Black Myth Wukong Captain Lotus-Vision Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Soulslike.
Black Myth Wukong directory.
Here is the Black Myth Wukong Captain Lotus-Vision boss guide which will help you find and bring down a secret boss who is in the depths of a prison and one who controls access to the cells with the toughest enemies in the prison.
Location: The New West, Pagoda Realm, Upper Pagoda.
Rewards: x1,847 XP, x1,195 Will, x2 Yaoguai Core, x2 Refined Iron Sand, Mind Core, Frostsprout Twig Curios, The Spirit of Captain Lotus-Vision.
The Captain Lotus-Vision boss is a challenging magic based boss who favours fast, multiple hitting spells which can come at you thick and fast so it may be beneficial to increase your defence with items like the Agate Jar Curios and having the Wandering Wight Spell equipped to increase your chances of surviving the onslaughts as well as ensuring you manage your stamina throughout the fight so you can be ready to dodge with more defensive players getting the upper hand rather going for al out aggression as trying to stand toe to toe with this boss will see you back at the shrine very quickly.
To find Captain Lotus-Vision, go to the Upper Pagoda shrine, wait for the enraged state to end which will take roughly 90 seconds, you then have around 3 minutes to drop down the hole opposite the shrine carefully platforming your way down to the rooftop then the arena below as during an enraged state your health will be halved meaning you more than likely won’t survive a single combo if you get caught in one.
Do your best to avoid the seemingly never ending stream of attacks watching for their trajectory then dodging accordingly before getting a few attacks in which usually causes the Captain to teleport to another part of the arena leaving you a fair amount of ground to cover to get back on the offensive. Cloud Step is a very useful Spell in this fight as it not only gives the boss a decoy to attack it increases your movement speed then performs a powerful ranged kick which can open up the opportunity for powerful follow up attacks.
When Lotus-Vision gets to around 50% health it will summon a large glyph which will then periodically shoot lasers towards you whilst also producing a steady, tracking laser that can be hard to avoid. If you use pillar stance to avoid the laser the side lasers will easily get you so stay as agile as you can and don’t attack until the series of attacks has ended, you’ll get the timing figured out when you fight the boss. Just ensure you keep your health up as to finish the attack the boss will create a movable laser grid in 4 points which cover a large amount of the arena, jump over the nodes and stand behind them to avoid the majority of the danger.
The lower the Captain’s health bar gets the more desperate it becomes and will increase the frequency, range and power of the attacks so try to manage your resources well in the first half of the fight then unleash your best attacks, Spirits and abilities towards the end to hopefully finish this guy off. The diagonal laser lines are a very easy way to find yourself back at the shrine and considering the amount of them this may well be the attack which takes most players down if they are low on Gourd, have no transformation or Cloud Step Spells left to use. Keep on the offensive whenever possible and continue your assault until you manage to bring Captain Lotus-Vision down which will not only award you am unusable Spirit for the Third Prince quest it will also remove the purple seals from the cells throughout the entire prison.
That’s the Black Myth Wukong Captain Lotus-Vision boss guide complete, how did you get on against this essential optional boss?.