collect the Puzzle Piece.

Puzzle Piece 3

Move the pillars to the outer placements then go into the Turtle head where you slide down to a cavern full of deceased Astro heads.

Turn around and hit the treasure chest against the back wall to reveal the Puzzle Piece.

Serpent Starway Map

On the Serpent Starway map there will, on occasion be a comet which spawns in the North and takes a South Easterly trajectory at speed.

You need to smash your ship into the comet to reveal the Puzzle Piece. If you don’t make it, leave the Galaxy then go back in several times which will make the comet respawn.

That’s where to find all of the Astro Bot Serpent Starway Puzzle Pieces. How many did you find before you came looking for a guide?.

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