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Astro Bot Tentacle System Trunk Of Funk Bot Locations

Here we will go over all of the Astro Bot Tentacle System, Trunk Of Funk Bot locations of which there are 7 in total. You are free to collect them all in one run or across several and the only way they will become missable is if you progress to far through the biome.

Downsize Surprise has a unique ability where you can shrink down to the size of a Mouse which allows you to get into places you usually wouldn’t be able to including in drainage grates, through into Spider’s nests and even sneaking under blankets to wake sleeping Bots. Bots are freed by hitting them so don’t be worried about hurting a Bot, give them a gentle slap or a charged punch, whichever you prefer in order to collect each one. As with the rest of the main stages throughout Astro Bot there are several unnamed and a handful of named Bots for you to locate with them being acquirable in the following locations:

Bot 1

Go behind the large green bulb to the right of the cow where you will be able to find this Bot riding a small Deer around the field. Give it a quick kick to collect the Bot and let the Deer have a rest.

Bot 2, Brave Biker

Go behind the large green bulb and over to the far side where you will see a mud trail leading to the Bot who is hiding on top of a mushroom. Go onto the mud and keep an eye on the ground where the Mole is tunnelling.

You need to stay on the mud as long as you can then, when the Mole stops, move out of the way, it will then jump out and you can pull the wires defeating it and removing the threat allowing you to safely jump onto the mushroom and collect the Brave Biker.

Bot 3

Once you have the vacuum and you are outside on the bridge jump on the green platform then look over to your right to see a platform with a Pink Slime on it. You need to jump then boost as far as you can towards the platform then produce a platform by tapping R2.

Do this once more where you can then defeat the Pink Slime having safely landed on the platform. Suck up the goo then jump high into the air and place a platform.

You can then jump up in the air again and place another platform at the peak of the jump allowing you to finally get into the birds nest where the Bot can be found hiding in an egg. Hit the egg to free then collect the Bot.

Bot 4

Enter the cavern where you are taught how to place a platform on top of a gas vent which lifts you up. Deal with all of the enemies in the local area then go to the exit of the cavern on the upper level. Stop and turn around to see a platform on the other side of the cavern.

There will be a Slimy Urn enemy on the other side who will Frisbee its lid at you so be careful as you jump across using platforms you can create to clear the gap. Then suck the goo from the smashed urn to remove the threat.

Go to the right side of the platform (with the exit at your back) then double jump creating a platform at the peak of the jump then do this again where you can jump over the highest ledge in the cavern.

Jump up and pull the wires hanging out the bottom of the hive and pull down where you can free a ton of acorns as well as the Bot who you can now give a quick slap to collect.

Bot 5

This can be a very tricky Bot to collect so we’ll go through it step by step. Once you are out of the cavern and on the wooden walkway, deal with Bird enemies and the goo pot who you can suck up to defeat permanently.

From here, jump across to the platform with the electrified Caterpillar, stop in the centre and charge up a punch (hold Square), wait for the electrical charge to finish then spin punch the hats from the body of the Caterpillar to defeat it then fill your tank with the goo that spawns in the centre of the platform.

Jump across the chasm to the platform with the vent, quickly jump in the air and place your own grass platform where the vent will then lift you into the air and defeat the Pink Slime to your right.

Ensure you have a platform on the vent then look to your far left to see a platform off in the distance. You need to double jump and rocket boost your way as close to the platform as you can then create another platform you can land on.

Do this once more squeezing out every bit of distance you can from the jump and rocket boots before making another platform to keep you safe from the fall you would otherwise take.

Finally, do one last long jump and boost to the platform you can land on then hit the Bot who is amongst the small Caterpillars hiding in a leaf you can now safely rescue. Fortunately, there will be a yellow jump pad which spawns allowing you to get back on track safely.

Bot 6, Spirit Guide

Continue up through the level to where the Caterpillar with the red heart eyes will burst through the cliff wall. Wait for it to go back into its burrow then vacuum up enough goo to fill your tank.

Go left and jump far off the edge using your rocket boots to get even more distance then create a platform you can land on, jump over to the left blue mushroom ensuring you avoid the Frisbee throwing goo put who you need to defeat.

You can then pull the wires which stick out of the cliff to reveal a circuit wall you need to run Astro’s hand along until the vibration on your controller changes then push that section of the circuit board to remove the wall.

This will then reveal a cave where the Spirit Guide can be found sitting on the ledge. Ensure you collect it then double jump back to the right to get back on the main path.

Bot 7

Jump up and over the spiked platforms when they are flipped over to the wooden walkway. Defeat the enemies including the 2 honey goo pots who will Frisbee their lid at you. Suck up their goo then look to the cliff to see a large zip.

Double jump up and place a platform twice which then allows you to get up to the top of the zip you can pull down to reveal a secret passage.

Do a large double jump left then use your rocket boosts before making a honey bubble you can then use to double jump across the rest of the gap avoiding the spikes on the floor.

You will then find the Bot having a hot honey bath at the back of the platform. Give it a quick kick to add the Bot to your collection where you can then get safely back to the main path as the spikes will have disappeared.

That’s all of the Astro Bot Tentacle System Trunk of Funk Bot locations, how did you get on finding them all?.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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