
Astro Bot Serpent Starway Swinging Sentries Bot Location

Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Serpent Starway, Swinging Sentries Bot location which can be started once the Lost Circle Void has been completed allowing you to then go to the Western circle on the Serpent Starway map.

From the start of the stage jump across the 3 glass platforms avoiding the Sentries as you go. You can defeat them but it’s a lot easier to just jump over their chains and run pass them.

Use the 3 jump pads whilst avoiding the mines to get to the higher platform then use your rocket boots to defeat the Sentry on the platform.

Cross the rock platforms then use your rocket boots to defeat the next Sentry then wait before jumping onto the rings.

The central Sentry will be swinging its chain anti–clockwise around the rings and your objective is to get to the opposite side where there are 2 glass platforms so wait for the chain to pass you then jump across and run right jumping over the chain as many times as you need to.

Once you’re at the glass platforms gauge where the chain is then jump across once safe to do so and use your rocket boots to defeat the Sentry that way you will be up above the chain as it won’t stop swinging until the Sentry is down.

With the Sentry defeated a jump pad will appear which you can use to get up the platform where the Guardian of Mankind Bot will be waiting for you.

That’s the Astro Bot Serpent Starway Swinging Sentries Bot location covered. How did you get on with the course?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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