Astro Bot Serpent Starway Rolling Rampage Bot Location
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Easy Platinum, Platformer.
Astro Bot directory.
Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Serpent Starway, Rolling Rampage Bot location which can be started once the Lost Circle Void has been completed allowing you to then go to the South Western circle on the Serpent Starway map.
This is one of the toughest stages in the Serpent Starway Galaxy as you will encounter elements in this stage which are fairly unique so it may take some getting used to. From the start of the stage jump across the rollers whilst avoiding the large spiked balls and grab the flower before leaping onto the jump pad and onto the platform with the spiked balls.
Landing on the South side of the platform will cause the platform to tip down under your weight which then makes all of the balls roll towards you. Now you can use your Flower by jumping forward then holding Square to get enough height clearing the balls.
Jump across to the platform grabbing the Flower along the way and boost up to the platform above then do a charged punch (hold Square) to hit the mines away which cling to you.
Slide along the controller wire when the balls are rolling pass where you will land then sprint right jumping over the gap and duck into the alcove where you can collect another Flower.
Pan the camera so you can see the balls on the platform above then boost up with the Flower when it’s safe and run clockwise around the platform to the jump pad. You can jump off the side and rocket boost back on to the platform if the balls get a bit to close for comfort just ensure your timing is well placed to prevent you falling off or being spiked.
Grab the Flower then boost up to the small platform taking care as you go so you don’t miss then grab the final Flower which you can use to get up to the platform where you can then rescue the Aerial Ace Bot.
That’s the Astro Bot Serpent Starway Rolling Rampage Bot location covered. How did you get on with the course?.
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