
Astro Bot Tentacle System Bot Of War Bot Locations

Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Tentacle System, Bot of War Bot locations of which there are 7 in total. You are free to collect them all in one run or across several and the only way they will become missable is if you progress to far through the biome.

During the Bot of War stage you will be gifted the powers of the God Killer, Kratos as well as his Leviathan Axe which you will need to use to great effect if you are to retrieve all 7 Bots which are all themed around the fantastic God of War and God War Ragnarök games. Bots are freed by hitting them so don’t be worried about hurting a Bot, give them a gentle slap or a charged punch, whichever you prefer in order to collect each one. As with the rest of the main stages throughout Astro Bot there are several unnamed and a handful of named Bots for you to locate with them being acquirable in the following locations:

Bot 1, Ironwood Jötunn

Upon smashing the gate having assumed the role of, Kratos, go right taking out the enemies as you go to the pink coin chest behind which will be a narrow crevice you can walk through.

You will see the Irownwood Jötunn bot at the back of the area sitting on a rug playing Bot of War: Ragnarök. Give the Jötunn a quick slap to add it to your collection.

Bot 2, Thunder Goddess

Once you are through into the main area, go over to your left taking out the enemies as you go then smash the ice block then jump up to the ice ledge.

Work your way up on top of the helmet taking care of the enemies up here then look right to see the Thunder Goddess on top of the helmet. Give her a quick kick to add this Bot to your collection.

Bot 3, Valkyrie Queen

Cross the first of the controller wires then deal with the enemies in the local area. Look down to your right to see a large tortoise on a platform.

Drop down then flip the tortoise onto its back to reveal the Valkyrie Queen who you can now rescue.

Bot 4, Thunder God

Jump back up after rescuing the Valkyrie Queen then go straight (left from the main path) along the walkway where you can drop down and smash the ice block which reveals a horn you need to physically blow into your controller to activate after having puled the wires.

Blowing the horn will summon Jörmungandr, the World Serpent (who you meet in the God of War series). Once Jörmungandr spawns jump up the steps to your left then use the jump pad to get on its back.

Walk right to the top of Jörmungandr’s head where you will be able to collect the Thunder God Bot.

Bot 5, Smartest Man Alive

Proceed through the Bot of War stage to the area where the Elite enemy will be throwing its skull at you. Smash the glass to defeat it then look to the bottom right corner of the area to find a block of ice.

Smash the block then use the jump pad it reveals to jump up and forward smashing your way through the 3 blue walls.

Look over to the right of the large Raven tree to see a Raven flying around with the Smartest Man Alive Bot in its clutches.

Throw your axe to collect the Raven as well as being able to free the Bot who you can now collect.

Bot 6, Dwarven Blacksmith

Take out the next Elite and the spiked enemies then look to your right where you will see 2 medals you can throw the Axe through to lower the drawbridge.

Upon doing so you will be ambushed by a heavy number of enemies including Berserk Spikes who charges at you with their spikes out so take everything out cautiously.

You can then go to the end of the walkway and collect the Dwarven Blacksmith Bot.

Bot 7, Dwarven Artisan

Continue through the stage until you are in the area with the 4 Ice Slimes. Working from left to right take the first 3 out then throw your Axe to freeze the fourth.

This will allow you to jump on the ice block it forms and up onto the walkway above. Follow the walkway around to find a “Legendary Chest” from the God of War series.

Open the chest to reveal the Dwarven Artisan Bot who can now be collected.

That’s all of the Astro Bot Tentacle System Bot of War Bot Locations, how cool was it wielding the Leviathan Axe in the Astro Bot?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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