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Black Myth Wukong Black Wind Mountain Spirits

Here we will go over all of the Black Myth Wukong Black Wind Mountain Spirits of which there are 4 spread through the first Chapter in the game, 3 are found from bosses and one is locked in an enemy you is off the beaten track waiting to ambush you. Spirits are designed to give you 1 or more passive buffs or boosts to your abilities as well as having a given use case which is more often than not combat based to inflict specific, enemy based damage on your opponent(s).

Once an enemy has been defeated you need to go up to the hovering Spirt and press R2 where your Gourd will absorb the Spirit allowing you to use it. If you are killed before you can retrieve a Spirit or just don’t collect it then a new menu will appear at Shrine for Uncollected Spirits. The 4 Spirits you can find in Black Wind Mountain, their locations, abilities, buffs and the order I recommend going for them are:

  1. Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang.
  2. Guangmou.
  3. Wandering Wight.
  4. Wolf Assassin.


Location: Black Wind Mountain, Bamboo Grove, Snake Trail.
Ability: Tongue Whip. Qi Cost: High. Passive Effect: Moderately redcues the Stamina cost for Jumps and Jump Attacks.
Take the form of Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang. Stick out your tongue to lash at foes from afar. Though soft, a tongue can still inflict great damage.
Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang can be found by dropping off the slope into the stream after you fight the first 3 Snake Skeleton enemies in the small clearing, go through to the marshes and defeat this over-grown Frog.


Location: Black Wind Mountain, Bamboo Grove, Snake Trail.
Ability: Veiled Vipers. Qi Cost: High. Passive Effect: Moderately increases Poison Damage and Poison Resistance.
Take the form of Guangmou. Call forth snakes to spit venom upon foes and inflict Poison Damage. The snakes will slither away once their venom is depleted.
Guangmou is a story boss you need to defeat to be able to access the White Marshes.

Wandering Wight

Location: Black Wind Mountain, Forest of Wolves, Outside the Forest.
Ability: Faithful Kowtow. Qi Cost: High. Passive Effect: Considerably increases Defence.
Take the form of Wandering Wight. Bow with utmost devotion and ram the foe with your bronze skull, dealing massive Damage.
You will initially come across the Wandering Wight very early in the game, however, it will more than likely be to much of a challenge initially so go off and take out, Baw-Li-Guhh Lang, Guangmou and Guanzhi first then come back and take on and defeat the Wandering Wight.

Wolf Assassin

Location: Black Wind Mountain, Black Wind Cave, Cave Interior.
Ability: Soul Reaper. Qi Cost: Moderate. Passive Effect: Slightly increases Critical Hit Chance.
Take the form of Wolf Assassin. Throw out knives that claim lives from a distance.
Go through the Mountain pass after taking out the Black Wind King boss, cross the bridge taking out the Archers then look left to see a chest in a clearing. Drop down then turn around immediately where you can block the attack from the Wolf Assassin who, once defeated will drop the Spirit.

That’s all of the Black Myth Wukong Black Wind Mountain Spirit locations, which one is your favourite and, like me, have you changed from having the Wandering Wight equipped since you got it?. That defence boost is incredible.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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