
Astro Bot Tentacle System Cut 'N Grind Bot Location

Here we will go over how to collect the Astro Bot Tentacle System Cut ‘N Grind Bot location which can be started once you have completed the Lost Triangle Void which is accessible in the top left of the Tentacle System map.

With the Lost Triangle Void stage completed you can then begin the Cut ‘N Grind stage by going to the North Western Triangle on the Tentacle System map then get ready for a tough course where you need to move quickly across narrow ledges as fast moving rolling saws try and carve you back to the start.

Once you have made it pass the enemies, none of which I recommend trying to defeat, just run, jump and boost pass them to make things easier stay left and jump on the grind rails where you can ride the left side of the rails.

Avoid the electrified balls by either jumping over them or changing direction ensuring you land back on the rails.

Jump onto the platform where you can then hit the Rookie Cop Bot freeing it from the enemy who has hold of it to complete the Cut ‘N Grind stage.

That’s the Astro Bot Tentacle System Cut ‘N Grind Bot location. Which element did you fail to the most?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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