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Astro's Playroom Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Astros Playroom Trophy Guide which is a game that is available on every PS5 system, be it disc or digital and is a wonderful love letter to the history of PlayStation.

  • Platforms: PlayStation 5.
  • Trophies: 46: Platinum: 1, Gold: 5, Silver: 13, Bronze: 27.
  • Release Date: 12-Nov-2020.
  • Missable Trophies: None: Every level can be replayed as often as require.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: None.
  • Difficulty Rating: 2/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 20 Hours.

The game itself is a platformer that encapsulates everything PlayStation. You will have a good amount of collectibles to grab as you make your way through the 4 main worlds as well as the plaza. Then, if you want to feel really nostalgic, head over to PlayStation Labo which is an in-game museum dedicated to everything PlayStation.

Astro's Playroom You've Only Done Everything trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

You’ve Only Done Everything
Found all trophies in ASTRO’s PLAYROOM. See you in our next adventure!

Astro's Playroom Do It trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Do it!
Cleared Memory Meadow.

Complete Gusty Gateway, Fastlane Fields, Electrocloud and Bumper Broadway to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Emotion Engine trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Emotion Engine!
Cleared SSD Speedway.

Complete Turbo Trail, Caching Caves, Deep Dataspace and Orbital Obstacles to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom HD Graphics trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

HD graphics!
Cleared Cooling Springs.

Complete Bot Beach, Springy Spa, Frigid Floes and Hotel Hopalot to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Greatness Awaits trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Greatness Awaits!
Cleared GPU Jungle.

Complete Renderforest, Teraflop Treetops, Raytrace Ruins and Mt. Motherboard to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom In Mint Condition trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

In Mint Condition
Got your first artefact!

There are 46 artefacts to collect throughout the game, collect your first artefact to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Such A Big Fan trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Such a Big Fan!
Got all artefacts in Cooling Springs.

See Dude Raider! for more information.

Astro's Playroom Charted trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Got all artefacts in GPU Jungle.

See Dude Raider! for more information.

Astro's Playroom Welcome To The Third Place trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Welcome to the Third Place
Got all artefacts in SSD Speedway.

See Dude Raider! for more information.

Astro's Playroom And Conquered Worlds trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

… And Conquered Worlds
Got all artefacts in Memory Meadow.

See Dude Raider! for more information.

Dude Raider Dude Raider Trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Dude Raider!
Collected all artefacts in the 4 main stages and the PS Labo. Wow!

Click the link to go to the complete Dude Raider! Trophy Guide.

Astro's Playroom One Down Lots More To Go trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

One Down, Lots More to Go!
Got your first puzzle piece.

There are 96 puzzle pieces to collect through Astro’s Playroom, collect your first piece to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Cool Hoarder trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Cool Hoarder
Got all puzzle pieces in Cooling Springs.

See A Grand Tour! for more information.

Astro's Playroom The Found Legacy trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

The Found Legacy
Got all puzzle pieces in GPU Jungle.

See A Grand Tour! for more information.

Astro's Playroom Omega Booster trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Omega Booster!
Got all puzzle pieces in SSD Speedway.

See A Grand Tour! for more information.

Astro's Playroom Ico-Nic trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Got all puzzle pieces in Memory Meadow.

See A Grand Tour! for more information.

Astro's Playroom A Grand Tour trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

A Grand Tour!
Got all puzzle pieces in the game. Way to go!

Click the link to go to the complete A Grand Tour! Trophy Guide.

Astro's Playroom Gatcha Beginner trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Gatcha Beginner
Got your first Gatcha prize.

See Saru Gatcha! for more information.

Astro's Playroom For The Players trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

For the Players!
Got a secret gatcha.

See Saru Gatcha! for more information.

Astro's Playroom Gatcha Maniac trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Gatcha Maniac
Got half the gatcha prizes.

See Saru Gatcha! for more information.

Astro's Playroom Saru Gatcha trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Saru Gatcha!
Got all gatcha prizes.

You will need a good amount of coins in order to unlock everything at the Gatcha Machine. There will be 10 artefacts (see Dude Raider! for information on this) and 28 Puzzle Pieces (see A Grand Tour! for more information) including a host of other items ranging from PlayStation Trophies to PlayStation ornaments and so much more besides. The biggest hurdle you will have is collecting enough coins, fortunately, they can be farmed fairly easily by hitting the bots holding the boxes in front of the Gatcha Machine. Every time you pull the handle it will cost you 100 coins, fortunately, there doesn’t appear to be any duplicate items so keep playing until your Trophy unlocks.

Astro's Playroom Project Neo trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Project Neo
Sent 10 bots flying with a single spin attack.

See The Last Guy for more information.

Astro's Playroom The Last Guy trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Last Guy
Walked around with at least 20 bots following you in CPU Plaza.

Complete all 4 main areas in the game, Cooling Springs, GPU Jungle, Memory Meadow and SSD Speedway then go to CPU Plaza where there will be a lot of playroom bots in the area. To make a bot follow you, walk up to it and punch it where it will then chase you, keep on the move punching as many bots as you can. Once you have at least 15 bots following you, hold Square to charge a spinning attack then release it aiming for as many bots as you can. Hit at least 10 bots to unlock Project NeoKeep punching bots until you have 20 bots following you where your Trophy will unlock

Astro's Playroom This Way Up trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

This Way Up
Punched the PS Logo on the PS2 in PlayStation Labo.

You will firstly need to have unlocked the PlayStation 2 artefact which is found by completing the Orbital Obstacle level in the SSD Speedway area then head over to PlayStation Labo. The PS2 is near the back of the room, go up the ladder at the back of the console then fall off, punching the PS Logo on the disc drawer on your way down to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom You Got A Trophy trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

You Got a Trophy!
Picked up a trophy in PlayStation Labo.

You can receive any of the 4 PlayStation trophies (Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze) as random rewards from the Gatcha Machine. Once you have received at least one Trophy, head down to the right of the Gathca Machine where any of the 4 Trophies (as long as you have acquired them) will be on a table. Walk up to one of them and press Square to pick up a Trophy, unlocking your actual Trophy in the process.

Astro's Playroom I Recognise You trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

I Recognise You…
Punched and looked into the lens of PS VR in PlayStation Labo.

Ensure you have collected the PS VR Headset artefact which is found in the Mt. Motherboard level in GPU Jungle. Make your way through the level until you have jumped right across the 2 triggers then use the bounce pad to jump up to a ledge that will have one green bot and one red bot, go direct right from here around a wooden platform. Pull the wires to receive the PS VR Processor Unit artefact. Once you have the Headset, go to PlayStation Labo then to the lower right of the centre plinth will be the headset. Punch the front of the headset then go inside of it and look through the lenses where you will unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom The Very Far Point trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Very Far Point…
Stood on the tip of the Aim Controller in PlayStation Labo.

First up, you will need to have collected the following artefacts:

  • PlayStation 2:
    Found in the Orbital Obstacle area in SSD Speedway by completing the level.
  • PS Move Sharp Shooter:
    This artefact is found in the Springy Spa level in the Cooling Springs area. Make your way through the area until you smash through the 2 diagonal glass panels, charge your jump aiming left to go through a glass window, in this new room is a box with a Diamond on it, jump in the box to unlock the artefact.
  • PS Move Shooting Attachment:
    You can get this artefact in the Springy Spa level in the Cooling Springs area. Go through the level to where the yellow platforms are then jump up to the right smashing a platform from underneath to receive the artefact.
  • PS VR Aim Controller:
    Found in the Mt. Motherboard level in the GPU Jungle. Carry on through the level pass the area where the Black discs fall from in front of you as you are traversing across the gripsFrom here, use the bars to go up then use the bar to the right to jump up and head down into a new section.
    Climb up the rock climbing wall taking care around the Caterpillars, at the top of the wall, use the bar to jump up to grab the artefact.

Once you have all 4 artefacts required, climb up the back of the PlayStation 2 using the ladder in PlayStation Labo then jump boost across all 3 guns standing on the light of the PS VR Aim Controller to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Honey I'm Home trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Honey, I’m Home!
Walked under the PlayStation Home icon in PlayStation Labo.

You will need to unlock the PS Home icon from the Gatcha Machine, this is random, so keep playing until you receive it. Just to the right of the Gatcha Machine will be the PlayStation Home icon. Walk through it to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Disc Swap trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Disc Swap!
Opened the lid of the PlayStation console in PlayStation Labo.

Head to the PlayStation Labo area after acquiring the PlayStation artefact from the Bumper Broadway level in Memory Meadow (complete the level). Go to the PlayStation console and jump boost on the Open button (the button on the right) to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Keepy Uppies trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Keepy Uppies
Juggled a ball 5 times with the Frog Suit.

Go through the Hotel Hopalot level in the Cooling Springs area until you get to the sand section, above which is a glass box that has a few beach balls inside. Charge jump up to release the balls then quickly and carefully hit a ball 5 times without it hitting the ground, aim for the centre of the ball and do tiny jumps to keep the ball in the air without sending it off the screen with a powerful jump. Perform 5 keepy uppies with a beach ball to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Hell Diver trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Hell Diver
Dived into the water from the diving board.

From the start of Springy Spa which is found in Cooling Springs, head over to the right making your way up to the highest diving board then jump off into the water to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Jumping Splash trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Jumping Splash!
Jumped in the fountain near the final goal in Cooling Springs.

At the very top of Hotel Hopalot in Cooling Springs will be a swimming pool with several jets of water coming out on either side. Jump onto any of these water jets to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Twisting Metal trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Twisting Metal
Jumped 3 times during a spin attack on ice.

This is easily done in the Frigid Floes level in Cooling Springs. Once you have slid down into the level, go forward onto the ice bridge then stand still. Hold down Square to charge up a spinning attack then gently jump 3 times before you stop spinning, you should have enough time during the spin to jump 4 / 5 times so you have some wiggle room if you jump to high. Jump 3 times during a spin attack on ice to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Jason trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Sheltered from the heavy rain in Memory Meadow.

Go through the Gusty Gateway level in Memory Meadow until it starts to rain. When it does, run to the back of the grassy area to find a small shelter. Stand underneath this shelter until your Trophy unlocks.

Astro's Playroom Pain trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Got hit by flying rubbish in Memory Meadow.

In the Gusty Gateway level which is found in Memory Meadow, go through the level to find a large cloud on the right of the screen. Stand in front of the cloud until a piece of rubbish hits you, unlocking your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Wipeout trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Got a strike in Memory Meadow.

In the Fastlane Fields level in Memory Meadow head down the path staying to the right to find a small bowling alley. Line yourself up to the centre pin then go through at speed to knock every skittle down, earning you a strike, unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Astro's Playroom Ready For The Proving trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Ready for the Proving
Deflected a Spitter’s attack with an arrow.

Head through the Raytrace Ruins level in GPU Jungle until you cross the windy tightrope cable. From here, head down the left path and hit the chest to receive the bow and arrow. Shoot the 4 dynamite bots to lower the bridge then head forward slowly where green spitter bots will spawn. These bots will spit green blobs at you, act quickly and fire an arrow hitting one of the blobs before it hits you to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Little Rolling Star trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Little Rolling Star…
Made a huge snowball.

At the very top of the Mt. Motherboard level in GPU Jungle, just in the middle of the area before the slope is a small snowball. Push this snowball around the level, an easy way to do this is to push the snowball up the hill then let it roll down. Repeat this process until your Trophy unlocks.

Astro's Playroom No No No Nooooooo trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

No No No Noooooo!
Fell 30 meters and caught yourself in the monkey suit in GPU Jungle.

Head to the Teraflop Treetop level in GPU Jungle. Go up the second set of green bars to the top one, then release the triggers after swinging up which will cause you to fall down. Wait until just before you get back to the first green bar then hold down both triggers to grab the bar where your Trophy will unlock.

Astro's Playroom Adequate Boy trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Adequate, Boy…
Hit all rabbits with arrows at the mountain peak of GPU Jungle.

At the top of the Mt. Motherboard level in GPU Jungle, head over to the left to find a small ice wall. Pull the wires to receive a bow, use the bow to hit the 3 rabbits on the ground, 3 rabbits on the right rock cluster and then the final 2 rabbits on the left rock cluster to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Wild Arms trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Wild Arms
Performed a spin while shooting the machine gun.

Go to the Deep Dataspace area in the SSD Speedway world and play through until you acquire the Machine Gun. In order to spin you need to hold Square to charge an attack then release Square immediately pressing R2 to fire the Machine Gun which will unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom It's All In The Mind trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

It’s All in the Mind
Beat 3 enemies quickly by punching them.

You’ll get this easily enough as you play through the game, hit 3 enemies quickly to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Super Computer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Super Computer
Revealed former logo in PlayStation Labo.

You will firstly need to acquire the SIE Logo from the Gatcha Machine (see Saru Gatcha! for information on this) then go over to it in PlayStation Labo. Charge an attack by holding Square, revealing the old PlayStation logo, unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Astros Playroom [Add-On] Trophy Guide

Astro's Playroom Play Has No Limits trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Play Has No Limits!
Cleared the game and got the New Generation artefacts.

You will be able to acquire the New Generation artefacts after clearing the main games’ 4 main worlds (Cooling Springs, GPU Jungle, SSD Speedway and Memory meadow). Once you have done so, head over to the CPU Plaza where you can play another level, beat this one where the credits roll. After the credits have finished, you will have one more level to complete to receive the DUALSENSE Wireless Controller, HD Camera, PULSE 3D Headset and the PS5. You can collect the 3 accessories through the level as you go as they’re in plain sight then you will receive the PS5 after pulling the large blue cord to complete the level. Collect all 4 new generation artefacts to unlock your Trophy.

Astro's Playroom Run Astro Run trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Run Astro Run!
Got a total Speed Run time of 7 minutes or under.

You have 7 minutes to complete the 8 Speed Run levels which, given the short length of the levels and the fact you can replay them as often as you need to should be doable, especially considering you will need to complete the 4 main worlds (Cooling Springs, GPU Jungle, SSD Speedway and Memory Meadow) before you can access all 8 speed run levels. The levels are accessed in the CPU Plaza once you have unlocked them and are as follows:

  1. Climbing Run:
    Climb and swing your way up the cliff face taking care around the grips that fall away then ride the track to the finish.
  2. Frozen Run:
    Slip and slide your way across ice platforms punching the ice clusters out of your path taking care not to fall in the water.
  3. Hopping Run:
    A nice easy right to left jumping level that you can use to get your total time down.
  4. Jetpack Run:
    Pilot your rocket ship up through the level using the jets to give you a speed boost being careful of the bot turrets as you go.
  5. Mountain Run:
    Run across platforms that fall away and mantle up the various ledges and platforms, taking care not to get hit by the bots that are fired towards you.
  6. Rolling Run:
    Stay on the black road as you make your way through the first section then be careful on the ice and the winding paths. Don’t hit the bumper bots then it’s a straight line to the finish.
  7. Space Run:
    Sprint across flipping ledges and light fuses to blow the rocks out of your way.
  8. Stormy Run:
    Make your way across electrified platforms, and pass the electrical charges. Take care to jump around the blocks trying to squash you.

You should aim to get every level done in less than 50 seconds which will easily allow you to get all speed run levels done in less than 7 minutes. Once you have successfully completed all 8 speed run levels in 7 minutes or less, your Trophy will unlock.

Astro's Playroom Gravity Daze trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Gravity Daze!
Made the CPU Chip punch the glass sphere, sending at least 10 Bots flying.

You will be able to unlock this in CPU Plaza, first, make sure you have completed the main game where you will then have a lot more playroom bots appear in the Plaza itself. Go around the Plaza punching the bots where they will then follow you. Head up to the top floor and stand on the large glass dome. Look down and punch the glass when you have a good amount of bots around you (at least 10). The chip will then go red eyed and come up to hit the glass. As long as you have at least 10 bots around you, standing on the glass dome, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Astro’s Playroom Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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