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Black Myth Wukong Chen Loong Quest

0Here we will go over how to complete the Black Myth Wukong Chen Loong quest which can be started and completed in the Bitter Lake during the, The New West Chapter and is a short albeit important quest to work through as it grants you access to the incredibly useful Zodiac Village where you can find all of the deities as well as upgrade your armour. There’s even a secret boss you can take down if you’re powerful enough. To begin the Chen Loong quest you need to defeat the Chen Loong boss who is found on the West side of the North Shore of the Bitter Lake waiting for you in the waves as they break against the shore.

With Chen Loong defeated, speak to him where he will ask for a Resurrection Pill one of which can be acquired by speaking with Xu Dog in the Yellow Wind Ridge, Crouching Tiger Temple, Cellar biome, choose the “Talk” option to receive the Pill you can take back to Chen Loong.

Upon receiving the gift, Chen Loong will grant you access to the Ruyi Scroll which takes you to the Zodiac Village concluding Chen Loong’s quest.

Thar’s a look at how to complete the Black Myth Wukong Chen Loong quest, how did you get on in the Zodiac Village?.




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